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Other antivirus

 Norton 360 official version

Norton 360 official version

Size: 176.75MB Time: May 10, 2024 Star rating:

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Norton 360 is a full-featured security software that provides one-stop protection for users' computers, personal identities and key files. Norton 360 not only optimizes computer performance to ensure smooth operation, but also backs up important files to prevent loss. Norton 360 also provides strong network security protection, so that users can feel at ease when surfing, shopping, socializing and banking on the Internet.

 Jinshan Poison Bull Shockwave Special Kill Tool 1.0 Green Free Edition

Jinshan Poison Bully Shockwave Killer is a tool specially designed for the removal of a worm called Shockwave. The software is powerful and can quickly detect the computer, prevent the computer from being invaded by the virus, and repair the exploitable vulnerabilities of the virus. If you need it, please download it.

 Official version of USB disk antivirus expert 3.22

Official version of USB disk antivirus expert 3.22

Size: 5.03MB Time: April 28, 2024 Star rating:

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The official version of U disk antivirus expert is an antivirus tool suitable for U disk use. U disk antivirus experts can detect and kill more than 1200 U disk viruses, and can also immunize U disk to automatically repair system configurations and files damaged by viruses. The PC download network provides the download service of the U disk anti-virus expert software. To download other versions of the U disk anti-virus expert software, please go to the PC download network!

 AV98 Official Edition

AV98 Official Edition

Size: 2.29MB Time: April 16, 2024 Star rating:

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AV98 is a nostalgic and powerful anti-virus protection tool. In those days, it was the leader in the field of virus detection and killing, and could identify and eliminate as many as 56475 viruses. Today, it not only retains its original excellent ability to detect and kill, but also adds many practical functions, such as cleaning plug-ins, repairing system vulnerabilities and computer physical examination, to protect users' computer security in an all-round way and effectively deal with various new virus threats.

 Official version of Little Red Umbrella

Official version of Little Red Umbrella

Size: 6.27MB Time: August 9, 2023 Star rating:

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The official version of Little Red Umbrella is an anti-virus software that focuses on protecting users' computers from viruses, malware and network threats. The official version of Little Red Umbrella provides real-time virus scanning and protection functions to detect and eliminate potential threats in a timely manner. The official version of Little Red Umbrella also has powerful firewall and network security functions to protect users' networks from hackers and malicious attacks. It also provides security browser plug-ins to help users identify and block malicious websites.

 Xiaohongsan antivirus software Android version 3.8 official version

Avira Free Android Security is an Android mobile phone security application launched by Little Red Umbrella, which provides the protection function of mobile phone loss. In your pocket, they put the network, media and communication capabilities of computers

 Little Red Umbrella 2013 Chinese version (Avira AntiVir Premium) official free version

Before entering the Chinese market, the free Chinese version of Little Red Umbrella anti-virus software had already had many umbrella meals in China. Today, this free anti-virus software from Germany, Little Red Umbrella, took the opportunity to launch the free version of Avira AntiVir Premium 2012 in simplified Chinese, which has attracted a lot of attention. At present, Little Red

 Xiaohongsan 2013 Chinese version official version

PC Download Network software download provides you with Xiaohongsan antivirus software download. The reliability of Little Red Umbrella antivirus software 2013 has been proved by many comparative tests and independent business records. AntiVir is designed for the security protection of individual viruses and viruses hidden in workstations, which is very convenient for users to operate.

 Tencent Computer Housekeeper 16.3.23954.210

Tencent Computer Housekeeper 16.3.23954.210

Size: 1.88MB Time: November 22, 2022-12 Star rating:

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Tencent Computer Steward is the first free network security software in China that integrates the two in one function of "anti-virus+management", including anti-virus, real-time protection, vulnerability repair, system cleaning, computer acceleration, software management and other functions. At present, the historical installed capacity of Tencent butler computer version has reached 350 million times.

 Firevelvet security software official version

Firevelvet security software official version

Size: 23.5MB Time: March 29, 2024 Star rating:

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The official version of tinder security software is a powerful virus protection software. Compared with other similar software, the official version of tinder security software has perfect defense rules and intelligent behavior analysis technology, does not need a huge virus database, and can also well resist malware attacks.
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