CRRC Story


Enterprise: CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co., Ltd

occupation: 11 engineering technicians

Learning duration: 4 weeks

Initial level: Intro

Graduation level: Elemental

 Zhongche's Story
 Zhongche's Story

Historical inheritance and mutual trust

CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CRRC Corporation Limited. After 60 years of reform and development, CRRC Zhuzhou Research Institute, which witnessed the scientific and technological progress and industrial development of railway electrification in New China, has always adhered to science and technology as the guide, innovation as the banner, and promoted the rapid growth of the industry. It has achieved great success. At the same time of the rapid development of the company's industry, we have not forgotten to accelerate talent training, improve the foreign language ability of employees on a large scale, and hope to be able to connect with the world and talk to the world.


CRRC has a long history with Pinghe English

Bearing expectations and living up to the years

This time, we sent 11 employees to Pinghe to participate in group training. The employees gained a valuable learning memory in Pinghe. The students were very happy to get this valuable learning opportunity. They were full of expectations to travel hundreds of kilometers to Pinghe to learn. After the entrance test, the students were divided into different classes. Maybe their English level is different at the moment, but their ambition is the same, and they continue to move towards this goal. I believe that in the near future, there will be transformation and more confident expression.

 Zhongche's Story
 Zhongche's Story

Step by step, the dream is moving forward

After the students were distributed in different classes, everyone worked hard and moved forward step by step with the rhythm of the teacher every day. Try to correct every syllable, understand every grammar point, speak English bravely, practice constantly in a good language environment and learning atmosphere, accumulate slowly, master English expression in different scenes, and finally be able to cope with various scenes of using English in real life. Their efforts are obvious to all, and most of the students have become outstanding students in their classes, which is the best witness. In their view, learning should be as rigorous as work!

Enjoy the stage and express bravely

English learning needs continuous output. In peace, stage performance is the most important way of output. Many students are afraid of opening their mouths and expressing themselves. In the eyes of CRRC students, this is an opportunity to show themselves. Although there will also be tensions, they can overcome them, try to prepare lines, rehearse scripts, and finally present wonderful performances to every teacher and students.


Finally, we can master fluent English and put into work and production more efficiently. We thank Pinghe for his teaching, which has constantly improved the quality of our staff!

 Zhongche's Story

leave At the beginning of the class, only day