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The situation is serious! Shenzhen Police Releases Important Reminders

Source: Shenzhen Anti Telecom Network Fraud Center Time: 2024-05-23

Shenzhen Anti Telecom Network Fraud Center

"Hello, I'm XX Airlines/Insurance Company

I'm sorry to inform you that... "

"Mechanical failure" "Flight delay"

"Refund or change the ticket" "Change the ticket to settle the claim"


Urgent notice! The situation is serious


If you receive such a call

Be alert!

Reminder of Shenzhen Anti Telecom Network Fraud Center

I mentioned it on the phone to cheat you!

According to Shenzhen Anti Telecom Network Fraud Center

May 19th

Some people who have booked tickets and haven't left yet

Suddenly, I received a call from "airline/insurance company customer service"

Many people still

The first time I received such a call

All of a sudden

The "service" of "enthusiasm, initiative, thoughtfulness and patience" was confused

As a result, he was cheated

Why on earth?

Let's take a look at specific examples


   Case 1

At about 21:00 on May 19, Fan, the victim, reported to the police that he had just received a call from the airline company at the hotel where he was staying. He wanted to change his flight for tomorrow's flight because of mechanical failure. Because it was the airline's fault, he had to refund Fan 300 yuan. As a result, Fan was defrauded of 49996 yuan by following the instructions.

Case 2

At about 16:00 on May 19, the victim, Zheng Mou (female, 41 years old), said that: at about 15:00 on May 19, she received a phone call from her home (beginning at 170) claiming to be a staff member of Shenzhen Airlines, saying that the flight she took had a fault and needed to be rescheduled. There was a 300 yuan delay insurance claim, and she logged on the airline's website (2987213. com) to fill in and claim it herself. Zheng went to an official website named "CAAC" (fake) through the link to check the situation, then logged on the APP of Agricultural Bank of China, scanned the QR code displayed by the other party, and according to the other party's operating instructions, transferred a total of 14999 yuan, and found that he was cheated.

Case 3

On May 19, the victim, Ms. Ru, received a phone call saying that the flight had been temporarily cancelled due to mechanical failure of the aircraft landing gear, and she could choose to refund or change her ticket. For example, the woman was transferred more than 800000 yuan and found cheated after following the instructions of the other party.

   Case 4

At about 18:00 on May 19, Xu, the victim, reported to the police that at about 16:00 on May 19, he took a nap in his hotel room and suddenly received a call from a self proclaimed airline company. The staff said that tomorrow's flight could not take off because of a plane fault, so they would help him change his flight, and said that they called his wife, who told the airline company to ask him to confirm. He believed that all the information was right, and the other side asked him to connect with the manual customer service.

Because Xu didn't change his signature and didn't know the process, another staff member contacted him later. He started to open an enterprise account in Alipay. The other party asked him to use WeChat because he couldn't open it, but WeChat still couldn't open it.

Xu was bored and said not to lose money. Later, the staff told him that it would be better to verify his bank card, and asked him to transfer the money between different banks. He thought it would be OK to transfer money on his bank card. Later, the other party told him a lot and asked him to verify his identity many times. He hated the trouble, and the other party said that he would not change his signature if he did not continue the operation. Later, he found that there was less money in the account of the Agricultural Bank of China, and he lost a total of 99924 yuan.

Case 5

At about 11:00 on May 19, Jiang Moumou, the police officer, said that he was a lawyer. When he was on business, he often received fraud calls about flight cancellation, and his assistant also received such calls. At present, he has no property losses. Hopes to report to the superior department to find out why personal ticket information is leaked from the source.

Analysis of crime tactics

   Fake as customer service to gain trust

The fraudster first obtains the flight information including the victim's name, ID card number, boarding time, flight number, etc. through illegal channels.

One day or more before the victim boarded the plane, he pretended to be an airline, booking website, travel agency and other staff, contacted the victim by calling or sending information, and cheated the victim into trust by providing accurate flight information.

   Put forward claims and set traps

The fraudster will take the initiative to propose "refund" or "claim" for "flight delay", "ticket change" and other reasons. Subsequently, the fraudster will use the guise of "verifying" account information, ticket purchase records, etc. to induce the victim to download video conference APP, provide bank card number or accept "screen sharing", thereby leading the victim step by step into the preset trap.

Police remind:

1. When traveling, you must book tickets through official channels. Other unofficial channels may cause personal flight information disclosure, or even phishing websites, which will directly cause economic losses.

2. When receiving SMS and phone calls similar to flight cancellation, flight change, ticket return/change, etc., it should be verified through multiple channels such as the airline customer service telephone, official website, etc. Do not trust unfamiliar numbers, click on SMS links, or fill in personal information at will.

3. It is not necessary to pay other fees before refunding tickets on the formal platform. Refunds are generally returned to the original payment channel. Please be vigilant in case of any request for fees, transfer of money, etc. The verification code and password shall be kept carefully and shall not be disclosed to others.

Finally, let me remind you again

Receive a message with an unfamiliar link

Don't click randomly

Don't disclose personal information easily

Information such as bank card and verification code

Money transfer involved

We must think more and check carefully

Turn to expand and remind people around

Shine your eyes and be alert!

Editor in charge: Zhou Wenjing