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You can view the information such as "points details, experience details, answer details, and bad name value" under "My PCbaby Quick Ask" to show the rewards and penalties of your activities in PCbaby Quick Ask.

Bad name value:
It is the negative performance value of PCbaby's quick query of user image. This is to maintain the green environment of PCbaby quick question. The operation team will punish users who maliciously publish false information and violate the "PCbaby quick question agreement".
List of villains:
The change of bad name value between every Sunday and last Sunday is calculated. If the user's bad name value is less than 5, he will not be listed. If the bad name value is greater than or equal to 5, he will be listed as long as the bad name value increases.
Calculation method of bad name value:
The user's questions, answers and comments are directly deleted to increase the bad name value. Each deleted article will increase the bad name value by a little. The bad name value will not decrease, but only increase.
Indirect deletion definition:
The indirectly deleted ones are not included in the bad name value. User A issues a question, and User B answers it. If there is a question, it is deleted by the administrator, and the entire question is deleted together with User B's answer. In this case, User B's answer is an indirect deletion, and only A's bad name value is calculated, not B's bad name value.

PCbaby quick question administrators are divided into four levels: official administrator, official administrator assistant, first level administrator, and second level administrator.
Official administrator:
PCbaby asks the community officials to be responsible for the development, construction and planning of the entire administrator system, as well as the appointment and removal of all administrator system members. Have the highest authority of PCbaby quick query administrator system.
Official Administrator Assistant:
Assist the official administrator in daily management affairs, including recruitment of administrator system members, performance appraisal management and new staff training.
First level administrator:
It is selected by the official administrator and is responsible for the management of all members of the classification administrator system under the level 1 classification of the PCbaby Quick Ask Community. It includes team building and development, daily management and assessment of members of the administrator system.
Second level administrator:
Responsible for the ultimate classification management of PCbaby Quick Ask Community. Timely recommend qualified refinement of "problems to be solved" and "solved problems" to ensure the order and content quality of the classification section. Be responsible for the deletion and classification transfer of illegal posts under the first level classification of the PCbaby quick question community, so as to ensure the neatness of the community classification and improve the content quality by cleaning up the garbage question and answer.

PCbaby, ask the expert group ID with casxZ Logo: they are professional pediatricians, gynecologists, early education experts, and experienced people in the maternal and infant industry invited by PCbaby Quick Ask. They have special PCbaby Quick Ask expert IDs and display methods to provide more authoritative answers for netizens.

We summarize the "baby's problems" that mothers pay most attention to. Just click the "baby's problems" on the home page to enter this page. According to the classification, you can quickly find any kind of questions and answers about baby development, nursing, health and early education. The answer to the question of "parenting" here will be faster, more professional and more considerate.

We summarize the "mother's questions" most concerned by prospective mothers and young mothers. You just click the "mother's questions" on the home page to enter this page. According to the classification, you can quickly see all the questions and answers about mothers. Here, the answers to mother's questions will be more comprehensive, faster and more professional.

PCbaby Quick Quest is a professional question and answer platform in the maternal and infant industry, covering almost all topics of pregnancy, childcare, early education, etc. It is the latest popular interactive "human flesh search". PCbaby Quick Ask is determined to solve the problems and needs of all users around mothers and babies - if there is a problem, of course, PCbaby Quick Ask. We are committed to building a free and open platform where netizens can freely ask questions, conveniently search for answers and enthusiastically answer questions. PCbaby Quick Ask will invite senior pediatrics, gynecology, early childhood education experts and experienced people in the maternal and infant industry to ensure that all answers are accurate and effective.

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