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XData Virus Decryption Tool

XData Virus Decryption Tool Free Edition

 XData virus decryption tool section header LOGO

Software size: 53.60MB

Application platform: WinAll

Software license: Free version

Software category: system safety

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Updated: 2017-12-07

amount of downloads: two hundred and five

Software language: Simplified Chinese

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XData virus decryption tool is a very good computer virus detection software; XData virus is a powerful virus software that infringes many users' computers; When your computer is attacked or prevented from XData virus, install XData virus decryption tool to solve the problem!

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 XData Virus Decryption Tool

New features of XData virus decryption tool:

1. New function document guardian: blackmailer virus first aid, document time machine, mistakenly deleted document retrieval

The documents encrypted by the blackmailer's virus can hardly be decrypted by technical means at present

It is recommended that users enable the full disk backup function for their own documents in advance. Once the blackmailer encrypts the virus, they can restore the encrypted documents through the existing backup

The document time machine can facilitate the user to retrieve the original version of a document when it was opened on the same day, so that even if the document is misoperated or modified by a virus, the previous normal version can be retrieved

Retrieval of wrongly deleted documents can help users retrieve wrongly deleted documents. For example, if the recycle bin is emptied, files in the recycle bin can also be retrieved

2. Real time defense and active interception of extortion virus!

The butler's active defense system provides multi-level anti extortion protection such as vulnerability defense and active interception.

Please follow the prompts to repair the vulnerability in time and open the active defense system to avoid being hit!

 XData Virus Decryption Tool

Information about XData virus decryption tool:

Earlier, a new type of blackmail virus named "XData" was widely spread in Ukraine, Germany, Russia and other countries and regions. Tencent's computer steward and Hubble Analysis System intercepted and killed it for the first time, and closely monitored the latest trend of the virus. Recently, the "XData" virus decryption key was released, and Tencent Security Anti Virus Lab developed a decryption tool based on this key for the first time, which can restore files encrypted by the "XData" virus.

XData virus decryption tool update log:

The developer GG said there was really no bug this time~

Recommended by editor: The XData virus decryption tool is very simple to use. The optimization of the operation interface makes it easy for you to find the desired function. Come and download it. The editor has also carefully prepared the official download of qq butler, computer doctor, invisibility hero and Baidu guard for you

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PC download station netizen 2017-11-15 14:42:47
Having used so many similar software, I feel that XData virus decryption tool is more user-friendly.
PC download station netizen 2017-10-02 18:01:24
It's very easy to use. I like this XData virus decryption tool best. Nothing else is good..
PC download station netizen 2017-08-01 19:18:46
XData virus decryption tool is not bad, why no one left a message.
PC download station netizen 2017-07-18 02:01:06
The XData virus decryption tool in simplified Chinese looks convenient and clear at a glance
PC download station netizen 2017-06-19 08:42:16
I think it's very good. It meets my expectations. Those who can't use it should not blame XData virus decryption tool
PC download station netizen 2017-06-14 22:31:19
XData virus decryption tool interface design is easy to use and has rich functions
PC download station netizen 2017-05-02 14:24:58
It has been downloaded and tested. It is very useful. It is the same as the XData virus decryption tool introduced by other people
PC download station netizen 2017-05-02 02:58:27
XData virus decryption tool has been used for many years, but this software is the best
PC download station netizen 2017-04-21 12:11:20
Professional requirements 23333
PC download station netizen 2017-03-30 15:17:30
XData virus decryption tool hopes it can be better and better
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