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Power and Dispute How to Fight National War Skills

2018-05-15  11:11:12          Source: Power and dispute          Author: Jin Zhi Visits: 1040

   Power and dispute National War How? What are the skills of national war? When you play this game, you can participate in the national war in the game, so that you can win more easily. Let's have a look.

   How to fight power and dispute?

A country war is a war between countries. After entering the game, you can choose a country to join. When the country becomes stronger, you can participate in a country war.

After everyone reaches level 45, you can start the national war.

At the beginning, it was very difficult to fight. Because it was the first attack, all aspects needed to be prepared. When attacking, 5-6 players above level 45 must be gathered to attack.

 Power and Dispute How to Fight National War Skills

When attacking, we must make our equipment better and improve our combat effectiveness, so that we can win more quickly.

The NPC city can produce drawings and materials. Rebuilding the city can also obtain NPC guard defense. In addition to the normal collection of drawings, the city master can also receive 2 copies of city materials by mail every day.

So we must take the lead in capturing the city, so that we can get more resources.

After the camp is attacked, the forces of all parties can start to occupy it. If the strength is strong, more camps and towns will be occupied.

The above is about how to fight the power and dispute national war. If you want to know more information, you can directly search Baidu (Power and Dispute Pipa+what you want to find) [Click here] Pay attention to the dynamics of the gift package.

label: National War

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"Power and Dispute" is Netease's first global open strategy mobile game. There are five types and more than 40 different buildings in the game. Players can, [Details]

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