Fushun | Geographic location

14:41, May 11, 2018

Administrative divisions Administrative divisions

Fushun City governs four municipal districts, namely Shuncheng District, Xinfu District, Wanghua District and Dongzhou District, and Fushun County and two Manchu autonomous counties, namely Xinbin and Qingyuan.

geographical position

Fushun is located in the east by north of Liaoning Province, covering an area of 11271 square kilometers. Fushun is adjacent to Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning Province, to the west, and connected to Dongfeng County, Liuhe County, Meihekou City and Tonghua County of Jilin Province to the east; It borders Tieling County, Kaiyuan City and Xifeng County in the north; It is connected to Benxi City, Benxi County and Huanren County in the south.

Schematic Diagram of Fushun Administrative Division

(Editor in charge: Liu Jiangnan (intern), Zhang Wei)