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The Ministry of Education warns against four types of job hunting traps

Source: WeChat official account of "Weiyan Education" Time: 2024-05-22

Whispering education

At present, less than two months before graduates leave school, it is the critical period for college graduates to find jobs. Some lawbreakers are digging "holes" under the guise of recruitment, cheating money, stealing information, inducing crime and other phenomena occur from time to time, seriously damaging graduates' employment rights and interests. In order to protect their own security and legitimate rights and interests, college graduates must enhance their three awareness and strictly prevent four types of traps in the process of job hunting.

Build a strong defense line and enhance the three senses

   First, we should enhance the awareness of risk prevention.

Actively participate in the employment guidance and safety education activities organized by the school and relevant departments, enhance the awareness and ability to identify employment "traps" and illegal behaviors, do not take the so-called "job search shortcuts", and guard against potential "high salary fraud".

Second, we should enhance the awareness of information security.

Obtain employment information through the national college student employment service platform, college employment website and other relevant national departments, local and college campus recruitment and other formal channels, screen through multiple channels, and do not blindly trust; Do not open the links of strange websites at will, and be cautious about asking for sensitive information and withholding the original certificate.

   Third, we should strengthen the awareness of safeguarding rights according to law.

Take the initiative to learn the legal knowledge related to job hunting and employment, and learn to use the law to protect their own rights and interests. If the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant are infringed during the job search, the applicant shall actively collect and retain relevant evidence, seek help from the school and relevant departments in a timely manner, or report to the public security organ.

   Be vigilant to prevent four types of traps

First, we must strictly guard against the trap of illegal job intermediaries.

Some "black intermediaries" who do not have relevant qualifications or falsely use or forge relevant qualifications often issue false recruitment information under the guise of job introduction, and use various means to cheat money with the bait of "easy to get high salary", "quick promotion and salary increase", etc.

Precautionary tips: When college graduates apply for jobs through intermediary service agencies, they should choose a service agency that is honest, reliable, and standardized in operation. They should not trust verbal promises. They must sign a formal service agreement on the basis of confirming the relevant content. Once encountering "black intermediaries", they should timely complain and report, and refuse to pay relevant fees.

   Second, we must strictly guard against the trap of recruitment fees.

Illegal elements often collect various fees in the name of recruitment to seek illegal benefits. Some charges in the name of deposit, security deposit, card handling fee, clothing fee, material fee, etc., and then force applicants to give up their job search or leave their posts automatically with various harsh requirements. The fees paid will not be returned for various reasons. Some claim to have the right of recommendation within well-known companies, and cheat money under the guise of charging fees to recommend high-quality jobs. Some colluded with non-performing online loan platforms and set up new recruitment traps such as training loan, car purchase loan and beauty loan by taking advantage of the characteristics of graduates' eagerness to enter the workplace and seek jobs. Some recruit students in disguised form under the name of recruitment, and require to pay for induction or certification training. Once they charge fees, they refuse to fulfill their commitments for various reasons, or even directly "run away with money".

Precautionary tips: Article 9 of the Labor Contract Law stipulates: "When an employer recruits workers, it shall not detain their resident identity cards and other documents, nor require them to provide guarantees or collect property from them in other names." If an employer requests to rent or purchase various working equipment or pay money for various reasons during the recruitment process If the loan can only be used to arrange jobs, it should be rejected decisively to avoid being cheated. For the requirements of paid training for employment, employment package, etc., we must be alert to the trap of "selling dog meat with sheep's head", to avoid being cheated of money and wasting time and energy. If you pay fees, you must issue a formal invoice and affix the official seal of the unit to reserve evidence for the protection of rights and interests in possible disputes.

Third, we must strictly prevent recruitment fraud traps.

Illegal persons often induce job seekers to engage in and participate in illegal acts by publishing false recruitment information. Some published fabricated recruitment information on various online platforms to induce job seekers to gradually expose their personal information, download order swiping apps, and defraud job seekers of money with words such as "high salary urgent employment" and "unlimited education background". Some use "work study", "part-time recruitment" and "high returns" as bait to attract job seekers to fall into the trap of pyramid schemes. Some require female job seekers to engage in heterosexual services in the name of recruiting "administrative secretaries" and "life assistants", or under the guise of recruiting new jobs such as network anchors. Some, in the name of recruitment, embezzle personal information such as the applicant's bank card, mobile phone card or payment account for fraud, money laundering and other illegal activities.

Precautionary tips: college graduates should sharpen their "eyes" to identify fraud, master the "tricks" to prevent traps, and be vigilant when encountering recruitment information that "sounds beautiful" such as "living less, making more money", "easy money", "lying flat and making money", and "good things" such as "pie in the sky". They must investigate more, ask more, and be prepared to avoid "stepping on the thunder" and "falling into the pit".

Fourth, we must strictly guard against "dirty" contract traps.

In the process of signing the contract, individual employers infringed upon the legitimate rights and interests of graduates in order to reduce employment costs and avoid employment responsibilities. Some only signed the Employment Agreement, or agreed on work related matters in oral form such as conversation and telephone, without signing a written labor contract. Some contracts are simple in content, lacking specific contents such as job position, work place, salary, working conditions and contract duration. Some prepared two "Yin Yang contracts" with different salaries at the same time on the ground of underpayment of taxes. Some include "overlord clause", which requires not to get married within a few years, unconditionally obey overtime work, leave during the probation period without settling wages, etc. After graduates come to work, especially when there are some disputes, they may be defaulted or refused to pay by the employing unit on the ground that there is no written labor contract or they violate the relevant terms of the contract.

Precautionary tips: The Labor Contract Law clearly stipulates that written labor contracts shall be concluded when establishing labor relations. Before signing a labor contract, college graduates should consult with the employer carefully and not sign it hastily. When signing the contract, you must carefully read it to verify whether it has the necessary provisions specified in the Labor Contract Law (basic information of the employer, contract term, work content and location, working hours and rest and vacation, labor remuneration, social insurance, labor conditions, etc.), and be highly alert to the unfounded and obviously unreasonable provisions to prevent falling into the trap, It is difficult to safeguard rights. In case of failure to sign a contract or an agreement for any reason, in case of any dispute, seek the help of relevant departments in a timely manner and properly solve it through formal channels.

Editor in charge: Zhou Wenjing