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Android Simulator bluestacks

Android simulator bluestacks 5.9.300 Chinese version

 Android Simulator Bluestacks Section First LOGO

Software size: 763.8KB

Application platform: WinAll

Software license: Free version

Software category: Phone Tools

Software level:

Updated: 2022-11-02

amount of downloads: seventeen thousand four hundred and thirty-eight

Software language: Simplified Chinese

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Android simulator bluestacks is a tool that can simulate Android environment and use Android applications in Windows operating system. Android simulator bluestacks can create an environment that can be used by Android system in Windows system, in which users can run all applications and games on mobile phones. This software was used by Android application developers for various application research and development in the past, but now it is gradually becoming an indispensable tool for players to entertain mobile games on computers.
About Android Simulator bluestacks:
BlueStacks (Android Simulator) is a software that allows Android applications to run on Windows. It is also called Blue Stack in Chinese. Launched by BlueStacks, Reliance Network is specially authorized to be the authoritative agent software developer in China. Its product Reliance Assistant is currently the most perfect PC management software supporting bluestacks in China. In addition to supporting the installation and use of most APP applications, BlueStacks also has good support for cameras, headsets, physical keyboards, mice and other peripherals on ordinary computers (laptops).
Android simulator bluestacks function description:
1. Support the installation and use of all Android software
2. Support players to play mobile games on computers
3. Support camera, headset, physical keyboard, mouse and other devices on the point computer
4. Support the research and development of Android application developers

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How to use BlueStacks for Android Simulator:

1. After the program is installed, the default is English, which may cause inconvenience to some friends. Let's set the language first! Click the wrench mark at the lower right corner of the program


2. Enter the setting page and left click change language


3. In the language selection field, slide the middle wheel of the mouse or press and hold the left button to pull up the page to interact with the language area. The last item of the option is simplified Chinese, and the left click to modify it successfully


Notes on Android emulator bluestacks:
Windows XP users need to install Windows Installer 4.5 and NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Runtime!

Frequently asked questions about Android emulator bluestacks:

Q: What should we do if the bluestacks Android emulator cannot be installed? How many cases do you think you belong to?

A: 1. Installation environment problems. Before installing the simulator, XP system needs to install two plug-ins: Framework2.0 and WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (this has been mentioned in the previous installation tutorial); Some win7 systems are ghost or the compact Windows Installer service is not installed.

2. Conflict between old and new versions. If an old version of the simulator has been installed on your computer before, you must first completely uninstall the old version of the simulator (including the registry) before installing the new version of the simulator

Android emulator bluestacks update log:

The developer GG said there was really no bug this time~

Recommended by editor: This is a great Android emulator. You can play Android games on your computer. If you are not used to this software, you can try the software such as Shanling e-dog upgrade, brick rescue tool, i4 assistant official download, bs emulator, and hope you like it!

Software screenshot

Android Simulator Bluestacks Related Topics

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PC download station netizen 2017-06-09 06:02:38
Android emulator bluestacks is good.
PC download station netizen 2017-06-07 13:24:19
It was downloaded and tested. It is very useful. It is the same as the Android simulator bluestacks introduced by other people
PC download station netizen 2017-06-02 14:27:21
The Android emulator bluestacks is really powerful, and there are many deeper and more advanced functions. As for what it is, I will not say anyway.
PC download station netizen 2017-05-27 00:58:23
Android simulator bluestacks has brought me great convenience. I didn't expect such good software
PC download station netizen 2017-05-22 02:54:06
Ah, I can't control myself anymore. Android emulator bluestacks is very easy to use.
PC download station netizen 2017-05-16 03:12:26
The PC download network is reliable. Android emulators bluestacks on other websites are either old or cannot be downloaded
PC download station netizen 2017-05-11 18:58:12
The software is average, and no poison is the key.
PC download station netizen 2017-05-09 13:04:19
Recommended by others, try it
PC download station netizen 2017-04-26 01:21:39
I envy that others can write a lot of suggestions for Android simulator bluestacks, but I can only use it easily. two thousand three hundred and thirty-three
PC download station netizen 2017-04-23 23:47:01
Android emulator bluestacks hopes to do better and better
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