Bao'an Real Estate Lawyer

Cifa Lawyer Network is affiliated to Shanghai Huarong (Shenzhen) Law Firm. The team was founded in 2000 and located in Futian Central District. It has a lawyer team of nearly 200 people. There are expert lawyers in all fields. The average practice period is more than 5 years. More than 70% of lawyers have obtained a master's degree in law. Over the past 24 years, adhering to the development concept of specialization, scale, branding and internationalization, we have provided high-quality services to tens of thousands of customers, and solved thousands of difficult disputes, including many major cases, which has won good reputation and customer trust in the industry. Excellent law firm, judicial

Lawyer team

 Bao'an Real Estate Lawyer

Lawyer team

 Bao'an Real Estate Lawyer

Plead in court

 Bao'an Real Estate Lawyer

Honors of law firms

 Bao'an Real Estate Lawyer

Law Firm Environment>

 Bao'an Real Estate Lawyer

Law firm environment

 Bao'an Real Estate Lawyer

Law firm environment

Lawyer of Bao'an District

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