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How to see if the 3060 video card is full of blood

2021/10/15 17:00:28 Author: Teaching Assistant


This video was recorded by Lenovo Qitian M428, a desktop computer in Windows 10 system.

Generally, the full blood of the graphics card refers to the power consumption of the mobile terminal graphics card. The power consumption of the graphics card will directly affect the performance of the graphics card. Therefore, to check whether the graphics card is full of blood is generally confirmed with the merchant before purchase, or to check the specific power consumption of the graphics card through testing software after purchase.

The 3060 graphics card has many versions of different power consumption types. The lower the power consumption of the same graphics card, the worse the performance will be. For example, the 3060 of 130W is 100% performance standard, 105W can only play 92%, and 80W can only play 87%. Therefore, the 3060 without dynamic enhancement 115W or with dynamic enhancement 130W is called the full blood version, and the rest is called the residual blood version. Generally, the power consumption of the product will be noted before purchasing the computer, so users can identify whether the 3060 graphics card carried by the computer is the full blood version at the beginning of selecting the computer.

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