Southwest Guizhou | Red Culture Spreads throughout Southwest Guizhou

15:46, May 10, 2018

The Central Red Army marched through southwest Guizhou

The 25000 li Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army has become a great historical legend in the history of the Chinese revolution. When the Red Army passed through the hot land of southwest Guizhou on the way to the Long March, their love and respect for the people and their strict discipline have been widely reported by the people of the whole prefecture.

From April 13 to 25, 1935, the Central Military Commission quickly crossed the Beipan River, entered Yunnan from southwest Guizhou, and attacked Pingyi (now Fuyuan County), the key place of Yunnan and Guizhou. The Long March of the Central Red Army passed through southwest Guizhou. From April 16 to 25, 1935, the journey was nearly 1000 kilometers. It passed through 7 counties, 66 towns, and more than 300 villages, and fought 15 times, sowing revolutionary seeds in the hearts of people in southwest Guizhou. At that time, more than 20 young people joined the Red Army. Since then, peasant associations and revolutionary teams have been set up all over the country and fought against the Kuomintang reactionaries indomitably until the liberation of Southwest Guizhou.


Sketch map of the Red Army's Long March through Qianxinan Prefecture

Yonghe Longguang Revolutionary Armed Riot

At the beginning of 1949, the reactionary Kuomintang authorities, in order to expand the source of troops and raise military pay, madly paid soldiers in the vast areas of Jiangnan. It was strongly resisted by the broad masses of the people, including the spontaneous struggle against the "three levies".

Among them, Wang Bingyun, a member of the Communist Party of China and a Bouyei youth, returned to his hometown of Natao Village in Longguang Town to mobilize the masses to fight against the "three invasions". On June 19, 1949, under the leadership of Liang Kai, more than 120 people quickly attacked Yonghe Township Office when the security guards relaxed their guard. After more than two hours of fierce fighting, the security guards were disarmed at one fell swoop.

After the victory of the Yonghe uprising, the political propaganda and encouragement work was carried out immediately. The "Message to the People" brought back from the local party committee of Luopan District was distributed to the masses, exposing the heinous crimes of the Kuomintang reactionaries, and calling on the people to actively participate in the struggle against the "Three Evictions". According to the instructions of the local party committee of Luopan District, Wang Bingyun formed the "Independent Detachment of the Anlong People's Self rescue Army against Chiang Kai shek" with more than 300 armed members and Yonghe organization members participating in the uprising, and appointed responsible personnel at all levels to strengthen leadership.


Monument to Longguang Revolutionary Armed Riot

After the victory of Yonghe uprising, Xingren specially dispatched troops in an attempt to extinguish the revolutionary kindling of this armed uprising. Under this circumstance, Wang Bingyun, Wang Xiong and others broke through the encirclement, broke up the whole into parts, deeply mobilized the masses, organized underground armed forces, and waited for the opportunity to revolt in order to support our liberation army's westward march. He has made great contributions to the liberation of southwest Guizhou with the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

The first grass-roots party branch in Qianxinan Prefecture

The predecessor of the Red Army's Kafa Company was the 21st Division of the Seventh Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (later renamed the Independent Third Division, also known as the "Youjiang Independent Division"), the 63rd Regiment, a battalion and a company. It was established in April 1933. The company commander was Ya Yongping. From then on to 1940, the Kafa branch had been active in Wangmo for more than 7 years. The company has grown from more than 60 people to more than 130 people. After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War, Kafa Company organized a propaganda team to carry out the propaganda of anti Japanese and national salvation. At the end of the spring of 1940, Ya Yongping led his company to Guangxi to fight against Japan. He fought for half a year and lost more than half. In late October, Ya Yongping was tricked and killed by the Kuomintang Wangmo County authorities. In order to avoid the enemy's pursuit, the remaining 50 people of Kafa Company, led by Ya Xiufeng, the deputy company commander, moved to Guangxi. Kafa branch does not exist.

The CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee was born in Anlong

On December 9, 1949, Lu Han, chairman of the Kuomintang in Yunnan Province, announced an uprising. By February 5, 1950, the whole territory of Yunnan had been basically liberated. Song Renqiong led the Yunnan Detachment of the Southwest Service Corps from Guiyang to Anlong County to join forces with the Fourth Corps of the Second Field Army and the Column of Yunnan Guangxi Guizhou Border Region. In order to take over and build Yunnan in an all-round way, an "Anlong Conference" was held on February 6.

At the meeting, Song Renqian conveyed the spirit of the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Zhou Baozhong conveyed a series of instructions from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on "unity, unity, unity first, work second", and set up Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Yunnan Provincial Military and Political Commission, Kunming Military Control Commission of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Kunming Police Headquarters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and other Yunnan Provincial Party military and political institutions, We studied and formulated the general policy of taking over and building Yunnan. On the 13th, Chen Geng and Song Renqiong led their troops to leave Anlong County and go west to Yunnan via Xingyi County.

The convening of the "Anlong Conference" has accelerated the process of taking over Yunnan, which is of great historical significance to the liberation of Yunnan.


Site of "Anlong Conference"

(Editor in charge: Jia Weiwen, Zhang Wei)