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Big wisdom stock software

  V8.57.023508 Free Edition
  • Software size: 179.0M
  • Updated: 2023/11/2
  • Software language: simplified Chinese character
  • Software category: Stock software
  • Software license: freeware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinAll
  • Software manufacturer: Great wisdom

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    Recommended for you: Stock software Great wisdom Trading software Stock speculation software

    The big wisdom stock software is the latest version of the official website. It is a super securities information platform used for stock market display, market analysis, foreign exchange and futures information, and real-time information reception.

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    Great wisdom Stock software It is the latest version of the official website, which is used to display the stock market quotations analysis , foreign exchange and futures information, and at the same time real-time information receiving super securities information platform. It is aimed at securities decision-making institutions and securities analysts, consultants and investors of all levels, and pays special attention to the usage habits and feelings of the majority of shareholders.

     Big wisdom stock software

    Function introduction

    1. Multi market market and arbitrage analysis adopts the full push market technology. Shanghai and Shenzhen. Hong Kong stocks. Futures. Foreign exchange. Global market
    2. Information Analysis System Global News Finance . Real time rolling information. Authoritative research report. News attention ranking
    3. The DDE deep data mining decision system is based on the new market and has the function of statistics and analysis on the completed orders
    4. SuperView Data analysis system
    5. Big wisdom super win stock pool
    6. Real time monitoring of the main capital flow plates and stocks in the real-time calculation of the main capital flow
    7. Energy chart of new stock energy tide and main new stock positions
    8. Innovative analysis function formula editor. Self compiled technical indicators, self compiled trading system, self compiled conditional stock selection, positioning analysis, pattern matching analysis, prediction analysis, trading system evaluation and success rate test, arbitrary analysis cycle, intraday timely warning, time-space tunnel and simulated K-line, transaction by transaction reproduction, historical time-sharing chart system indication, etc
    9. Expand the analysis function, expand the database and user-defined database
    10. Statistical analysis function stage statistics, segment analysis, index horizontal statistics, universal data table, user-defined index

     Official free download of great wisdom software

    common problem

      1. Why is the time-sharing trend chart a straight line?
    Answer: Solution 1: Check whether the time and date of your computer's operating system are correct. If not, please correct them;

     Big wisdom stock software

    Solution 2: Close the big smart software, right click the big smart icon on the desktop - "Properties -" Find Target "or" Open File Location "- find the" DRVDATA "folder to delete, reopen the software and preferably log in to the main station

     Official free download of great wisdom software

    Scheme 3: Terminal - close reception, click Terminal - Data Management - Data Management - check the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the left market box, click Clear Today's Market Data, and reconnect the market.

     Big wisdom stock software

       2. Abnormal display of stock time sharing chart?
    Answer: Solution 1: Move the mouse to the stock code position at the upper right corner of the time-sharing chart, and click the right mouse button - click Refresh Data.

     Official free download of great wisdom software

    Scheme 2: Delete drv under Dzh2 Data file Clip, re open the software and preferably log in to the master station

     Big wisdom stock software

    Scheme 3: click the terminal - close receiving, then click the terminal - data management - data management - check the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the left market box, click to clear the market data of today and reconnect the market.

     Official free download of great wisdom software

      3. Why is there no yellow volume on the time-sharing chart?
    Answer: You can click the up red arrow at the lower right corner of the time-sharing chart or click the Template - Standard button at the lower left corner.

     Big wisdom stock software

      4. Why does time-sharing trend fluctuate very little?
    Answer: Scheme 1: check whether the coordinate axis on the left side of the timesharing chart is 10%. If it is 10%, click the yellow 10% button on the upper right corner of the timesharing chart or click Tools - Picture Tools - 10% timesharing line coordinate to tick;

     Official free download of great wisdom software

       5. Why can the time-sharing chart see the time-sharing chart with blue background?
    Answer: Because the historical time-sharing chart has been called, you can click the direction key "↑" in the keyboard to close it.

