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Youth Talk, Issue 52

"How good I am to the masses, how close they are to us"

Fang Jinglun and Feng Chunfang
October 1, 2023 13:37 | Source: People's Network

From the year of weak crown to the year of thirty, more than 10 years of youth have been dedicated to the border management cause, and poured their blood on the vast land of northern China. He is Xu Naichao, a police officer of Yingen Border Police Station of Alashan Border Management Detachment, Inner Mongolia Entry Exit Frontier Inspection Station.

"The more difficult the conditions are, the broader the stage for serving the people will be," said Xu Naichao.

After joining the army in 2008, Xu Naichao has been guarding the desert border in western Inner Mongolia. In 2014, he volunteered to participate in China's second peacekeeping police riot squad to Liberia. In 2019, when the army was transferred, he chose to continue working at the border and actively sank to the grass-roots level. He successively served as a field police at the Uliji, Suhongtu border police stations and Uliji border checkpoint.

At the beginning of 2022, the Alxa Border Management Detachment planned to set up a border police office in the border area of Yingen Sumu, Alxa Left Banner. Xu Naichao was the first to sign up before his responsibilities and missions. "Learning from heroes should not only stay in the level of thinking, but also have the courage to do," said Xu Naichao.

His wife, Li Wenna, not only fully supported his decision, but also went to the border with him to formally establish the first "frontier husband and wife police office" in Inner Mongolia, and jointly undertook the task of border management and public security control in the 3145 square kilometer border management area and 103 kilometer border line.

The police office was set up in Yingen Sumu Chagandegacha, Alxa Left Banner, Alxa League. It is only 15 kilometers away from the border, and the surrounding traffic is blocked. Only 8 households and 27 herdsmen live within 30 kilometers.

Xu Naichao still remembers the scene when he first came to the police room. "I remember the day I just arrived at the police room, God was very unkind and greeted us with a huge sandstorm that lasted for three days." After the sandstorm, the door of the house was blocked by the accumulated sand. Xu Naichao jumped out of the window and shoveled away the sand that was half a meter deep before his wife left the door.

Five brick houses, one pot, two people, one dog and one car are the true portrayal of the "frontier husband and wife police office". "Without drinking water, we will draw water from the border defense company 20 kilometers away; the battery power is too small, we will give priority to the only power to ensure night lighting and mobile phone charging; without signal, we will buy a signal amplifier to increase signal coverage..." When the sandstorm is heavy, we should wear masks before sleeping to prevent being choked by the sandstorm at night. The first job after getting up in the morning is to clean up the thick sand accumulated indoors and outdoors.

Facing the unimaginable harsh environment, Xu Naichao overcame many difficulties and obstacles and resolutely rooted in the Gobi Desert.

Ao Yungaowa, 71 years old, suffers from chronic diseases of the elderly. She goes to Yingen Sumu for physiotherapy almost every day. The 170 km long washboard road intensifies the development of the disease. After learning the situation, Xu Naichao and his wife fought with their superiors for the distribution of medical equipment and the establishment of a convenient clinic. Now, the old man's condition has fundamentally improved.

The police office has also set up a convenience store, a convenience library, a Red Cross rescue station, a courier collection point, a party member E station, and a staff home. The small police office has become a "cultural center" in the northern border area of Alxa Left Banner. Xu Naichao and his wife also successfully completed the transformation from "outsiders" to "own people".

"Now there is a big thing in the people's families. The first thing I think about is us. My feeling is that how good I am to the people, how close the people are to us." In the past year, the police and the people have jointly carried out 186 border investigations, persuaded more than 300 people to return to the border, and built a steel Great Wall to stabilize the border.

Since taking part in the work, Xu Naichao has won the United Nations "Medal of Peace", the Honorary Medal of Chinese Peacekeeping Police, one third class personal merit and five personal awards. Last year, he was awarded the title of "Responsible as a Good Cadre" in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In May this year, he was awarded the May 4th Medal for Chinese Youth.

Today, Xu Naichao is still walking on his beloved frontier. "In my future work, I will continue to learn from model heroes, transform my passionate family and country feelings into a strong mission, and integrate my passionate youth into the northern part of the motherland," said Xu Naichao.

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(Editor in charge: Fang Jinglun, He Yingchun)

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