"The epidemic prevention cannot be relaxed, and the resumption of work cannot wait." This COVID-19 epidemic is a major public health emergency that has spread fastest, spread most widely and is most difficult to prevent and control since the founding of New China. The current epidemic situation is still severe and complex, and prevention and control is at the most difficult and critical stage. At the same time, we need to turn pressure into power, be good at turning danger into opportunity, orderly restore production and life order, strengthen the "six stability" measures, increase policy adjustment efforts, fully release the huge potential and strong momentum of China's development, and strive to achieve the economic and social development goals and tasks of this year.

Sharing epidemic information to enhance confidence in world war "epidemic"

Xu Liping, Researcher of Asia Pacific and Global Strategy Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences First, sharing information is an international obligation of a responsible major country. China is a member of the States Parties to the International Health Regulations, which stipulate that the States Parties shall report to WHO in a timely manner the exact and fully detailed public health information they have received on the reported events. China shares information with WHO as soon as possible, demonstrating its responsibility as a major country. Second, information sharing can effectively combat the epidemic. Open and transparent sharing of information with WHO and relevant countries can effectively curb the spread of the epidemic. Third, information sharing can enhance confidence. China has released information about the epidemic in a timely manner, so that relevant countries can understand the COVID-19 more quickly, which can effectively enhance the confidence and determination of countries to overcome the epidemic. [Details]

At the forefront of the war against "epidemic", China does not want praise from WHO

Xu Liping, Researcher of Asia Pacific and Global Strategy Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences At present, the epidemic information sharing between China and the world is mainly manifested in two aspects. The first is to share information, such as sharing the whole genome sequence of the new coronavirus to the World Health Organization at the first time, and timely announcing the latest situation of the COVID-19 epidemic in China every day, so as to provide important reference for countries around the world to jointly respond to the epidemic. The second is to share experience. China has rich and valuable experience in epidemic prevention and control in the first battlefield of fighting against the epidemic. For example, the Civil Aviation Administration has formulated the general work guide for civil aviation, the prevention and control work guide for transport airlines, and the prevention and control work guide for transport airports on passenger detection, airport epidemic prevention management and other issues, which also provides reference and support for the prevention and control of epidemic situations by ICAO in other countries. [Details]

No country can raise these medical supplies alone

Xu Liping, Researcher of Asia Pacific and Global Strategy Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences : The epidemic is not a national problem, but a human problem. China is sharing the experience of fighting "epidemic" with other countries, reflecting the responsibility of a major country. Recently, WHO praised China's move and encouraged all countries to do so. Viruses have no borders, and so does fighting them. Public health security is a common challenge facing mankind. In the era of globalization, international cooperation is an important way to prevent and control the epidemic. All countries should unite to deal with the epidemic and challenges together. International cooperation has provided material guarantee, scientific and technological support and institutional guarantee for the response to the epidemic. "It is necessary and inevitable to actively promote international cooperation in combating the epidemic, and cooperation is an important basis for jointly defeating the epidemic." [Details]

Personal protection under "one cover is hard to find": the state cannot be expected to do everything

Mao Shoulong, Professor, Institute of Public Finance and Public Policy, School of Public Management, Renmin University of China : With the return to work, there is still a shortage of masks, disinfection supplies and epidemic prevention materials all over the country, especially in the epidemic areas in Hubei, people generally report that they are hard to find. The reserve system established by the state has the problems of scope and time limit, so it is unlikely to take all the requirements together. Centralized and unified allocation can solve some problems, but it is difficult to meet the needs of the whole society for epidemic prevention materials. The materials that are centrally managed and allocated by the state, usually called strategic materials, are important measures taken by the state to ensure the supply of materials in emergency and serve the national strategy. He suggested that in order to meet the needs of individuals for epidemic prevention materials in their daily lives, the normal operation of society and marketization should also be adopted. [Details]

