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Origin platform

Origin platform latest version

 Origin platform section head LOGO

Software size: 35.1 Formwork

Application platform: WinAll

Software license: Free version

Software category: Apply Other

Software level:

Updated: 2023-12-08

amount of downloads: twenty-six thousand two hundred and seventy-seven

Software language: Simplified Chinese

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The latest version of Origin platform

The latest version of Origin platform is an essential game platform for EA games. The Origin Orange game platform integrates digital purchase, physical activation, download, data cloud storage, social networking and other functions. The Origin platform also adds a social function for users, so that players can more easily communicate with friends. The PC download network provides the download service of the original platform software. To download other versions of the original platform software, please go to the PC download network!

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Original platform software functions

1. Quick download

The Origin orange platform has the best download speed and can download at the fastest speed. You can even play the latest games while the download is still in progress.

2. Offline mode

Even if there is no Internet connection, you can use the Origin Orange platform to play your single player games. Running around the world? A long flight without Wi Fi? None of this is a problem.

3. Cloud archiving

Many of our games support the cloud archiving function. When you want to play on different PCs, or when your hard disk has problems, this is a perfect solution.

4. Single game library

The Origin Orange Platform saves all PC games for you in a single place - no matter where you buy them - and lets you play at any time.

5. Friends list

It's easy to find your friends on the Origin Orange Platform - it's even easier to play with them (or fight each other). It only takes a few seconds to create a list of friends and group them.

6. Text and voice chat

You can use Origin to chat with your friends without leaving the game. If you think they are too noisy, you can also set them to mute at any time.

7. Twitch streaming

Has the technology become more sophisticated? Just press the button to stream your performance to the world on Twitter.

8. Join the community

You love games. So do we. Please join us on Facebook and Twitter to learn about the latest PC games, gifts, exclusive discounts and more!

Origin platform software features

1. No CD is required to start the game

2. Just Origin can play games on all computers

3. The game is pre downloaded and can be started immediately on the release day

4. Automatically download and install game patches

Original Platform Installation Steps

1. Download the Origin platform from the PC download network and unzip it to the current folder. Click the Origin game steward _njyx-origin_1.0.0.917.exe application to enter the installation wizard interface, and then click the custom option.

2. Select the software installation location interface. The PC Download Network editor suggests users to install it in disk D. Select the installation location and click Install.

3. After installing the Origin platform, click Experience Now.

How to use the Origin platform

1. Students without accounts can click Create directly;

2. At the same time, your email will be received. If you do not receive it, it will prove that your email address is wrong;

3. This is the interface of origin.

FAQ of Origin platform

       Q: What social functions does Origin provide?

A: You can use your Origin account to find friends and chat with them, see what they are playing, and invite them to join your game. You can access the friends list on any platform where Origin is installed. If you use Origin on your PC, you can also simply and quickly broadcast your game life online and share it with players everywhere.

       Q: Does Origin provide cloud storage?

A: Our cloud storage function saves your game progress file in the "cloud", that is, on the remote security server network, so that you can continue playing from where you left off on any computer with the same platform (Mac or PC) and Origin installed. It can also backup local game archives.

       Q: How can I submit, view or change an order through Origin?

Answer: You can submit an order through Origin through the Store tab in Origin or Origin. To view your order record in Origin, select the order record in the help menu after logging in. If you need to modify your order, please prepare your order number and contact us, and we will handle it for you.

       Q: Can I turn off data collection in Origin?

Answer: You can turn off the shared hardware specifications and fault reports at any time. System interactive data sharing can be restricted and anonymous, but cannot be completely disabled. You can select Origin The Advanced tab in Application Settings edits the preferences for data sharing.

Comparison of similar software

       Epic game platform The official version is a very popular game software. The latest version of epic provides services such as downloading, installing, and updating games. Virtual engine technology includes PC, host, mobile device, VR And web pages bring high fidelity interactive experience. The first batch of official Epic game platform only confirmed 14 games, but now the first two games have attracted much attention: Ashen from the developer A44 and Superiant Games' new game Hades.

       TGP Tencent game platform It is an integrated game download management platform, through which users can quickly find and download games from Tencent and other manufacturers. It is also the fastest Tencent game download tool. Tencent game acceleration network dedicated to TGP Tencent game platform ensures that users can run games more smoothly; The one-stop game management of TGP Tencent game platform simplifies user operation; At the same time, players can also get exclusive BUFF, experience bonus and other additional rewards through the TGP Tencent game platform, so that the role of the game can grow faster.

Recommended by PCSOFT:

The Origin Orange game platform integrates digital purchase, physical activation, download, data cloud storage, social networking and other functions. The Origin platform is a good application and other software. If you are interested in it, please download it and use it. I'm sure you will like it.

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Latest comments
PC download station netizen 2019-01-30 15:17:29
Those who say that the download is slow are your own network speed problems. What's the relationship with Origin? It's funny
PC download station netizen 2019-01-08 09:16:52
Origin is very good, and the download speed is also very fast. Hmm, no problem.
PC download station netizen 2018-12-02 18:25:30
The first time I used Origin, I felt it was very good, but some places still need more humanization.
PC download station netizen 2018-10-14 02:04:19
Origin likes it very much, 23333, and cherish it.
PC download station netizen 2018-10-08 16:05:20
The Origin in simplified Chinese seems convenient and clear at a glance
PC download station netizen 2018-04-06 14:28:56
I finally found Origin
PC download station netizen 2018-01-22 04:16:05
Very fast, no jamming
PC download station netizen 2017-11-06 19:27:52
Origin is very useful, thank you.
PC download station netizen 2017-09-03 09:16:46
Origin is easy to use! I like this app Others
PC download station netizen 2017-08-09 07:10:53
The software Origin can be described in one word: excellent
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