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system detection

 BatteryMon Notebook Battery Correction and Repair Tool

BatteryMon Notebook Battery Correction and Repair Tool

Size: 0.72MB Time: June 10, 2023 Star rating:

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The official version of BatteryMon is a battery monitoring and repair software that can help users to monitor the battery power, temperature, health status and other information in real time. The official version of BatteryMon supports a variety of battery types and brand users can choose the most suitable monitoring method according to their own battery type. The official version of BatteryMon also has powerful alarm and notification functions, which can notify users in time when the battery power is low or the battery temperature is too high, so that users can take measures to protect in time.

 The latest version of geekbench4 4.1.0

The latest version of geekbench4 4.1.0

Size: 84.32MB Time: June 9, 2023 Star rating:

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The official version of geekbench4 is a powerful cross platform performance testing software. The official version of geekbench4 can test the processor and memory performance of computers and mobile devices and uses a new test algorithm to more accurately evaluate the performance of devices. The official version of geekbench4 provides strict and reliable test standards and has many features, such as support for multiple operating systems, testing of single core and multi-core processors, and evaluation of memory read/write speed.

 Dxva checker official version 4.6.0

Dxva checker official version 4.6.0

Size: 1.12MB Time: May 31, 2023 Star rating:

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The official version of DXVA Checker is a powerful system hardware accelerated detection tool. The official version of DXVA Checker can help users detect whether the hardware acceleration function in the computer is working properly and supports a variety of hardware acceleration technologies, including DXVA, CUDA, QuickSync, etc. Users can select appropriate technologies for detection according to their hardware configurations. The official version of DXVA Checker also provides a variety of detection methods and testing tools to help users fully understand the performance and stability of hardware acceleration functions.

 Cpuz Chinese v2.06 official installation

Cpuz Chinese v2.06 official installation

Size: 2.07MB Time: May 29, 2023 Star rating:

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This website provides the official download of CPU z. The Chinese version of CPU Z supports a wide range of CPUs, and the software starts and detects quickly In addition, the Chinese version of CPU-Z can also detect information about the motherboard and memory, including our commonly used dual channel memory detection function.

 SecurAble Official Version 1.0

SecurAble Official Version 1.0

Size: 92KB Time: May 23, 2023 Star rating:

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The official version of SecurAble is a CPU security detection tool that provides users with efficient, accurate and practical processor function testing solutions. The official version of SecurAble can detect whether the CPU supports multiple hardware virtualization technologies, data execution protection and other security features, and display the functions supported by each core in the current system. The official version of SecurAble can not only help users understand the performance and security status of processors on their computers, but also guide users to conduct relevant settings or upgrade operations.

 Cinebench R23 Chinese

Cinebench R23 Chinese

Size: 221.44MB Time: 2022-05-24 Star rating:

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The Chinese version of Cinebench R23 is a very excellent system test application. The latest version of Cinebench R23 has powerful functions and is based on advanced algorithms. It provides users with multi-core cpu test and single core cpu test functions. Cinebench R23 software is convenient and practical. It has the key frame enhancement function of animation workflow to help users measure its performance more accurately.

 Card Bar Toolbox Official Version 2.4

Card Bar Toolbox Official Version 2.4

Size: 142.99MB Time: March 7, 2023 Star rating:

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The official version of the card bar toolbox is a tool to help users test computer performance. The latest version of the card bar toolbox has built-in various computer detection tools and provides many common tools such as BIOS tools, CPU detection, overclocking tools, performance testing, memory tools, etc. The official version of the card bar toolbox can also be selectively supported according to its own characteristics. Some of the overclocking software needs to be manually used in the corresponding program with the command line, which can effectively help users detect the performance of various computer cards.

 360 speed test tool latest version

360 speed test tool latest version

Size: 2.67MB Time: 2021-12-20 Star rating:

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360 Network Speed Test Tool is a free broadband speed tester launched by 360 Company, which can test broadband access speed, long-distance network speed and network speed rankings. The test results are highly accurate. 360 network speed test tool adopts the P2P+HTTP test method, which can test the maximum access broadband from the computer to the local operator, and detect the current network speed at any time. The free version of 360 Broadband Tachometer is a single file version extracted from 360 Security Guard. It can be used without installing 360 Security Guard.

 Mem reduce free version

Mem reduce free version

Size: 309.600KB Time: October 31, 2022 Star rating:

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This site provides memfeedback download. Mem reduce (memory reduction tool) is a lightweight tool for real-time detection and cleaning of system memory. It uses unspecified internal system functions, that is, native system services. It is mainly used to clean system caches, such as system working sets, working sets, spare page memory or changed page memory. It can help computers save 10~50% of memory safely, instantaneously and stably
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