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Baidu Library automatic scoring tool to increase wealth value

  V5.9 green version
  • Software size: 335KB
  • Updated: 2013/6/17
  • Software language: simplified Chinese character
  • Software category: Miscellaneous tools
  • Software license: freeware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinXP, Win7

 Software scoring

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    Automatically log into Baidu Library and randomly find articles to score to increase wealth value.

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    Xiaobian often downloads some files, mainly Baidu Library. At the beginning, I suffered from the lack of wealth value, so I wrote an automatic tool to automatically log into Baidu Library, randomly find articles to score, so as to increase wealth value. Due to Baidu's rules, only the first ten evaluations are effective every day. So this tool is scored ten times each time.
    Because of the limitation of Baidu, only the first five scores can obtain wealth values every day. Five document scores and five article series scores are 10 wealth values...
    Occasionally, there will be a delay in the arrival time of 10 wealth values, so you will check immediately after scoring 10 times, and find that only 6 points or 8 points have been added. Wait five or six minutes and then add it.
    Although this tool can only help you to get 10 points every day), over time, every drop of water becomes a river.. I have hundreds of wealth now. Download what you want from Baidu Library.....
    The first thing to start every day at work is to run this program. It will take less than a minute. Every little makes a mickle. The wealth value is enough...
    Software screenshot:

    The whole program is such a small box. You can get wealth value immediately by entering an account number and password. Wealth value is specifically obtained by commenting on documents or uploading documents. This program is to obtain wealth value by commenting on documents in batches. Of course, there is a limit. You can only get 10 wealth values every day, which is officially stipulated by Baidu.

    Update log

    It will assist users to participate in the [Sign in Task]+[Daily Share] task of Baidu Library every day, and automatically operate.
    Baidu limits the number of operations per IP in a short time, so when you log in to multiple accounts in a row, a verification code will pop up, and even Baidu will block your IP for a short time, so please use it as appropriate. (Fantasy to add scores to countless accounts in batches through this program, please bypass.)

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    • Baidu Library's automatic scoring tool for increasing wealth value V5.9 green version

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