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Office 2007 Free Edition Official full version
  • Software size: 225.5M
  • Updated: 2024/6/24
  • Software language: Multi language [Chinese]
  • Software category: Office software
  • Software license: shareware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinXP, Win7, WinAll

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    Recommended for you: Office software

    The free version of office 2007 almost includes all Office components such as Word2007, Excel 2007, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, OneNote, Groove, Access, InfoPath, etc.

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    The official full version of the free version of office 2007 is the most innovative and revolutionary version in the history of Microsoft Office products. New designed user interface, stable and safe file format, seamless and efficient communication and collaboration.
    The free version of office 2007 almost includes all Office components such as Word2007, Excel2007, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, OneNote, Groove, Access, InfoPath, etc. Frontpage is canceled and Microsoft SharePoint Web Designer is replaced as the editing system of the website The simplified Chinese version of Office2007 is more integrated with Outlook SMS/MMS services, and the latest Chinese version Pinyin input method MSPY 2007 and Office features developed specifically for local users. Released at the end of 2007, it adopts new user interface elements including "Ribbons", and other new functions include "To Do" toolbar and rss reader Etc.
    The window interface of Microsoft Office2007 is more beautiful and generous than that of previous versions (such as Office2003 interface), and the design of this version is more perfect than that of earlier versions, which can improve work efficiency, and the interface also gives people a pleasing feeling.

    Office 2007 announced retirement! A generation of classics has nothing to do with Microsoft again

    October 11, 2017 is Microsoft's routine Patch Tuesday. In addition to Windows 10/8.1/7 SP1 and other operating systems, Office suites have also been upgraded.

    However, Microsoft also announced that today's Office 2007 will be the last routine update. After that, it will leave the mainstream and extended support and have nothing to do with Microsoft.

    The official recommends that relevant users, especially enterprise level and IT professionals, switch to Office 365 subscription services as soon as possible. Of course, upgrading to Office 2016 is also a good choice, but Office 2016 will also end its support in 2025.

    It is worth mentioning that Microsoft has previously disclosed that Office 2019 will be launched in the middle and late next year.

    Installation method

    Locate the installer Setup.exe and double-click it.
    The installation of Microsoft Office 2007 is very simple. You don't need to know too much about the computer and program installation process. You can install Microsoft Office 2007 with just a few clicks. Customers with previous Microsoft Office 2003 installation experience should pay attention to that Microsoft Office 2007 subverts the previous step-by-step installation method. The installation can be completed in one step by using the tab mode.

    Custom installation is available when installing Office 2007. Click“ custom (See Figure 1). The customized installation interface contains three tabs, namely: Installation Options (See Figure 2) file location (See Figure 3) and User information (See Figure 4) Three parts.

    Figure 1
    1、 Installation Options (See Figure 2): You can manually select the components to install Office, and click the left mouse button to select them.

    Figure II
    2、 file location (See Figure 3): You can specify the installation path of office 2007.

    Figure 3
    3、 User information (See Figure 4): User related information can be filled in, such as full name, company/organization, etc.

    Figure 4
    Click "Install Now" under any tab to start the installation of office 2007.

    Because the genuine software is not free, it provides free and compact wps with very powerful functions for everyone. Jinshan WPS Office is compatible with Microsoft Office series documents and can be used by individuals for free. WPS Office provides a large number of document templates and a variety of professional materials online.

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    7th floor Shanghai Cable Communication Guest Published on: 2011/3/23 16:25:59
    I finally found it

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    Latest comments
    134th floor Zhejiang Hangzhou Tietong PC6 Netizen Published on: 2015/5/10 15:52:23
    Why is setup error always reminded when opening Word? Who can guide

    support ( three ) Building (reply)

    133rd floor Taizhou College, Nanjing Normal University, Taizhou, Jiangsu PC6 netizen Published on: 2015/4/30 15:21:49
    It was said that 2007 was the 2013 version after installation... However, it is still very easy to use.

    support ( six ) Building (reply)

    132nd floor PC6 Netizen of the Hub Building of Jiangxi China Unicom Ji'an Branch Published on: 2015/4/26 11:44:39
    It's useless to download in 360.

    support ( three ) Building (reply)

    131st floor Hunan Shaoyang Telecom PC6 Netizen Published on: April 5, 2015 14:07:56
    You can use it after unzipping and installing! Feels pretty good WPS likes it~~

    support ( seven ) Building (reply)

    130th floor Taizhou College, Nanjing Normal University, Taizhou, Jiangsu PC6 netizen Published on: 2015/4/21:28:34
    Let me say something Excellent! This is it. Many of them are cheaters! Very easy to use! It is easy to download and can be used after installation! I'm fine, thanks!

    support ( four ) Building (reply)

    129th Floor PC6 netizen of Anhui Chaohu Unicom Published on: 2015/3/27 15:53:57
    I finally found it. Thank you very much.

    support ( three ) Building (reply)

    128th Floor Hebei Telecom PC6 Netizen Published on: 2015/2/26 13:13:54
    Installed, ready to use, very good!

    support ( two ) Building (reply)

    127th floor Liaoning Dandong Telecom ADSL PC6 Netizen Published on: 2015/1/1 19:48:45
    It works, great!

    support ( six ) Building (reply)

    126th Floor Hubei Xiaogan Unicom PC6 Netizen Published on: December 30, 2014 17:14:32
    It's really good, thank you

    support ( five ) Building (reply)

    125th Floor American PC6.COM PC6 netizens Published on: 2014/12/30 11:05:08
    Not bad!

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