The CDC should be given the right to say more information

Mao Shoulong, Professor, Institute of Public Finance and Public Policy, School of Public Management, Renmin University of China The status of China's CDC is somewhat low. Now CDC is like a virus research institution, which is not very different from Wuhan virus. The real CDC is to release epidemic information at any time, just like the police issuing traffic instructions, doctors issuing medical advice, and meteorologists issuing flood forecast. We listen directly and act directly. The reason why police, doctors and meteorological experts have the right to speak is determined by their professional order. The long existing problems of the disease control system are unclear boundaries between functions and administrative departments and weak powers. In many press conferences, the leaders of various departments are on the stage, while the experts of the CDC sit down, which also reflects the lack of status and voice of the disease control system. The current information dissemination mechanism is mainly a request and report system, which is responsible for delaying the response to the epidemic. [Details]

Conducting epidemiological investigation can timely study and judge the risk of epidemic transmission

Zeng Guang, Chief Epidemiologist of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention : The declining trend in the number of newly confirmed cases nationwide is the result of the prevention and control work during the Spring Festival holiday and the extended holiday period. At present, the resumption of work and production in various regions may increase the risk of epidemic situation due to personnel mobility. In this case, to achieve the goal of both epidemic prevention and production, we need to rely on epidemiological survey and statistics to accurately find problems, take precise prevention and control measures, and avoid the epidemic from expanding again. Flow survey provides information for prevention and control, carries out research and judgment, and proposes countermeasures, which is particularly important at present. Governments at all levels should attach importance to epidemiological investigation, translate the investigation into public health management measures in a timely manner, and take action at any time. Next, we should focus on monitoring the returning personnel, especially high-risk people from the epidemic area, strengthen prevention and control of hospitals and schools, and find, isolate and treat them early. [Details]

Stabilizing employment first requires stabilizing enterprises to take measures of exemption, reduction and mitigation to help enterprises

Professor Li Chang'an, School of Public Administration, University of International Business and Economics To do a good job in employment, we must first "enliven" enterprises. Under the epidemic situation, many enterprises have increased their burden and their production and operation have been affected. Recently, the state has issued a series of policies, such as phased reduction and exemption of enterprise social security fees and deferred payment of housing provident fund. The fundamental purpose of these policies is to save enterprises. Only when enterprises remain stable will stable employment have a solid foundation. But now some enterprises are faced with the problem of returning to work. The logistics and flow of people are interrupted, and the staff cannot go out, and the materials cannot operate. The deployment meeting on the coordinated promotion of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development held on the 23rd stressed that it is necessary to promote the resumption of work and production of enterprises, open up the flow of people and logistics congestion points, relax the restrictions on freight logistics, and ensure that employees can return, raw materials can be supplied, and products can go out. This is crucial for stabilizing enterprises and employment. [Details]

How to stabilize foreign capital under the epidemic? What's the key?

Professor Li Chang'an, School of Public Administration, University of International Business and Economics : There are three key things. First, the Foreign Investment Law and its implementing regulations should be implemented as soon as possible, the reform of "decentralization, management and service" should be further promoted, and the work of attracting investment, securing and stabilizing business should be continued. Second, strengthen efforts to create the best business environment in the world and build an open and transparent business environment under the rule of law. Third, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and attract more foreign capital to invest in China after the epidemic. Recently, the Ministry of Commerce issued a notice to guide local governments to strengthen services and guarantees for foreign-funded enterprises, optimize innovative investment promotion, and continue to promote the implementation of large foreign-funded projects. The standards and support policies for foreign enterprises to return to work and production are the same as those for domestic enterprises, both of which are treated equally. [Details]

This year's graduates are 8.74 million! What about employment under the influence of the epidemic?

