English, a professional elite!

Maybe you're good enough
But you may not be an elite
If you are ambitious
Want to make your career go out of China and reach the peak
English is your choice!





Weekend class of workplace English
Weekend Program



English Only learning environment, expert foreign teachers, European and American style
Interactive learning, western happy classroom... Here, you can
Fluent English, cultivate English thinking, master business skills,
Talk about business culture, and then adapt to work/life scenes in pure English, so as to
You are building blocks on the road to becoming an elite in the workplace!



Efficient learning closed-loop


Include pre class preview, in class teaching, and after class review and inspection into the learning monitoring process,
Ensure that students fully understand and absorb knowledge points,
At the same time, help students develop good learning habits.




Online preview

example sentence


Clarify before class
Teaching objectives

answering question

Offline class

Knowledge points


after class


Online review


speed of progress






Multi curriculum experience


 Immersion Pure English



Immersion Pure English

You will find here
In addition to English or English

 Western experiential classroom



Western experiential classroom

With funny foreign teachers
Get up high in the activity!

 International multiculturalism



International multiculturalism

Walking into peace is like walking abroad

 80% of elite colleagues in the workplace



80% of elite colleagues in the workplace

Your contacts are not just
Expand a little!

 Weekend classes



Weekend classes

Both work and study






Know the starting level, and you can win more at the starting line!


There are 6 levels in total, set the starting level and expected level, and planned learning is efficient learning!

 B.E.S.T Basic
 B.E.S.T Advanced






More scientific curriculum, more comprehensive English improvement


Pure English immersion for more than 5 hours every Sunday
Monday to Friday: review/preview knowledge points, WeChat late reading correction/course matching assignments.
Tips: The courses of beginners may be adjusted according to the actual situation


level Starter Intermediate Business level
10:00 - 12:30 Lead in:Snapshot+Grammar Focus
Topic introduction, key sentence patterns, vocabulary replacement
《Market Leader》Business English Skills and Training、
English communication skills in the business world
Business Skills Intensive Course (listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar)
Practical business skills (job responsibilities and daily work, social networking, email, telephone, order
Describe products and services, western management culture, global market economy)
Native Situational Conversation
High frequency scene dialogue, comprehensive understanding, intensive listening and text analysis in Europe and America
12:30 - 14:00 Noon Break
14:00 - 16:30 Native Situational Conversation
Western culture expansion, authentic expression, correct pronunciation
Streams《Market Leader》Practical Business Skills Course
Business Skills Practical Course
Interchange Activity
Role play, interactive practice activities, knowledge consolidation
Real-World Program (Business, Culture ect.)
Business practice drill, business case study, business, culture, etc







Skill+practice, your English is no longer just a paper talk


Cambridge International English Course


Popular and influential
One of the English courses. Textbook summary
Our practical experience in class
More fashionable content and richer grammar
Training and more opportunities for listening, speaking and practice.  


Learn more about the textbook

Comprehensive Course of Experiencing Business English
Market Leader


Including business vocabulary, listening and reading
And business skills
Problem introduction, diversified case analysis and learning
And professional business writing exercises Give Way
You improve your English business skills comprehensively.  


Learn more about the textbook










Certificate of completion - the key to a good platform!


At the graduation ceremony, Ping He is a student who has completed his studies
An authoritative completion certificate will be issued to the student
To provide strong support for employment or further education.





Start the immersion learning journey immediately


— 2024 —


March 3rd

March 3rd
March 10th
March 17th
March 24th
March 31st
April 14th
April 21st
May 12th


May 19th

May 19th
May 26th
June 2nd
June 9th
June 23rd
June 30th
July 7th
July 14th


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