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Attacking the city and breaking the army output Who is the best gold general combination for breaking the army

2023-04-26  16:56:20          Source: Conquer the world          Author: cmq Visits: 390

about Conquer the world Who is the chief drill of military breaking output? Many small partners want to know about it. I also want to share with you briefly here. The small partners who want to know about it can be seen together. There are many generals who can use it.

Who will be the main trainer when attacking the city and breaking the army?

At present, there are many military officers in the game, and there are also star signs in the game. This star sign can provide additional effects for all the military officers in the lineup. Many players choose to use this star sign, and there are also many good military officers in the game that can be trained and used.

Recommended general: Guan Yu

This general has a very good command of damage, and can increase his killing intention, which can improve the speed of skill release.

Recommended general: Zhang Bao

This general is also a good choice, which can cause good damage. At the same time, it will cause critical damage to the general in abnormal state, and the damage is relatively high.

Recommended general: Huang Zhong

It has a very good long-distance output ability, and also has the effect of dizziness, which can greatly improve your output environment and cause more damage.

Best Gold General Combination for Breaking the Army

There are many military officers in the army breaking camp. As long as they are properly matched, they will have good effects. There are also good matches here, and you can try them in the game.

Recommendation 1: Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, Huang Yueying

Recommendation 2: Xu Chu, Zhang Liao, Guo Jia, Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan

The above is about who is the main trainer of the output of the siege world. There are still many good military officers in the game that can be obtained and used. You can directly get it in the game. If you want to know about other game information, you can pay more attention to the editor.


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