Professor Li Chang'an, School of Public Administration, University of International Business and Economics The employment of college graduates is the first place of employment work. Now is the peak time for fresh graduates to apply for jobs, but the pace is affected by the epidemic, and targeted policies need to be taken to deal with it. First, online recruitment and online interview can be adopted at this stage to transfer recruitment activities from offline to online. Second, the previous spring was the peak period for campus recruitment, and the time and deadline for interview and signing a contract could be appropriately extended according to the actual situation. Third, at present, the epidemic has little impact on the Internet economy and can provide more employment or entrepreneurship opportunities for college students in related fields. For areas with serious epidemic situation, some targeted policies can be issued. For example, more public welfare posts will be set up, and off peak recruitment and examination will be carried out according to the regional conditions to ease the employment situation of college graduates in the areas greatly affected by the epidemic. [Details]

Where will the salary of epidemic prevention and control personnel be increased? When will it be in place?

Zhu Qing, Chief Professor, Institute of Finance and Taxation, Renmin University of China : On the 22nd, the Central Leading Group for Response to the New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia issued the Notice on the Comprehensive Implementation of Several Measures to Further Protect and Care for Medical Personnel, which proposed to improve the salary and treatment of epidemic prevention and control personnel. This time, front-line medical staff risked their lives to rescue patients with COVID-19. In order to show concern for them, the central government decided to raise their salary and subsidy standards. Of course, this money is paid to front-line medical personnel by their units, but the funds should come from the central finance, and the central budget should allocate special funds to address this part of the funding needs. I believe that these new benefits will soon be distributed to these front-line medical personnel. Last year, China's fiscal deficit rate was 2.8%. This year, according to the policy of more proactive fiscal policy, the deficit rate could be considered to exceed 3%. [Details]

The epidemic exposes the weakness of digital government, and digital governance needs to break down institutional barriers

Wang Yukai, member of the National Informatization Expert Advisory Committee and professor of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) : Prevention and control of epidemic situation is also a big test of national governance ability, not just a problem of digital government itself. First of all, the local government did not pay close attention to the idea in the early stage, and did not make the most basic plan, which led to confusion in the fierce epidemic. Secondly, in the case of serious epidemic spread, Wuhan's medical resources can hardly bear such a huge number of patients. Under these conditions, it is difficult for digital government to really play a good role. The challenge of the epidemic to the ability of digital government affairs lies not only in whether data can be shared, but also in whether the system can carry, and whether emergency measures can be organized in a timely manner. Whether the digital government can work in a timely manner depends on the governance ability of the government. Some local government decision-makers obviously fail to recognize the importance of information technology, lack the awareness of applying digital government system to effectively prevent epidemic situations and coordinate relevant resources. [Details]

How to "Pass the Customs" in the Grain and Material Reserve Industry in the War Epidemic Rear Area

Lu Jingbo, Deputy Director of the State Food and Materials Reserve Bureau : Stabilize grain prices, ensure production and supply. At present, the national grain and oil inventory is at a historical high, and the raw grain reserves are very abundant. Large and medium-sized cities have generally established finished product reserves such as rice, flour and oil, and have a solid material basis for regulation; The grain and oil market system, distribution and supply network are sound, which can quickly put rice and flour oil into the terminal consumer market. According to the latest statistics, as of February 16, 36 of the 37 national key enterprises of the supply guarantee assistance mechanism have resumed work, and 63.4% of the national grain emergency processing enterprises have resumed work. The daily processing capacity of wheat has recovered to 364000 tons, with a capacity utilization rate of 53.1%; The daily rice processing capacity has recovered to 373000 tons, with a capacity utilization rate of 70.1%. With the full resumption of work around the country, efforts will be made to promote the resumption of work and production of grain emergency processing enterprises. The "big test" faced by the grain and material reserve industry is far from over to prevent and resolve the risks and hidden dangers in production and market, and to benefit the farmers, the eaters and the operators. [Details]

Most of the acute stress disorder caused by COVID-19 can self heal within one month

