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Red koji health care products can help reduce blood lipids, and can be taken for a long time? In April 2024, the "science" rumor list was released

Source: WeChat official account of "Beijing Online Report" Time: 2024-04-29

Beijing Online Reporting

Is Yang Xu the culprit of "pollinosis"? Red koji health care products can help reduce blood lipids, and can be taken for a long time? In April 2024, the "science" rumor list was released.

The monthly "science" rumor list was jointly released by the Beijing Association of Science and Technology, the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China Cyberspace Office, the Capital Internet Association, the Beijing Association of Science and Technology Journalists and Editors, the Science Journalists and Editors Professional Committee of the China Association of Popular Science Writers, the Science Editors and Journalists Association of China Evening News, the Shanghai Association of Science and Technology Communication Support from the Institute of Science and Technology Information, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology.

1. Crop seeds can increase production and income through "quantum empowerment"

Rumor: After "quantum empowerment", crop seeds will not only grow fast and grow well, but also significantly improve their taste and taste.

   truth Quantum is the smallest unit of mass, energy, volume and other physical quantities. Although quantum has many special properties, the conditions for these special properties are very strict. Due to the harsh application environment, quantum equipment is extremely expensive. For a quantum computer, the state will invest at least tens of millions of yuan, and the quantum effect will last for a very short time. It is impossible to use quantum technology on agricultural seeds or daily necessities.

As a cutting-edge technology, the application scenarios of quantum technology in recent years are indeed gradually expanding, but some enterprises "dress" quantum technology as a "golden oil" type "mysterious force" that can empower all things, which is obviously a kind of hype and abuse of the concept. These behaviors of using new technologies to conduct false propaganda and mislead "consumers", including farmers, are essentially aimed at "cutting leeks".

2 People who are allergic to pollen cannot enjoy flowers

Rumor: For patients with pollen allergy, it is an extravagant hope to enjoy flowers in the spring, because they will be allergic if they are close to those bright flowers.

   truth In fact, the allergenic pollen mainly comes from trees and weeds such as Cupressaceae, Salicaceae, Artemisia, Moraceae, and Arbor, rather than bright ornamental flowers such as cherry, peach, apricot, and plum.

This has something to do with the way plants pollinate. Ornamental flowers generally transmit pollen through insects, which is not easy to cause allergic reaction; On the contrary, unobtrusive trees and grass often spread a large amount of pollen in the air through the wind after flowering. These pollen particles are honey free and sticky, easy to spread with the wind, small in size and light in weight, and can be transported hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away by the wind (such as Artemisia annua in autumn). The pollen yield of wind pollinated flowers is high, the flowering period is long, and they can stay and spread in the air for a long time.

When these wind borne pollen particles enter people's respiratory tract or come into contact with mucous membranes and skin, they may cause allergic reactions. It can be seen that wind pollinated flowers are the "enemy" of pollen allergy sufferers.

Yang Xu is the culprit of "pollinosis"

Rumor: Yang Xu floating in the air in spring is the culprit of seasonal allergy.

   truth Pollinosis, also known as seasonal allergic nasoconjunctivitis, is an allergic reaction to pollen protein caused by repeated inhalation of airborne pollen particles. When allergy occurs, the skin and mucous membrane are the most prominent. The most typical manifestations are rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Symptoms such as itchy nose, a series of sneezes, a large amount of clear runny nose, cough, and even asthma occur.

Many friends will think that the flying "Yang Xu" is the culprit that causes seasonal allergies. But in fact, "Yang Xu" is very unjust. Because poplar trees are divided into female and male trees, the "poplar catkins" we see are actually the seeds of poplar trees, which are released from the ripening and cracking of the fruits of female trees after pollination by wind. Allergy is mainly caused by pollen protein, that is, hundreds of millions of pollen particles produced by male trees. But because the pollen is invisible and untouchable, it is not easy for people to realize the existence of pollen, so they often blame the allergy error on the visible catkins.

