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How to join the league friends to form teams for power and dispute

2018-05-15  16:15:51          Source: Power and dispute          Author: Jin Zhi Visits: 60490

   Power and dispute How to join union ? Friends What is the team formation method? When you play this game, you can join the league in the game, so that you can win more easily. Let's have a look.

  How can power and dispute join the alliance?

You can create an alliance or join an alliance in the game. When your castle is upgraded to Level 2, you can choose to join an alliance, so that you can become more powerful when playing. After joining the alliance, you can get more rewards.

In the league, friends can help each other to speed up the construction. Each time they help their teammates, they can get good league coins.

 How to join the team of friends in the league for power and dispute

Alliance coins play a very important role. They can be used to exchange certain things in the alliance store. When playing, you can also get gifts from allies or the corresponding bonus effect brought by alliance technology.

After joining the league, you can fight with friends in the league, so that you can become stronger and win more easily when you attack the city.

You can also participate in various games in the league, so you can get more rewards.

The above is about how power and dispute join the alliance. If you want to know more information, you can directly search Baidu (Power and Dispute Pipa+what you want to find) [Click here] Pay attention to the dynamics of the gift package.

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label: union Friends

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"Power and Dispute" is Netease's first global open strategy mobile game. There are five types and more than 40 different buildings in the game. Players can, [Details]

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