Deng Xiaohong, the offline team leader of the "Anti epidemic Action" of the Chinese Psychological Society and professor of psychology of Hubei University : The coronavirus spread rapidly from Wuhan to the whole country in more than a month, causing some people to have psychological stress reactions. The peak period of post disaster psychological problems usually occurs in about three months. The COVID-19 event is very close to a disaster, at least an extreme stress event. But whether it will really develop into a disaster event depends on the effect of the final epidemic resistance. Therefore, it is difficult to estimate the peak period of psychological problems. However, when the stressors are eliminated, about 2/3 of the symptoms of patients with acute stress disorder can be relieved within one month, and 80% of the symptoms of patients with adaptation disorder can be relieved within six months. Therefore, we should work together to win the fight against the epidemic at an early date. [Details]

Policies to help small and medium-sized enterprises overcome difficulties need precise support

Zhou Dewen, Vice President of China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and President of Zhejiang Federation of Private Investment Enterprises : It should be noted that the current assistance policies have not fully covered the needs of enterprises. For example, many places have proposed to rent state-owned enterprise business property for rent reduction, which is not applicable to many small and medium-sized enterprises that rent other business houses. Local governments are urged to go deep into enterprise research, understand the actual difficulties of enterprises, and actively offer advice for SMEs to "survive the winter". At the same time, banks are expected to try their best to ease the financial pressure of SMEs, extend or postpone the collection of payment for goods, reduce the interest and costs of related enterprises, and provide more credit support for specific periods. The epidemic will make the promotion of medium - and long-term structural reform more urgent than before, and the requirements for enterprise transformation more urgent. The post epidemic market should shape new formats under the top-level design and policy guidance, walk out of the shadow of the epidemic as soon as possible, and promote the production and living formats to develop towards intelligence and online. [Details]

Under the epidemic, how can the service industry turn crisis into opportunity?

Drama Jinwen, Researcher of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences : Faced with the current situation of low offline passenger flow and incomplete recovery of logistics, physical stores around the country started or accelerated the pace of expanding community sales and online sales. At the epidemic prevention stage, home isolation and home office work have led to changes in residents' consumption habits in life services. A considerable part of the demand has changed from going out to look for services in the past to "self service", and may develop into a normal consumption mode in the future. The enterprise's "self rescue" is crucial to identify business opportunities from the crisis, Adjust the business model and business strategy as soon as possible. Some enterprises expect a blowout of "retaliatory consumption" to stimulate the market after the epidemic ends. This may happen, but the release of such consumption capacity is short-term. Enterprises should also pay more attention to the long-term trend of the market and adjust to changes in time. [Details]

New economy under epidemic situation: opportunities and challenges coexist in e-commerce industry

Feng Xiaopeng, Partner of Beijing Jindu Law Firm : Some fresh food e-commerce platform enterprises innovate the supply chain model, launch the quick response mechanism, estimate the sales volume of the next day according to the sales big data and arrange the work plan accordingly; Some fresh food e-commerce platform enterprises have set up special groups for different supply chain links such as product selection, logistics, marketing, etc. to improve the stability and operation efficiency of the supply chain, and have successively launched nationwide "contactless distribution" services; Some fresh e-commerce platform enterprises strengthened the assurance of food safety during the epidemic period, and strengthened the disinfection and patrol inspection of food and storage warehouses. The fresh food e-commerce industry has experienced a big test in the face of challenges, and has also grown tremendously. Some small-scale community fresh food e-commerce are also gradually incubating and growing, injecting more fresh vitality into China's economy when the epidemic is in downturn. Some consumers are difficult to buy medical related goods on e-commerce platforms such as Taobao and Jingdong, and cross-border e-commerce enterprises play a more prominent role in ensuring the supply of epidemic prevention materials. [Details]

Post 90s Nurses' Shelter Hospital Support Experience: The patient thumbs up to see me off

