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Youth Talk, Issue 54

More than 200 versions of the update were finally approved by all votes

People's Daily Online reporter Zhou Jingding Yixin
November 17, 2023 08:22 | Source: People's Daily Online - Powerful Countries Forum

"Be an honest man and work steadily." Xie Renjun, vice president of the Drilling and Production Research Institute of CNOOC Research Institute, graduated with a master's degree in 2009. When stepping into the gate of the Research Institute, he was eager to realize the value of life in the blue country.

Over the past 14 years, taking advantage of the rapid development of science and technology, Xie Renjun has experienced leapfrog and high-quality development of China's offshore oil, participated in many "first" projects in the field of offshore oil drilling and production, and broken through one key technical bottleneck and world-class problems in drilling and completion.

If the offshore oil and gas production platform is a steel structure that can be seen and touched, the drilling operation below the sea surface is a secret and silent contest with the sea.

Marine oil and gas resources are generally buried deep in the rock layer of the seabed, sometimes several kilometers deep. Xie Renjun's work is to "build bridges and roads" for offshore oil and gas exploitation, that is, to build a "road" between offshore oil and gas production platforms and oil and gas resources in the deep sea, so as to achieve safe and efficient exploitation of oil and gas resources.

In October 2014, Xie Renjun received a "hot potato" as the drilling and production project manager for the research on the development scheme of "Deepwater No.1" gas field. This is the first large-scale deepwater gas field discovered by China's independent exploration and drilling operation, and its importance is self-evident. Before that, he was exposed to shallow water projects with a water depth of less than 300 meters, and he did not know how to start deep-water projects. "I felt unprecedented pressure, but I still made a military order to ensure the completion of the task!" Xie Renjun said.

From scratch, we should explore everything by ourselves. He led the members of the project team to start from scratch, collectively study, research literature, and query standards. After more than a month of brainstorming and desk work, they sorted out the key problems, technical bottlenecks, and task objectives of the project. "When there are questions, there are answers. In the face of all kinds of problems, everyone gives' ideas for answering questions' one by one like doing college entrance examination papers, and develops solutions." Xie Renjun recalled that time, when everyone's spirit of facing difficulties came.

It is with this spirit of research that Xie Renjun led the design team to overcome the key technical problems in the field of drilling and production, such as "scattered gas reservoir location, large water depth span, narrow pressure window, loose reservoir and easy sand production", developed a series of innovative technologies, and created China's 1500 meter deep oil and gas development drilling and production design technology system. This also enabled the project to save a lot of investment from the design source in the technical scheme formulation stage, laid a solid foundation for the green, safe and efficient development of gas fields, and supported China's offshore oil industry to achieve a significant leap in water depth from 300 meters to 1500 meters.

Marine oil and gas resources are very important strategic resources for the development of the petroleum industry, and are of great significance for safeguarding national energy security. For offshore oil workers, they have a special mission and responsibility.

June 6, 2022 is an exciting day for CNOOC. On that day, the international standardization organization ISO 3421 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry - Setting Depth and Installation Design of Marine Riser, drafted by CNOOC Research Institute, was officially published, marking that China has achieved a major leap from following to partially leading in the field of offshore drilling technology. Behind this achievement is the 20 year persistence of CNOOC people.

"The predecessors of CNOOC began to study this standard in 2002. In October 2017, I made a speech in English at the ISO annual meeting, and my idea was affirmed by the chairman of the annual meeting." Xie Renjun told reporters that experts from all countries recognized this proposal. In June 2018, the establishment of this international standard led by the Chinese was officially approved. However, the subsequent work was not smooth. Experts from all countries put forward as many as 376 opinions on the draft international standard (DIS draft), many of which were for core algorithms, and needed to be revised within three months.

Xie Renjun led the team members to scrutinize, check the literature, and strictly scrutinize, verify and demonstrate every word, formula, and data in the DIS draft. More than 200 versions were updated from the sample submitted for review to the final draft. On April 27, 2022, the final international standard (FDIS draft) repeatedly polished was unanimously approved by the global ISO.

At present, Xie Renjun has embarked on a new journey of self challenge and started to work on interdisciplinary integration and innovation in order to help realize the continuous increase of reserves and production of marine oil and gas and meet the major national energy needs. "I hope to use multi-disciplinary information fusion technology of geophysics, geology and petroleum engineering (drilling direction) to research and develop engineering geological precision prediction technology for complex drilling of offshore deep and ultra deep wells, so as to help China's offshore oil and gas exploration and development move towards ultra deep, deep, ultra deep and other complex fields and obtain more oil and gas resources."

Past reviews

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(Editor in charge: Ding Yixin, He Yingchun)

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