Chinese students' strange circle of IELTS learning

The foundation is too weak
Forced indoctrination
Rote memorization
Learn and forget
Mechanical brush question
Missing assessment
Unknown direction

... the direction is wrong, the effort is in vain

Refuse to become a question machine and master the secret of high scores and high energy

We need to understand what IELTS is!

Chinese students' IELTS scores rank the bottom in the world all year round

2019-2022 IELTS Performance and Ranking of Chinese Candidates The 8th from the bottom

According to the official data of IELTS, 40 countries/regions participated in the statistics

What is IELTS?



IELTS is an English language test for study, migration or work.

IELTS is an English language test for study, immigration or work.

 IELTS for study
 IELTS for migration
 IELTS for work

The IELTS test assesses your Language understanding and Application ability

The purpose is to test whether you are competent for the above scenarios

The exam oriented class, the sprint class and the guaranteed class did not really improve their language ability!

One step faster, we are different

It is not difficult to speak in a pure English atmosphere in a totally closed environment, where the efficiency of immersion learning is doubled

In addition, the learning program tailored for each student is more efficient and more effective

Totally enclosed
 Totally enclosed
Immersion type
 Immersion type
Pure English
 Totally enclosed
 Totally enclosed

"Dual engine" learning system

The traditional IELTS courses focus on the "mark" of cramming learning, ignoring the "base" of language understanding and skill improvement

Pinghe English's "dual engine" learning system specially designed for IELTS helps students improve their comprehensive ability in all aspects

At the same time, effective training will be carried out for the four major modules of IELTS, and the learning efficiency will be doubled!

Comprehensive language skills training
Professional IELTS Skills Training

Cambridge English Skills

Scene theater display

High frequency interaction of foreign teachers

Peer learning



Analysis of official IELTS questions

Customized growth plan

Personalized feedback

All weather learning management


Flexible learning of multiple courses

Whether it is personalized special breakthrough or comprehensive improvement of group learning

There are always courses suitable for you in various cycles and forms

One on one course
 One on one course

Suitable for students with basic knowledge
Short term scoring/single subject breakthrough

full-time course
 full-time course

Suitable for students with basic knowledge
Comprehensive improvement/high score and high energy

Preparatory class for going abroad
 Preparatory class for going abroad

English Skills Enhancement/IELTS Preparation
College Strategy/Culture Introduction

Skill training camp
 Skill training camp

Improvement of writing and speaking items
Oral high score decryption


Entrance assessment, teaching students according to their aptitude

We conduct one-on-one professional assessment for students to fully understand their foundation. Right start, half done


1 point Do not understand English

Understand individual words, unable to communicate


4 points Limited level

Many mistakes, expressing basic meaning


7 points Good level

Fluent, accurate, occasionally wrong


2 points beginner level

Master simple phrases


5 points Basic level

Able to conduct daily communication


8 points Excellent level

Very fluent, basically no mistakes


3 points limited level

Simple communication


6 points Qualified level

Be able to use English fluently


9 points Expert level

Close to the level of native English speakers

The famous teacher navigates with half the effort

Senior Foreign Teacher Tutor
Simon Catterall

10 years of IELTS teaching experience

Graduated from Liverpool University

Understand the differences between Chinese and Western thinking

Footprint all over the world

Program Director
Nancy Wei

Cultivate dozens of IELTS 8 students

Master's degree, University of Birmingham, UK

Double bachelor's degree of Wuhan University

Tutor of National Gold Medal Exam for Going Abroad

IELTS Senior Teacher
Dulce Bacuetes

TESOL International Teacher Certificate

Former full-time guidance consultant of the university

Teaching is simple and vivid

Good at communication and full of enthusiasm

You will gain under closed learning

Comprehensive English skills

Full time immersive learning experience is truly realized

Put English in Use

Help you travel around the world

Practical exam taking skills

Strong tutor team with years of research experience

Give you the most simple, efficient and practical skills

So Easy


Scientific learning habits

Under the personalized guidance of professional instructors

But naturally form the learning habits that are most suitable for you,

It's as natural as eating and sleeping

Strong English thinking

No matter in class or in pure English environment

Your English thinking will be implanted into your muscle memory,

Practice blurting out English


25 year old English teaching brand helps you counter attack

Make English Learning Effective and Enjoyable

 25 year old brand
continuity 8 years Won the title of National Top Ten Famous Foreign Language Training Institutions
The only time-honored brand of Zhuhai training institutions

Triple guarantee of carefree learning

Create perfect learning service and pursue satisfactory service quality

First week tuition free trial
First week worry free return
Dafen Scholarship Program

***Applicable to some courses. For details, please consult

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