Huang Yuan, member of the Youth War Epidemic Commando and nurse of the emergency department of the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province At 8:00 p.m., we finished the handover with the other team and were about to take off the outer layer of the isolation suit when we suddenly saw a girl who wanted to vomit just after coming in, and was pale and fainting. We rushed her to the ventilation place. After the situation improved, we were relieved to take off the protective clothing and work. At present, our nurses are scheduled to work every 6 hours, but with the time to wear protective clothing and take off protective clothing, it usually takes 8 hours. At present, materials are still in short supply, and we don't want to waste them. Therefore, it is normal for us not to eat, drink or pull for eight hours. We dare not drink more water because we are afraid of wasting time by going to the toilet. At the beginning, it is inevitable that there are areas that need to be improved, but we medical staff believe that with the further standardization of management and the continuous familiarity of staff with the process, this will become better and better. [Details]

The first line of anti epidemic for post-90s couples: "We won't be afraid because we are well-trained"

Huang Yuan, member of the Youth War Epidemic Commando and nurse of the emergency department of the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province : We came to Wuhan, the forefront of the fight against COVID-19, not because we are great, but just when the country needs and the people need, we can. Now that we are parents, we also hope to set an example for our baby and hope that she can become a grateful and useful person to the society when she grows up. Now, my children are taken care of by my mother-in-law and aunt. My family reassures me to go to the front line. They are very supportive of my husband and me. In order to fight against this epidemic, many people are making silent efforts. I am a medical worker and a member of the national emergency medical rescue team. In 2018, I was also awarded the Excellent League Member of Guangdong Province, and now I am a party member. I think I should do more for Wuhan. [Details]

Can medical staff go home? Don't panic!

Xu Qian, Chief Physician of Infectious Diseases Department of China Japan Friendship Hospital : In general hospitals, not all medical staff do high-risk work related to infectious diseases, and non high-risk medical staff can certainly go home. However, if you are in a special hospital, there will be corresponding adjustments according to the actual situation. Even if it is high-risk work, if it is well protected, it will not be considered as a close contact, there is no risk of social infection, and it does not need isolation, and it can go home as usual. If there is a possibility of exposure without proper protection, they will generally be identified as close contacts, and the hospital will force them to stay in the hospital for observation. We will decide whether the doctor will stay in the hospital according to the risk of infection. This is a scientific judgment. Please rest assured. Scientific protection is the key. For doctors who do not return home, we should not cut across the board. There is no need to be too tangled, let alone panic. [Details]

Incorporate the ability to deal with major risks into the cadre assessment system

You Zhibin, Professor of the Emergency Management Training Center of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National School of Administration) : In the process of epidemic prevention and control, some cadres really exposed problems such as lack of sense of responsibility, weak execution, inaction and disorderly behavior. It can be considered to assess the implementation of emergency management responsibilities in the annual assessment, target responsibility assessment, performance assessment and other assessments of local party committees and government leadership at all levels and their members, and take it as an important reference to determine the assessment results, explore the establishment of a cadre performance assessment management system that combines daily work with addressing major risk challenges, Truly praise the outstanding cadres emerging in the emergency management work such as epidemic prevention and control, and the cadres who are seriously accountable and dare not take responsibility and who are derelict of duty. [Details]

Epidemic prevention and control should simultaneously optimize the national emergency management system

You Zhibin, Professor of the Emergency Management Training Center of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National School of Administration) Emergency management is a scientific, professional and comprehensive work. After the SARS epidemic in 2003, China's entire medical and health system, especially the health emergency, has made great progress. From the perspective of the specific work of the epidemic response, there are some outstanding problems that need to be improved. For example, some leading cadres do not have a strong sense of "bottom line thinking", and their emergency management ability is seriously insufficient. In some regions, the work of combating illegal wildlife markets and trade is not in place, and the relevant material reserves for dealing with typical major public health risks are insufficient. In some regions and some leading cadres, the emergency command ability is still weak, the emergency management training system is not complete, the public emergency science popularization and education work needs to be strengthened, and some emergency supplies and capacity reserves are insufficient. [Details]

