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Anti war client Xunlei Official latest edition

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Rebellion is a very interesting shooting game. The game contains a variety of future combat modes. This game is based on the background of the movie of the same name. It can drive a tank, drive a robot, etc. It is simple and easy to operate. It is very suitable for fast-food game players. PC6 provides customers of Rebellion for everyone to download
  • Game size: 13.67G
  • Operating system: WinXP, Win7, WinAll, Tencent Games
  • Time to market: 2017/3/31
  • Updated: 2022/1/10
  • Game classification: Online game client
  • Game manufacturer:

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Recommended for you: Online game client Shooting Tencent online game ranking High configuration

Configuration requirements
operating system Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
Operating environment

Visual C++ 2012

net framework 2.0 SP2

DirectX 9.0

Games For Windows Live

CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8G or AMD Athlon64 X2 2.4G
Memory 2 GB
Graphics card NVIDIA 6800 or higher; ATI X1900 or higher: 256 MB
Hard disk Please ensure 5GB free space for download+installation

Introduction to the game

Rebellion is developed by Tencent Game Linlang Tiantian Studio, aiming at the near future Warfare With Mecha War and various innovative models fps Online games. The game uses illusory 3 engines, with gorgeous pictures, focusing on the texture of gun performance, and outstanding special effects. The game inherits the competitive playing methods and Shooting On the basis of experience, many innovative models and weapons have been launched. The game integrates many mature systems such as battle team, level, achievement and social interaction

Screenshot of the game

Operation Guide

Game mode

Machine armour war (confrontation mode)
Players are randomly assigned to the human camp or the mecha camp, and the latter will drive the M15 "Storm" main battle mecha for two minutes under the siege of humans without being completely annihilated to win. Storm mecha is loaded with machine guns and rockets, and has the function of short-time gliding and flying. It is a fierce firepower and highly mobile medium range infantry killer. In addition to using conventional guns, players in the human camp can also find big killing weapons in the scene to fight against mecha. These big killing weapons include flame throwers, rocket launchers, Gatlin machine guns, adsorption grenades, engineering grenades and ray guns.
Survival Battle (Pass Mode)
In survival mode, 4 players are trapped in the control room of the underground Seiberg assembly center. There are 5 repairable steel fence entrances in the central control room, but these entrances are vulnerable to attack under various fierce Saiberg's minions. Health value and ammunition can be added in the central control room. In addition to the rifles, machine guns, submachine guns, shotguns and even sniper guns purchased by the players themselves, the players can also use flame throwers, six tube rotary machine guns, electric saws and plasma high-voltage heaters to wipe out the incoming Saiberg monsters. Machine armour war (confrontation mode)
Crazy team war (confrontation mode)
In the crazy team mode, various types of big killers in the machine armour war are modified into crazy weapons suitable for crazy killing, which are provided to players for free. These weapons include multiple rocket launchers, reinforced flame throwers, laser guns and Gatling machine guns. Each weapon has its own characteristics. If you want to survive in a crazy town, you must take advantage of the advantages and avoid the disadvantages, and use the terrain and weapon advantages to destroy the enemy.
Steel Forest (security mode)
The six person base security map "Steel Forest" is divided into three stages. In the first stage, players must use individual guns in the outfield of the base to block the impact of various crawling monsters on the base gate with flesh and blood. In the second stage, players will be able to control the M777 heavy howitzer, M38 light machine gun and M15 "monster" mecha to defend against enemies from air and ground. The M15 "monster" mecha is a medium and short distance single soldier infantry mecha with thick protection and powerful firepower, and is an unparalleled king of close combat. In addition, players can also use infrared automatic sentry machine guns, solar flare shaped electromagnetic guns and carpet bombing at critical moments. In the third stage, the enemy BOSS "destroyer -- Southern Cross" will come on the scene. This is a land level battle carrier equipped with numerous weapons of mass destruction. Its appearance sounded the battle horn of the steel forest heavy equipment. At this time, in addition to machine armour and artillery, players can also drive weapons helicopter The new QTE (rapid response) system and the leading screen effects of the illusory three engines will add countless fun to the battle.
Tank War (confrontation mode)
In tank mode, players from the defender's camp will drive the active M1A2 or Panther 2 main battle tank, and compete with the T90 and 99 types driven by players from the raider's camp for the King of Land War in the world. Each type of tank has a different armored structure and power system. The five game perspectives and artillery shell combinations of each type will perfectly interpret the characteristics of modern tank warfare.
Team battle (competitive mode)
Players are divided into two camps to fight against each other, and the goal is to destroy the enemy to obtain camp scores. In the end, the camp with the highest score within the specified time will win, or the camp with the first score will win.
Explosive warfare (competitive mode)
Players are divided into two camps: offensive and defensive. The offensive side aims to bury C4 in the target area and detonate it, while the defensive side aims to prevent the attack and defense from burying C4 or successfully disarming the installed C4. In each small game, the player cannot be revived after death, and can only be revived after the next game starts.
Point grabbing battle (competitive mode)
Players are divided into two camps. Only one key area in the middle of the map is occupied by players from both camps. The camp that successfully occupies this area will continue to get resource scores. The camp that first gets the specified resource score or the camp that gets the most resources within the specified time will win.
War of annihilation (competitive mode)
Players are divided into two camps. In this mode, players cannot use their own weapons, but can only use the existing weapons in the map to fight. And completely annihilate the opponent within the specified time to win the victory. In each small game, the player cannot be revived after death, and can only be revived after the next game starts.
Special battle - sword battle (competitive mode)
Players are divided into two camps. They can only use close weapons to fight and annihilate their opponents within the specified time to win.
Special war - sniper war (competitive mode)
Players are divided into two camps and can only fight with sniper guns and melee weapons. In the end, the camp with the highest score within the specified time will win, or the camp with the first score will win.
Special battle - hand a gun battle (Competitive mode)
Players are divided into two camps and can only fight with pistols and melee weapons. In the end, the camp with the highest score within the specified time will win, or the camp with the first score will win.
Special battle - hand grenade (competitive mode)
Players are divided into two camps and can only fight with throwing weapons and melee weapons.
R&D mode
At present, mutation mode, mecha combat mode, tank warfare base defense mode, space mode, mechanical shooting Tower defence Models are under planning or development.

Pc6 official anti war qq group: Pc6 Rebellion Group

manufacturer: PC6

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