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Introduction to the game Introduction Patch tool comment one

"Game King 5DS Card Power 5" is a card game produced and released by Konami. "Game King 5DS Card Power 5" takes the "Game King 5DS" series as the main story axis. The characters on the scene include the original protagonist Immortal, while Jack, Guiliu Jingjie, Luciano and other characters, and performs the highly praised 3D model of the previous work in an animation way to reproduce "Game King 5DS" The world of. And add various settings of calling card.

Game features

There are more than 4500 card types and series included in this work, including the latest STARSTRIKE BLAST of OCG (official card game), the super powerful monster Shooting Star Dragon that calls for acceleration and synchronization, and the original card "Ji Huang Di" series that is not included in OCG will appear in the game.

Game video

This website provides you with PSP game installation tutorials:

First of all, it depends on the format of your game, which is generally the IS0 format.

We need to decompress the file name with the suffix "iso", and then put the ISO file into the ISO folder

Make sure it is in iso format and put it in the ISO folder

If it is a folder, put it in PSP/GAME/

When you open a file in ISO format, you will generally see two files in it

So first confirm the format of your file

There are also some compressed CSO games, which are also directly placed in the ISO folder

Note: When playing games for free on the PSP, you must first crack the PSP host system, that is, the commonly said machine brushing. You can complete the crack of the PSP system by brushing in the self-made program

Screenshot of the game

 PSP Game King 5DS Card Strength 5  PSP Game King 5DS Card Strength 5  PSP Game King 5DS Card Strength 5  PSP Game King 5DS Card Strength 5  PSP Game King 5DS Card Strength 5  PSP Game King 5DS Card Strength 5  PSP Game King 5DS Card Strength 5  PSP Game King 5DS Card Strength 5
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Netizens' comments
    1st floor Chongqing Telecom PC6 Netizen Published on: 2016/3/14 23:52:44
    Only the cards and some of the options have been sinicized. The plot has not been sinicized. The v1 patch is sinicized, not the v2 patch

    support ( zero ) Building (reply)

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 PSP Game King 5DS Card Strength 5

PSP Game King 5DS Card Strength 5

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Fun index: five branch

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Type: host strategy game Updated: January 27, 2016 size: 1.64G Language: Simplified Grade: Platform: PSP

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