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Yimeng Trader Qiankun Edition

  V3.9.7.16 Official
  • Software size: 68.4M
  • Updated: 2020/12/21
  • Software language: simplified Chinese character
  • Software category: Stock software
  • Software license: freeware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinAll
  • Software manufacturer: Yimeng Trader

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    This version of Yimeng Trader's Qiankun is the latest official version. It is based on the in-depth processing and research of Level2 data, which has solved the limitations of general L2 software.

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    This paragraph Yimeng trader Qiankun version is the latest official version, which is the Qiankun version of Yimeng traders. Based on the in-depth processing and research of Level2 data, it has solved the limitations of general L2 software Stock speculation software It has ushered in an era of intelligence and strategy. Whether the market is good or bad, there is a complete set of strategies to solve the four major problems of "timing, stock selection, operation and position" in stock trading from the perspective of bull and bear, which is a milestone in China's stock trading software industry.

     Yimeng Trader Qiankun Edition

    Software features

    Plate monitoring: Plate monitoring is an important feature of all software of Yimeng traders. It can reflect the hot spots and capital flows of the market for a period of time and quickly find out the strong plates and strong stocks by monitoring the transactions of various types of plates.

    Breaking through the mystery: providing trust reports and analysis of eight important information, including the top ten fund holdings, the heavy stock position fund, the fund shareholding statistics, the top ten shareholders of stocks, the shareholder shareholding statistics, the number of shareholders statistics, the full seats of stocks, and the seat appearance statistics.

    Main position increase list: stock selection weapon of Yimeng trader in the Level-2 era. It can select the main stocks that are continuously overweight for a period of time with one click, providing an important basis for short-term stock selection.

    Timing: determine the strategy according to the color, red red strategy and blue blue strategy

    Stock selection: red strategy uses red No. 1 stock pool, blue strategy uses blue No. 1 stock pool

    Trading line: daily trading signal is used for red strategy, and 60 minute trading signal is used for blue strategy

    Position horsepower meter: heavy position, light position, plus position, minus position, different strategies, different tips

    Function introduction

    Heaven and earth map: to solve the problem of timing, the red and blue strategies help the general trend.

    Stock pool: Solve the problem of stock selection, and the bonus pool continues to be successful.

    Trading line: know buying and selling at the first time, do not hesitate to buy bull stocks, and sell at high points to control risk.

    Position horsepower meter: to solve position problems and help shareholders to strictly control risks.

    common problem

       What is the heaven and earth map?

    1. You can't wear only one piece of clothing throughout the year, and you can't use only one set of operating strategies in a bull market or a bear market. Through tracking, disassembling and analyzing the large cycle capital, the Qiankun Chart, combined with volume price coordination and other morphological indicators, allows investors to see through the bull bear at a glance when they are confused.

    2. This is the only system for judging the general trend and distinguishing between bull and bear among all stock trading software at present.

    3. The heaven and earth chart will never change once the market is confirmed.

       What is the position horsepower meter?

    1. This is the only position control system in all stock trading software;

    2. The principle of the position horsepower table: through the authoritative institutional capital data of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, monitor the staged shareholding status of institutions, conduct daily statistics of the total amount of institutional imports and exports, and combine with key technical analysis such as stock index trading volume, price, trend, hot spot intensity, and disk analysis to establish a scientific shareholding position.

    3. Position horsepower meter effect: weak positions maintain light positions or short positions, strong markets quickly fill heavy positions, adjust the trend to reduce positions in time, and rise to increase positions in time.

    4. The position horsepower meter can help shareholders avoid the problem of making small positions and losing heavy positions.

    5. The position horsepower meter of Qiankun version is not for individual stocks, but for the position control of the overall amount of funds of users.

       What is the Red 1 Stock Pool?

    1. Red No. 1 stock pool is a medium and long term stock pool. First, it selects the leading sector. Second, it distinguishes between two institutional startup modes. Third, it establishes the detonation conditions through the functional module system of capital analysis, form analysis, and volume price coordination. Fourth, it selects leading bull stocks from the leading sector.

    2. Red No. 1 stock pool selects stocks after the day, because it is a medium - and long-term line, and can be bought and sold in combination with the daily trading line.

    3. Red No. 1 stock pool only exists in the period of red strategy (bull market period), and will not recommend stocks in the bear market.

       What is Blue 1 Stock Pool?

    1. Three steps for short-term stock selection of Blue 1 stock pool:

    ① Comprehensively judge the capital and technical forms of 1800 individual stocks in the two cities, eliminate the individual stocks with risks, and preliminarily screen the stocks that still have a fast attack.

    ② We will closely monitor the three main capital buying and selling methods of institutional warehouse building, private equity warehouse building, and transaction scanning, and will not let go of stocks cared for by regular troops, hot money, and some large funds with unknown sources.

    ③ To establish the trigger point for the rise of individual stocks, there are two trigger conditions: institutional large order trigger and price jump trigger. Only the stocks that break through successfully will finally enter the Blue No. 1 stock pool.

    2. Blue No. 1 stock pool recommends stocks at 2:45 every day, which can be bought in time.

    3. Blue No. 1 stock pool combines the 60 minute trading line to conduct short-term trading operations, which is applicable to both bull and bear markets.

    Update log

    1. Undisk function: supports switching between new and old versions.

    2. Some problems found in the beta version were modified.

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