     Big wisdom stock software

       6. When the page turning function is used to switch stocks in the time-sharing chart interface, a white box flashes
    A: Please confirm whether the white box will be displayed only when you switch to Shenzhen stock market. If so, click Tools Holographic Disk to check.

     Official free download of great wisdom software

      7. How to display collective bidding?
    Answer: You can click the right mouse button on the time-sharing chart to display the set auction or automatically display the set auction.

     Big wisdom stock software

       8. There is no ten level market on the time-sharing chart
    Answer: Scheme 1: Please confirm whether your login account has Level2 permission.
    Scheme 2: click the upper left corner of the time-sharing chart to switch to LEVEL2 default, or click Tools - Picture Tools - Interface Scheme Selection - Select Level2 default interface;

     Official free download of great wisdom software

    Scheme 3: Move the mouse to the trading position, right click respectively - tick the additional trading order, tick the additional dynamic market, and finally click to save the layout design.

     Big wisdom stock software

       9. There are many graphic marks on the time-sharing chart. How to delete them?
    Answer: Move the mouse over the icon - click the right mouse button - delete the system instruction or click the template - standard button in the lower left corner.

     Official free download of great wisdom software

       10. Is there a problem with the data displayed in the historical time-sharing chart in the time-sharing trend interface?
    Answer: Scheme 1: Try to download time-sharing data first.

     Big wisdom stock software

    Solution 2: Delete the min1_2 files in SH and SZ in DATA under the root directory of Wisdom, and download time-sharing data.

     Official free download of great wisdom software

    11. How to deal with slow refresh of timeshare data?
    Answer: Click Terminal - Receiving System - Disconnect - Preferred Master Station - View the network speed value: the smaller the better (0-50 means excellent, if the network is larger than 100, it is unstable, if unknown, it means the network is not connected to the server of the software), and select the server with idle congestion or general server to log in; If not solved, it is recommended to close anti-virus software and firewall , or restart the modem and router.

     Big wisdom stock software

    Boutique recommendation Trading software Stock speculation software Big wisdom stock software

    more (56) >> Trading software Stock speculation and futures commodity investment have become commonplace in daily life. Everyone also likes to use trading software for real-time operation. Stock trading software is the software for stock investors to give trading instructions. Futures in futures trading software usually refer to futures contracts, an activity or trading process,
    more (529) >> Stock speculation software Stock trading software is also called stock trading software. The essence of stock trading software is to provide reports according to an analysis model through the statistics of market information data, and then users will conduct stock trading according to certain analysis theories. Of course, there are risks in the stock market, so investment should be cautious. Not all stocks are for you to make money
    more (86) >> Big wisdom stock software Great wisdom stock software is one of the most popular stock trading software. Many securities investors use great wisdom for investment and financing, not only because it integrates powerful functions such as market analysis, trend analysis and basic analysis, but also because it creates a precedent for two-way exchanges, and strives to provide securities

    Download address

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        5TH FLOOR Heilongjiang Daqing Northeast Petroleum University PC6 netizen Published on: 2017/10/19 16:53:39
        very good

        support ( six ) Building (reply)

        4th Floor PC6 netizen of Shaanxi Education Network Published on: 2014/12/7 11:51:11

        support ( ten ) Building (reply)

        3RD FLOOR PC6 netizen of Tianjin Vocational University Published on: 2014/12/7 9:23:41
        Great smart software, very good, good 1

        support ( ten ) Building (reply)

        2nd floor PC6 netizen of Jiangsu Nantong Zilang University Published on: 2014/9/1 14:01:26
        Why doesn't the big smart phone version show the stock club today? Who knows?

        support ( ten ) Building (reply)

        1st floor Hebei Langfang Telecom Guest Published on: 2013/10/18 16:56:49
        Although it is different from the old version, I feel that there is no problem in using it. Not bad!

        support ( twelve ) Building (reply)

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