Overview of Fushun

17:03, May 14, 2018

Fushun, after more than 2000 years of trials and tribulations, has bred extraordinary historical deposits. At the end of the 16th century, Jianzhou Nvzhen, who lived in the area of Xinbin, Fushun today, stepped onto the stage of history. Under the command of Nurhachi, she went west to Liaoning and Shenyang, conquered the Central Plains, and established the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history, the Qing Dynasty. And the Manchu culture born in Fushun is also like the solid city wall of Hetuala, standing in the forest of Chinese culture.

In modern times, Fushun prospered because of coal. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Fushun, as an important industrial town of the Republic, was once listed as one of the first municipalities directly under the Central Government, contributing the first ton of coal, the first furnace of special steel, the first package of aluminum, the first piece of magnesium ingot, the first furnace of industrial silicon, the first barrel of fuel oil, the first excavator... Fushun is worthy of the name of the Republic's "industrial eldest son", In addition, Fushun has also sent a large number of talents and technical forces to the industrial front all over the country. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said humorously that "Fushun is the 'old hen' on the industrial front of new China".

Compared with hundreds of cities across the country, there is a "city card" dedicated to Fushun, that is Lei Feng. Lei Feng's 22 year old life is frozen here, and the eternal Lei Feng spirit is maturing here. As the birthplace of Lei Feng spirit, Fushun people have learned from Lei Feng and become Lei Feng for decades, and have integrated Lei Feng spirit into their lives. Looking back at the modern history of Fushun, she forged the immortal red gene of a city with her unyielding fighting spirit, huge industrial contribution and eternal Lei Feng spirit!

Fushun has undulating mountains, and there are as many as 5 national forest parks, with a forest coverage rate of nearly 68%. If you come here as a guest, you must go into the remote Hetuala to find the unique Manchu folk customs; We must climb the magic Tiannv Mountain to enjoy the world's largest area of more than 100000 pieces of Tiannv Magnolia; We must look out at the Dahuofang Reservoir, which nourishes 13 million people, feel Chairman Zhu De's emotion of "Suzhou and Hangzhou in the south, and big kitchens in the north", and taste the famous fish feast in Dahuofang; You must swim in the passionate Red River Canyon, experience the adventure of "the first floating in the north", and taste the charm of "the small Three Gorges in the northeast"

[City name card] City Overview [Historical Traceability]

[Scenic spots] Cultural Resources [Special Features]      Industry

(Editor in charge: Liu Jiangnan (intern), Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei)