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Sogou input method

  V13.10.0.8469 Official latest version

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  • Software size: 125.3M
  • Updated: 2023/10/26
  • Software language: simplified Chinese character
  • Software category: typewriting
  • Software license: freeware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinAll
  • Software manufacturer: Sogou

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PC6 local download File size: 125.3M High speed download Need to download high-speed downloader, speed up 50%

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Recommended for you: typewriting Pinyin input method Intelligent input method Handwriting input Double input method

Sogou Pinyin input method, as the representative of the old classic intelligent Pinyin input method, is characterized by convenient input, beautiful and personalized skin. Official download of Sogou Pinyin input method, enjoy fast, accurate and diversified personalized input experience~.

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Sogou Pinyin input method It is the oldest intelligent Pinyin input method. In June 2006, Sohu launched a Chinese Pinyin input method under the Windows platform. Sogou Pinyin Input Method is a Chinese character pinyin input method software. Beautiful and rich personalized skin is a highlight of Sogou. Tens of thousands of cell word banks provide the most possible candidate words.

 Sogou Pinyin IME 2017 official download

At present, the PC version of Sogou Input Method accounts for more than 90% of the domestic market share, and its rich thesaurus and extended functions are loved by many users.

On May 22, Sogou Input PC launched a new function skin - Shenyin function series, which can hide the input method on the desktop with a drag, allowing more space for input.

Therefore, there are three types of skin in the first batch of this series: zero sense series, Pac Man, and Wen Xiaomiao.

Like many computers Security software The accelerator ball of is general. When the input method is close to the edge of the desktop, it will be automatically hidden and will not block the screen content.

Use experience

I've been using it. It's really good typing It's really fast. The latest version of Sogou seems to have the same functions as before, but the skin is more beautiful! Can make dynamic skin, FLASH skin, very powerful!

Today, after receiving a call from a close friend, Xiao Bian said, "Alas, I really suffered from illiteracy today!" After careful inquiry, I realized that it was an embarrassing mistake. He wanted to play "dice" and entered shaizi in the input method. He turned over dozens of pages and didn't find it! I want to use the handwriting attached to the input method, but I don't remember how to write that word. The old man had to worry there and almost gave up on himself and went straight to Pinyin until a friend beside him said coldly, "Say't ó uzi 'instead of' sh ǎ izi... '" Then the poor boy went black on the spot
"Do you really need a dictionary next to me? However, I don't know how to pronounce this word, and I can't look it up in the dictionary..." "In fact, you can just use Sogou input method!" Xiao Bian has been a Sogou propagandist again, but who calls it so easy to use! "What can it do?" "Try it!"

Half an hour later, my best friend Q I sent the following picture with a series of exclamation marks: "!!!!!!!! It's really sweet and against the weather!!!!!! It will be in the future!"

 Sogou Pinyin IME 2017 official download

Recommend successfully again! Taking advantage of the satisfaction in Xiao Bian's heart, he shouted again: Dear friends, let Sogou input method be responsible for such questions in the future! It makes special treatment for the words that are easy for most people to pronounce incorrectly, so that people can type with wrong pronunciation, and at the same time, it prompts the correct pronunciation. No points will be deducted if you are wrong, and I will tell you the correct answer. Where can such a Chinese teacher find it! The medicine Cheke Nao, Sogou keeps you away from the trouble of white words! Mom doesn't have to worry about my study anymore!

 Sogou input method

common problem

   1. What is the search candidate function?
Search candidate refers to the function that the input method recommends search candidate results for you below the candidate words, shortens the search path, and helps you get information quickly.
In the search candidate area, the input method will provide you with search keywords. In addition, there are direct website access Software download , movie watching, novel reading weather forecast It is more convenient for you to view and download such direct results.

 Sogou input method

   2. How to present search candidate results?
You can click the icon or the ↓ key on the keyboard to expand the search candidates.

 Sogou Pinyin IME 2017 official download

If you want to display the search candidate results more conveniently, you can freely configure the automatic display environment in the Attribute Settings - Search interface.

 Sogou input method

  3. How to use search candidate results?
For each search candidate word, we support the search or input (screen up) function.
(1) When you want to search:
You can select search candidates with the mouse, and click to open the search engine to search for candidates.
You can also select search candidate words by pressing ↑↓ key on the keyboard, and then press Enter to search corresponding candidate words.

 Sogou Pinyin IME 2017 official download

(2) When you want to go direct:
You can use the mouse to select the direct address on the right side of the search candidate, and click to open the relevant web page.
You can also select search candidates by pressing ↑↓ on the keyboard, then press →, and then press Enter to open the relevant webpage.

 Sogou input method

(3) When you want to enter search candidates:
On the right side of each search candidate word, we provide an input button. Click the input button to enter the search candidate word.
You can also press ↓ (or tab key) to select the search candidate results, and then press the space, or you can enter the search candidate words.
   4. How to turn on or off the search candidate function?
If you want to turn on or off the search candidate function, do the following: Open the input method menu -->Property Settings -->Search. Select "Search Candidate" on or off. If you uncheck the search candidate function, the search candidate drop-down button will not appear on the input method interface, and the ↓ direction key will not respond to open the search candidate results.

 Sogou Pinyin IME 2017 official download

Update log

Fix some known problems

Boutique recommendation Intelligent input method Double input method Pinyin input method

more (44) >> Intelligent input method Now popular intelligent input methods such as Sogou input method and Baidu Pinyin have their own unique functions, such as voice input, intelligent error correction, fuzzy Pinyin and so on. Input methods are no longer just single typing input, but can support multiple input methods of handwritten voice. Other input methods such as Google Pinyin input method, Bing Pinyin input method and so on are growing
more (31) >> Double input method The double spelling input method is a convenient Chinese input method. The biggest advantage of the double spelling input method is that the input is simple and fast. Every two English letters are typed, one Chinese character is output, that is, one Chinese character is typed. Just press the keyboard. Chinese Pinyin is composed of initials and vowels, so long as the initials and vowels of Chinese Pinyin each use an English alphabet
more (62) >> Pinyin input method For those who have just come into contact with computers, they can master Pinyin input method without a teacher. Now Pinyin input method has become more and more intelligent, and the maximum speed of typing has exceeded five strokes. So which input method is better, Sogou Pinyin input method and Baidu Pinyin input method are both practical

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  • Sogou input method v13.10.0.8469 official latest version

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    Sogou input method v13.10.0.8469 official latest version

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    Sogou input method

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63rd Floor PC6 netizen of Guangdong Zhanjiang Unicom Published on: 2020/1/15 10:37:43
Sogou Pinyin has gone forever on the road of advertising.

support ( sixteen ) Building (reply)

62nd Floor 1 PC6 netizen Published on: 9:30:16, August 9, 2018
Very useful, very good ha

support ( thirteen ) Building (reply)

61st floor 1 Guest Published on: June 22, 2018 19:35:46
Sogou is good!

support ( eleven ) Building (reply)

60TH FLOOR 1 Guest Published on: 9:02:58, May 7, 2018
I have downloaded it. I hope there are more languages. Now there are only four. I don't want to type at home. I want to speak dialect. I hope I can adopt it

support ( twelve ) Building (reply)

59th Floor Yunnan Education Network Direct Train PC6 Netizens Published on: 2017/7/14 13:23:32
I want to download

support ( twenty-six ) Building (reply)

58th Floor 1 Guest Published on: 2017/6/13 20:28:32

support ( twenty-six ) Building (reply)

57th Floor Guest of Jilin Unicom Published on: 2017/1/31 17:11:39
I used so much, but I also brought a Sogou

Hebei Qinhuangdao PC6.COM guests 2015/7/17 15:52:07


support ( twenty-five ) Building (reply)

56th Floor American PC6.COM PC6 netizens Published on: 2016/10/8 11:24:23
It's better to add pinyin

support ( twenty-five ) Building (reply)

55th Floor PC6 Netizen of Jiangsu Suqian Unicom Published on: 2016/9/10 21:39:51
En En En, it's better to search dogs

support ( thirty ) Building (reply)

54th Floor China PC6.COM PC6 Netizens Published on: 2016/4/19 16:34:41
It's better to use a lot of input methods than Sogou

support ( twenty-eight ) Building (reply)

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