Location: home page Media software Video playback → QvodPlayer V5.20.234 official latest version


  V5.20.234 Official latest version
  • Software size: 12.2M
  • Updated: 2021/9/23
  • Software language: simplified Chinese character
  • Software category: Video playback
  • Software license: freeware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinXP, Win7, WinAll

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PC6 local download File size: 12.2M High speed download Need to download high-speed downloader, speed up 50%

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    Recommended for you: Video playback Qvod player MP4 player Online player Multimedia player HD player Rmvb player

    The official version of Fast Broadcast 5.0 integrates a new broadcast engine, which not only supports the self-developed quasi video on demand technology, but also is a free online on-demand software. Users can directly watch rich online video programs through a few minutes of buffering.

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    The official version of Fast Broadcast 5.0 integrates a new broadcast engine, which not only supports the self-developed quasi video on demand technology, but also is a free online on-demand software. Users can directly watch rich online video programs through a few minutes of buffering.

    Fast play has the characteristics of low resource occupation, simple operation, high operation efficiency, strong expansion ability, etc., making it the most popular all-around player in China at present.

    Before, Storm video It has always been the most popular player in the industry. Now Fast broadcast There, everything is different, very convenient and easy to use, online video speed is very fast, and never play ads!!! Baidu Free film , Quickly broadcast qvod movies, many movies!

    New Installation Wizard

    After downloading, double-click QvodSetupPlus5 Exe file Start the installation.

    Please wait patiently for the installation process

    There are binding tools, go to tick

    installation is complete

    Update log

    Major updates to version 5.20.234 (2014-05-08)
    1. Resolve the problem of ogv video crash.
    2. Fixed a bug that caused the player to crash or get stuck by repeatedly double clicking the DVD drive.
    3. Fix the problem that an MP3 file cannot be played on demand.
    4. Fix the problem that DVD cannot be played on win8 system of individual machine|
    5. Turn off thread waiting optimization and add message loop to prevent deadlock.
    6. Add preload mechanism for quick play browser.
    7. Fixed 6 crash points.

    Boutique recommendation Movie watching software Multimedia player Streaming Media Player

    more (205) >> Movie watching software Film is a part of our life, which originated in the th century in the United States to entertain the public. Now the film still plays such a role. From the initial film to the current camera recording, we have witnessed the development of the film. Now that movies have entered the network, many movie watching software have been created
    more (67) >> Multimedia player There are too many multimedia video players now. For example, players, windstorm video players, Xunlei video players, leather players, video players, etc. There is no cost. The multimedia player software is not only rich in resources, but also updated quickly. What are fans waiting for? Come and download several multimedia players integrated by the editor
    more (139) >> Streaming Media Player Streaming media player, also known as streaming media, refers to media software that broadcasts while broadcasting. Stream in streaming media refers to a transmission mode. Streaming media player usually refers to the player that can play video files by streaming. The user receives data continuously and then plays the data again and again to reach a streaming media

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    407th Floor 1 Guest Published on: 2017/8/24 15:11:36
    Anyone who has a website can change it

    support ( one hundred and fifty-two ) Building (reply)

    406th Floor PC6 netizen of Shanghai Cable Communication Published on: 2016/7/6 0:44:29
    You see, I look good. That's the best. Support (0) building (reply)

    support ( twenty-nine ) Building (reply)

    405th Floor PC6 netizen of Shaanxi Baoji Polytechnic Published on: 2016/5/13 10:23:37
    Only fast play can play my video

    support ( forty-five ) Building (reply)

    404th Floor PC6 Netizen of Henan Luohe Unicom Published on: 2016/5/7 15:25:57
    It's very easy to use and beautiful

    support ( forty-four ) Building (reply)

    403rd Floor PC6 Netizen of Jiangsu Suqian Unicom Published on: July 28, 2015 16:55:01
    Fast broadcasting is good. I really admire you. Come back soon. We will always support you

    support ( forty-two ) Building (reply)

    402nd Floor American PC6.COM PC6 netizens Published on: July 24, 2015 16:17:59
    Come back, we will always support you

    support ( forty-one ) Building (reply)

    401st floor Shaanxi Xianyang Shaanxi Fashion Art Vocational College PC6 netizen Published on: 2015/11/11 1:09:31
    Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay

    support ( forty-two ) Building (reply)

    400th Floor Zhejiang Unicom PC6 Netizen Published on: 2015/9/20 13:12:43
    Finally, I found a safe download website! Do your best! Like one!

    support ( forty-eight ) Building (reply)

    399th Floor Yunnan Yuxi Tietong Guest Published on: September 10, 2015 6:37:53
    How can I download it to the fast player

    support ( forty-seven ) Building (reply)

    398th Floor Zhejiang Hangzhou Tietong PC6 Netizen Published on: September 7, 2015 22:36:05
    I like you soon

    support ( thirty-seven ) Building (reply)

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