· 15 hotels in Macao won the "2023 Environmental Hotel Award" [June 21]
· The Belt and Road Initiative and Portuguese speaking countries in 2024 [June 21]
· The 15th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Summit Forum in Australia [June 20]
· 74000 people participated in the "April 23, 2024, Macao wide..." [June 20]
· BOC Macau issues the first sustainable development bond jointly building the "Belt and Road" [June 19]
· Macao theoretical circles discuss and polish the "golden card" of international metropolis [June 19]
· Zhang Keke, Chief Scientist of the "Macao Science One" Satellite Project [June 19]
· He Yicheng: Shine the "Golden Card" of Macao International Metropolis with Action [June 18]
· The participating cities of "Macao International Food Forum" have set the record [June 18]
· The "Macao Outdoor Performance Area", which can accommodate 50000 people, will be built and put into use [June 18]
· Macao Tourism Administration returns to "Lisbon Festival" to promote "Tourism Plus" in Macao [June 14]
· The Global Business School EMBA Badminton Star Game was held at the University of Macau [June 14]
· The 2023 Macao Independent Commission Against Corruption Work Report was released [June 13]
· Middle school students shot Macao's "beauty, beautiful things, beautiful talk, beautiful scenery, beautiful..." [June 13]
· The Macao SAR Government sincerely thanks the central government for its support in participating in the national space industry [June 12]
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Introduction to People's Daily
People's Daily is the organ newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. On June 15, 1948, it was founded in Lizhuang, Pingshan County, Hebei Province, and Comrade Mao Zedong wrote the headline for the People's Daily. On March 15, 1949, the People's Daily moved to Beijing (then Peiping). On August 1 of the same year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to turn People's Daily into an organ newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the issue of June 15, 1948 was followed.
The People's Daily is the most authoritative and influential national newspaper in China, the mouthpiece of the Party and the people, the bridge between the government and the people, and an important window for the world to observe and understand China. The People's Daily timely, accurately, vividly and vividly publicizes the spirit of the Party Central Committee and the latest policies and decisions of the Chinese government, reports on major events at home and abroad, and reflects the wishes and requirements of the vast majority of the people. [Details]