Create employment opportunities for migrant workers while fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic

Li Guoxiang, Researcher of Institute of Rural Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences : We should have a holistic view of epidemic prevention and control, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, tackling poverty and other aspects of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". We should not only seize the current key work to contain the epidemic as soon as possible, but also try to reduce the negative impact on the realization of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the fight against poverty. Farmers' income is crucial to poverty alleviation. Under the premise of epidemic prevention and control, how to ensure farmers' income? I believe that the state can focus on the employment situation of migrant workers returning home. If they cannot return to work, they can expand employment opportunities locally and nearby. In areas where there is no epidemic, they can resume production as soon as possible, attract migrant workers to work, and ensure the wage income of rural residents. [Details]

If you want any money, we will send it directly! People guarding the front line of "stomach"

Li Chaolong, the general director of the local chicken in Wuhan Our company is the largest fast food industry in the country, so we should shoulder our responsibilities at this time. I am also a member of the Communist Party of China for ten years and a veteran of Tibet, so I have no choice but to rush forward at this time! After about two weeks of cooking and delivering meals, the staff saw that we were still physically strong, and more people were willing to participate, which was a very meaningful thing. I am really proud of having so many brothers and sisters with me to deliver meals in Wuhan. I hope that more enthusiastic people can come forward and help the front-line personnel in Wuhan. They are really working hard now. [Details]

Warning of the disturbance of Wuhan Red Cross Society

Zheng Gongcheng, Vice President of China Charity Federation : In the battle against COVID-19, the Red Cross Society and Charity Federation were designated as the local special organizations to receive donations and allocate charity resources, playing the role of hub charity organizations. However, these organizations are obviously insufficient in their own capacity, and cannot mobilize other charity organizations to take responsibility together. The competent government departments can not use charitable resources as government public resources, but can provide clear guidance and promote the organic collaboration of charitable organizations to ensure that the government's public resources and social charitable resources play a maximum comprehensive role together. Therefore, it is very necessary to strengthen the synergy of charitable organizations, which is the guarantee to ensure the full effectiveness of charities in the face of disasters. [Details]

Make good use of the wisdom of the masses to fully release the prevention and control ability of the community

Zhu Lijia, Professor of Public Management Teaching and Research Department of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) : People need to live and communities need to prevent epidemics. If there is a conflict between the two, grass-roots community workers should innovate their work methods and carry out work according to the actual situation. First of all, we should ensure the most basic living supply for the people. It is suggested that the community can allow residents to buy food and necessities in different periods and batches to avoid "piling up". In terms of price, we should also check to ensure that daily necessities such as vegetables are kept in stock, the price of vegetables is reasonable, and the supply is sufficient, so that the people can be reassured that they "don't go out and walk around". In addition, some communities do not allow express delivery to enter, which has caused residents to "pile up" to get express delivery. To solve this problem, the community can set up express delivery and take away storage sites to avoid unnecessary gathering of personnel. [Details]

The epidemic situation is urgent, please use market rules to encourage the production of protective products

Miao Yuexin, Professor of Business School of Central University of Finance and Economics : At present, the epidemic prevention and control has entered a critical period. The supply of medical supplies and protective articles with quality and quantity guaranteed is an important factor in winning the battle of epidemic prevention and control. However, we can clearly feel the shortage of medical supplies and protective supplies both at the government's press conference and in the news of the hospital's request for help exposed by the media. A considerable number of domestic enterprises that produce protective articles are small and micro enterprises. During the Spring Festival, they face a series of practical problems such as difficult recruitment and transportation. In addition, the epidemic situation is fierce, and the demand increases sharply in a short time. In addition to the emergency allocation by the state through administrative means, how to apply market rules to ensure high-quality and sustainable supply for manufacturing enterprises is also an urgent issue to be considered. [Details]