Therefore, a large number of patients will have symptoms of rhinitis and conjunctivitis half a month before "Yang Xu" floats every year. Once diagnosed as "pollinosis", the patient needs to take medicine in time. Never wait until "Yang Xu" appears before taking medicine. If rhinitis is not controlled in time, complications such as sinusitis, pharyngitis, cough, bronchitis, otitis media may occur

Although Yang Xu is not an allergen in itself, it may be mixed with pollen and dust, which will still cause headaches for some people with allergies.

Therefore, the most important thing to deal with allergies is to avoid allergens. Close doors and windows, turn on the purifier, or apply fresh air purification at home. Wear masks and anti pollen glasses when going out. After returning home, change clothes, take a bath and clean your mouth and nose in time to prevent pollen from entering your body further. If necessary, drugs should be used to prevent inflammatory cascade amplification and avoid more complications. Desensitization treatment can be considered after the season.

   4 Drinking milk can protect gastric mucosa

Rumor: Protein and fat components in milk can reduce mucosal damage induced by gastric acid and protect gastric mucosa.

   truth : The protein and fat in milk will be broken down under the action of gastric acid, digestive enzymes, etc., and can not form a continuous and effective protective film in the stomach. The fat and calcium content in milk is very high, which will stimulate the secretion of gastric acid and aggravate the discomfort.

For this reason, the effect of milk on those with excessive gastric acid secretion is also inconsistent. For example, some studies have found that drinking milk can alleviate heartburn caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease, but some studies have found that it will worsen. Therefore, the influence of drinking milk on the stomach varies greatly among individuals. It is suggested that we not blindly follow the trend of drinking milk to nourish the stomach.

5 Red koji health products can help reduce blood lipids and can be taken for a long time

Rumor: Health care products or drugs containing red koji can be widely used for a long time, with the main effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, strengthening the spleen and digestion, reducing lipid and turbidity, etc.

   truth : Recently, some consumers died after taking the health care product containing monascus ingredients from Japanese enterprise Kobayashi Pharmaceutical. Red koji, also known as red koji rice, is a traditional Chinese medicine used for both medicine and food. It is fermented from rice under the action of monascus. If the rice used for the production of red koji or the red koji produced is not properly preserved, and the Aspergillus flavus mildews and deteriorates, the highly toxic substance aflatoxin will be generated, and taking a certain dose can cause liver and kidney damage.

At the same time, red koji contains trace amounts of statins such as lovastatin. If taken in large quantities for a long time, there may be risks of kidney damage and rhabdomyolysis. Therefore, health care products or drugs with red koji as the main component should be taken correctly under the guidance of doctors.

If consumers want to buy health products through overseas cross-border platforms, overseas physical stores or other channels, they must recognize the "blue hat" of health food (the sky blue logo for domestic health food is hat shaped, commonly known as the "blue hat" in the industry). According to Article 76 of China's Food Safety Law, imported health products should be filed with the food and drug administration, and can enter the Chinese market only when they wear the "blue hat" sign. Therefore, it is necessary to see whether there is a batch number of Guoshijian, and pay attention to whether the product has the requirements of health food standards such as trademark, product name, production date, effective date, etc. If necessary, it can also be queried on the official website of the General Administration of Market Supervision and Administration.

6. Cycling affects male fertility

Rumor: Cycling is a popular form of exercise, but too long cycling may harm men's prostate and urinary system and affect their fertility.

   truth : At present, there is no clear evidence that cycling will cause male infertility. People who use cycling as commuting or sports need not worry too much.

Cycling is a good sport, but if you ride for a long time or a long distance, for example, for several hours continuously, the bicycle seat (especially the narrow and hard seat) will compress the perineum of men, causing congestion in adjacent parts such as the prostate and urethra, which may lead to pudendal soreness, numbness The condition that urination is slightly laborious. However, this is usually a temporary discomfort, and it does not require special treatment. It can recover quickly.

In fact, as long as the duration and frequency are well controlled and the right seat is selected, cycling is a cost-effective sport, with benefits far outweighing risks.

(Source: CCTV News, China News Network, Beijing Science and Technology News, Xi'an Evening News, Tencent Qiaozhen, Today's Ballad Refusal, People's Daily, Beijing Daily)

Editor in charge: Yan Dandan