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Hot blooded Jianghu

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Hot blooded Jianghu

 Hot blooded Jianghu

Language: Chinese

Version: 102.0

Updated: 2023-01-19

Size: 787.40MB

Software manufacturer: Beijing Zhongqing Longtu Network Technology Co., Ltd

Record No.: HUICPB No. 16008233-7A

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Hot blooded Jianghu Android version is a fun and interesting role-playing game. The hot blooded Jianghu APP breaks the heavy and gloomy style in the traditional martial arts world, and shapes the "bright and happy martial arts spirit". The Q Meng characters are incomparably flexible, the fresh world is bright in color, and the taste of different Jianghu styles is different. The hot blooded Jianghu Android version inherits the background of the original story, regains the unforgettable Jianghu feelings, and then draws a picture of young swordsmen.

Basic Introduction to Hot blooded Jianghu

Hot blooded Jianghu Android version is a martial arts theme role-playing mobile game with beautiful pictures and lifelike characters. The fresh and bright game scene, lively and lovely character modeling, and funny and humorous game story create a relaxed and happy Jianghu world.

Hot blooded Jianghu game content

Happy sword, warm Jianghu! The hot blooded Jianghu Android version regains the unforgettable Jianghu feelings, and then draws a picture of young swordsmen; Happy swordsman, carefree in the Jianghu! Q Cute and flexible role, ancient style fresh world; Break the gloomy and heavy style in the traditional martial arts world, and shape the "bright and happy martial arts spirit"; Q Meng's role is unparalleled in agility, fresh world, bright colors, and different tastes of the Jianghu;

Hot blooded Jianghu game background

Two years after the disappearance of the "King of Sword", the world's top five wonders, his granddaughter Tan Hualin practiced martial arts in the King of Sword's house and was attacked. The target of the other side was the "Demon Subduing Flower Soul Sword". Hua Phosphorus suspects that grandpa's disappearance is related to the sword. In order to find the answer, she resolutely ventured into the Jianghu and the Wulin world. One day, I met my new friend Han Feiguan, a young warrior, while being hunted down. Han Feiguan, the hero, is the sixth disciple of the evil sect's supreme god, the Devil of Heaven. He also has the blood of mysterious sword demons. But his goal in life is to marry a beautiful wife and eat and sleep well. He feels like another Wei Xiaobao, and his eyes brighten when he sees beautiful women. Although he has excellent qualifications, he is lazy to learn martial arts. Han Feiguan's life has changed a little since he met Tan Hualin, the granddaughter of the heroine, the righteous king of swords.

Horse jumping in the Central Plains, pursue the mystery of the eight wonders of the Wulin, such as the fire dragon sabre, the demon subduing flower spirit sword, the soul chasing five-star gun and the overlord ghost face A, review the glorious stories of the five wonders of the world, such as the sword emperor, the sword emperor, the craftsman, the strange beggar and the medicine fairy, explore the history of the four major forces outside the North Sea, South Forest, East Desert and West Ridge, and follow the ideal of the God of Heaven to unify the Wulin, This is the Jianghu full of blood.

Hot blooded Jianghu game features

1. Be happy with the sword and warm in the Jianghu

Officially licensed, Youth Swordsman Mobile Tour

Classic IP genuine license, Longtu game strength release

Hot blooded Jianghu Android Edition inherits the background of the original story, regains the unforgettable feelings of the Jianghu, and draws a picture of young swordsmen again

2. Happy swordsman, carefree in the Jianghu

Q Cute and flexible role, ancient style and fresh world

Break the gloomy and heavy style in the traditional martial arts world, and shape the "bright and happy martial arts spirit"

Q Cute characters are unparalleled in agility, fresh world, bright colors, and taste different Jianghu styles

3. Five professions, fight again in the Jianghu

Gorgeous individual fashion, dazzling martial arts

Restore the five classic professions of Duanyou, rich choices of good and evil job transfer, and the unique martial arts are the best in the world

More rich, gorgeous and exquisite fashion, showing the personality of young swordsmen

4. Diversified social interaction and control of the Jianghu

Get married and make friends, form a team to brush off strange people, and talk about voice

Convenient and fast team building system, with swordsmen and villains upgrading, we can overcome difficulties together

Love and brothers can talk with each other anytime and anywhere, and have fun action interaction to create a loving social environment

5. Who is in charge of the Jianghu

Cross server forces fought fiercely and won the supreme title

Free field PK, passionate gang war, force war, single person and multi person arena

Opposition between good and evil, constant war smoke! Enrich PVP playing methods, and win the title of supreme glory. Fight the legendary Jianghu with passion.

Hot blooded Jianghu update log

Main contents:

And get rich rewards. At the same time, the play method of the Guild Club is closed, and the rewards offered by Tiange Island are more excellent than the Guild Club Club. 2. New [Training] Skill in Bagua 1. Open up the guild island: Tiange Island. The guild leader will open it after the third level of the guild (small map - Tiange). After opening, the guild members can feed spirit beasts in Tiange Island, go out to the sea to hunt, etc., to improve the prosperity of the island. When the level reaches 94, you can obtain higher star attributes by training the Bagua parts, It can activate powerful additional attributes through multiple gossip.

3. New travel photos have been added to the Genie Travel, waiting for you to explore.

4. Start the 31st season of martial arts meeting. From September 16, 2020, the champion team of this martial arts meeting will obtain the Wulin Skin [Fantasy Paper Doll] or the martial arts medal of honor * 100. This martial arts meeting is still the Wulin Alliance Leader mode.

5. Open [Spy Storm] again, from September 11 to September 25, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. You can get rich rewards if you join at Baidaoxia Ridge, the mysterious recruitment officer.

6. The guardian spirit beast has added [Wooden Spirit · Cherry Falling].

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Hot blooded Jianghu