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What are the ways to obtain the skills book of power and dispute attendants

2019-01-03  09:03:30          Source: Power and dispute          Author: Rundayue Tea Visits: 241700

stay Power and dispute In the game, Valet Of Skill book This prop is very good. How to obtain the skill book of power and dispute attendants? Let's learn about it together.

   How to obtain the skill book of power and dispute attendants?

1、 Skill system

Each attendant will get a skill when he gains it, and this skill can be replaced by learning other skills later.

2、 Remnant page

This is the main way to obtain skill books in the game. You can synthesize a skill book by gathering enough skill pages, but there are many places to obtain the pages.

3、 Treasure hunt

You can get many good items for treasure hunting, but there is only one reward for treasure hunting each time, so you want to get more. Treasure hunting requires treasure maps, which are basically bought by stores.

 How to obtain the skill book of power and dispute attendants

4、 Activities

In the activity of gift from nature, you can get some fragments, but this is a time limited activity, and another method is the daily king's activity.

The above is about how to share all the content of the power and dispute attendant skill book brought by the small editor. If you want to know more about the game, you can follow the "Power and Dispute Pipa" section for that.

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"Power and Dispute" is Netease's first global open strategy mobile game. There are five types and more than 40 different buildings in the game. Players can, [Details]

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