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Shenzhen Law Firm explains in detail: Does ship insurance cover losses caused by oil pollution or other environmental pollution?

Time: 2024-05-27 08:51 Click: key word: Shenzhen Law Firm

As Shenzhen Law Firm I often receive inquiries about whether ship insurance covers losses caused by environmental pollution. In this article, I will discuss the coverage of ship insurance in this area from the perspective of lawyers, and insert some domestic real-time cases to help readers better understand the relevant legal issues.

 Shenzhen Law Firm explains in detail: Does ship insurance cover losses caused by oil pollution or other environmental pollution?

Does vessel insurance cover environmental pollution losses?

Ship insurance usually includes compensation for losses caused by oil pollution or other environmental pollution. Specifically, ship insurance may cover the following losses:

Cleaning costs: If oil leakage accident or other environmental pollution incidents occur at sea, the ship insurance may include cleaning costs, which are used to clean up pollutants and reduce environmental damage.

 Shenzhen Law Firm explains in detail: Does ship insurance cover losses caused by oil pollution or other environmental pollution?

Repair cost: If the ship is damaged due to oil pollution or other environmental pollution, the ship insurance may cover the cost of repairing the hull and equipment to restore the normal state of the ship.

Third party losses: If the environmental pollution event causes losses to the third party (such as fishermen, coastal residents, etc.), the ship insurance may assume the relevant liability for compensation.

Real time case of Shenzhen Law Firm:

Recently, an oil spill accident occurred on an oil tanker in the sea area near Shenzhen, resulting in serious pollution of marine ecology and serious losses to nearby fishermen and residents. The ship owner submitted an application for compensation to the insurance company, but the insurance company refused the request for compensation because of the limitation clause on environmental pollution liability in the insurance contract. The ship owner then sought the help of Shenzhen Law Firm. Through investigation, the lawyer found that the ship insurance contract did not explicitly exclude the liability for compensation for environmental pollution events, so the ship owner has the right to obtain corresponding compensation.

How to ensure compensation for environmental pollution losses?

Read the insurance contract carefully: When purchasing ship insurance, be sure to read carefully the clauses on environmental pollution liability in the insurance contract to understand the specific coverage and restrictions of the insurance.

Timely report and provide evidence: If an environmental pollution event occurs, the ship owner should report to the insurance company in a timely manner, and provide detailed accident evidence and relevant documents to obtain compensation.

Seek legal aid: If the insurance company refuses to compensate or the amount of compensation is unreasonable, the ship owner can seek Shenzhen Law Firm To protect their legitimate rights and interests.

 Shenzhen Law Firm explains in detail: Does ship insurance cover losses caused by oil pollution or other environmental pollution?


Ship insurance usually covers losses caused by oil pollution or other environmental pollution, including cleaning costs, repair costs and third-party losses. In order to ensure compensation, the ship owner should read the insurance contract carefully, report the case in time and provide evidence, and seek legal assistance from lawyers in case of problems.