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League of Heroes is a 3D Arena Battle Network game developed by Riot Games. Its main creative team is composed of the powerful development team of the Warcraft series game DOTA Allstars, as well as the art, program and planning personnel of Activision Blizzard and other famous game companies, extending DOTA's play from the battle platform to the online game world. In addition to DOTA's game rhythm, real-time strategy and team combat, League of Heroes has a unique hero, an automatic matching battle network platform, including talent tree, summoner system, runes and other elements, so that players can experience a new hero battle.

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Updated on: 18-11-05 What are the rewards for LOL E-sports koi activity? E-sports brocade In order to celebrate the LOL Global Finals IG won the championship in the Global Finals by 3:0, LOL Weibo launched an electronic contest of koi. How to add? What are the rewards? The following is an introduction to the participation methods and rewards of LOL E-sports Koi, let's have a look Updated on: 18-11-02 LOL summoner, please return to the activity address LOL summoner The League of Heroes recently launched the LOL activity Summoner Please Return. In this activity, players can see the time when they entered the Summoner Valley, as well as some data of their own over the years. Finally, the official will select a professional player who is most similar to you according to some of your data Updated on: 18-08-01 LOL Activities 2018 LOL August 2018 Activities The League of Heroes has always been happy to launch various activities of skin pumping, skin giving and props giving back to players. Players are also very enthusiastic about these activities and have a high degree of participation. Some do not know what activities LOL has launched. Click to view the latest and most comprehensive LOL activities in 2018 to let you know LOL201 at a glance Updated on: 18-01-25 Lol Find the activity address of the strongest passer-by king in the Internet cafe lo Lol started the strongest activity of "passer-by king" in the Internet cafe, and gave it to the luxury genuine manual. The first 500 can get the Internet cafe privilege to limit the skin to one out of three. You can also draw a lottery to win a gift. Now let's take a look at the introduction of the event address and details. The strongest passer-by in Internet cafes During the activity, we played games in QQ Internet Cafe Updated on: 17-08-16 Glory of the lol war academy When will the war begin When will the glory of lol war academy begin? How often does the lol war academy honor? The honor activity of the war academy has started. During the activity, any summoner whose hero reaches level 5 or above can receive achievement rewards and privileges. Honorary activity address of the War Academy: http://lol.qq...

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