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Acura Five Stroke Input Method

  V8.7.3 Official
  • Software size: 2.5M
  • Updated: 2022/10/8
  • Software language: simplified Chinese character
  • Software category: Chinese character input
  • Software license: freeware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinAll

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    Recommended for you: Chinese character input Five stroke input method

    The best input method is a simple, pure input software that focuses on the input experience. Its biggest feature is the integration of Wubi Pinyin mixed input function, which enables Wubi beginners to quickly start, and can directly switch to the pure Wubi input mode.

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    The best input method is a simple, pure input software that focuses on the input experience. Its biggest feature is that it integrates the function of Wubi Pinyin mixed input, allowing Wubi beginners to quickly start. If you are a master of Wubi, you can directly switch to the pure Wubi input mode; The input method runs fast and occupies little memory. It is an excellent input method. The best input method has a new UI, a powerful vocabulary, active learning input habits, accurate prediction input, accurate frequency modulation Five codes The core functions such as reverse checking, fast input speed and strong error correction ability make input a fingertip enjoyment.

       Five stroke input method It was invented by Wang Yongmin in August 1983. The five stroke input method quickly became popular in China with its less heavy code and fast input speed. For some time, many developers also introduced the five stroke input method. For example, Wangma Wubi, Intelligent Wubi, Nianqing Wubi, Xiaoya Wubi, Jingpin Wubi, Extremity Wubi, Magnum Wubi, Sogou Wubi, QQ Wubi, and later Baidu Wubi are all based on Wubi codes. With the upgrading of Microsoft's operating system, Wubi input method also needs to be upgraded and bug repaired. So far, few can insist on updating.

    In fact, it is also easy to explain this phenomenon. The number of five users is very small compared with Pinyin. In terms of commercial interests, the five input method creates very little profit. Domestic software developers, unlike foreign institutions, insist on innovation and updating based on some free projects. Most of them were in full swing at the beginning, then disappeared and stopped updating.

     Acura Five Stroke Input Method

    Software features

    Right click the input method status bar, and select "Settings..." on the menu to call up the "Input Method Settings" dialog box. Users can make the following settings according to their personal preferences:

    ① Left Shift key to switch between Chinese and English - check this item, and press Shift key when the input method is running to enter English.

    ② Cancel blank code to lock the keyboard - this option is checked by default. Uncheck. The keyboard is locked due to wrong code input. You cannot continue to input.

    ③ Enable‘ Select double and triple code - check this item, and the second and triple code words in the candidate window can be used directly; Enter with No.

    ④ Enable,. Turn page - check this item, available. Replace -=and PgUp PgDn to flip the candidate box.

    ⑤ Push the word on the screen after four codes - input the four code repeated code, directly input the next word or punctuation, and the word first in the candidate box will be on the screen first.

    ⑥ Ctrl+SN Re code Sequence Adjustment - default to manual sequence adjustment. Check this item to manually adjust the sequence of repeated codes. Cancel this item to automatically adjust the sequence for repeated codes (increase the priority by one bit each time).

    ⑦ Enable output of traditional Chinese - check this option, and in the running state of the input method, print simplified Chinese to code traditional Chinese words (simplified in traditional Chinese).

    ⑧ Repeated and empty code prompt tone - if this option is checked, the speaker and speaker will emit a "Dong" prompt tone in case of repeated code and wrong code input.

    ⑨ Enter to clear the code - cancel this item, and press Enter to enter the code directly (up to four codes). Checked by default, it is the function of clearing codes.

    ⑩ Cursor follow - cancel this item, and the candidate box will not automatically follow the cursor movement, but will appear on the right side of the status bar and be displayed horizontally.

    Note: Ⅰ Gradual prompt means to display all characters and words beginning with the input symbol in the candidate window to facilitate user selection.

    II foreign code prompt refers to the display of the rest of the foreign codes of all words that have been started by the input symbol in the candidate window, so as to facilitate the user's learning.

     Top Five 2019 official download


    Enter the wrong code and press Enter to clear it. You can also clear the input box and candidate box.

    It is recommended that users get used to using the Enter key to clean the screen.

    If you are not accustomed to word association and cursor following, you can turn off this function in settings.

    Installation screenshot

     Top Five 2019 official download

     Acura Five Stroke Input Method

     Top Five 2019 official download

    Latest features

    1. Supports Win7 | 8, 32 | 64 bit operating systems.

    2. Traditional Chinese input is supported. "Ctrl+," means simple and complex switching.

    3. You can select the left Shift key to switch between Chinese and English.

    4. Ctrl+M switch to the GBK character set to input obscure characters (please switch back to GB2312 later).

    5. Ctrl+S/N can realize manual reordering of repeated codes.

    6. Simplified carriage return clearing input box/candidate box/line feed operation.

    7. New special code: -- DRK 20FGLI 〇 LING (GBK characters)

    8. New feature words: "Tmall", "Juhuasuan", "Tenpay".

    Boutique recommendation Five stroke input method

    more (54) >> Five stroke input method Now more and more students use five strokes to type. Five strokes is much faster than Pinyin. If you are skilled, you can avoid the trouble of turning the page to find words, and it is most suitable for children's shoes that haven't learned Pinyin well. Five strokes input method is basically five strokes Pinyin mixed input. If you can't disassemble complicated characters, you can also use the mixed input function. I believe that five strokes input method is easy to use

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    28th Floor China PC6.COM PC6 Netizens Published on: 2018/12/4 15:55:48
    I prefer this top five strokes,

    support ( three ) Building (reply)

    27th Floor 0 PC6 netizens Published on: 2017/5/24 22:45:22
    Why can't I find a word "two" under the head of "penis"? Many places in Guangdong Province have this word, which is not a rare word. Why does it not exist in the top five strokes?

    support ( seven ) Building (reply)

    26th Floor China PC6.COM PC6 Netizens Published on: 2017/3/8 13:26:18
    I like this excellent five strokes. I first learned five strokes with a computer. I don't know how to download them,

    support ( thirteen ) Building (reply)

    25th floor China PC6.COM PC6 Netizens Published on: 2016/6/18 22:22:50
    A good software

    support ( eight ) Building (reply)

    24th floor Sichuan Tietong PC6 Netizen Published on: 2016/4/1 11:01:22
    Don't you mean you can mix five strokes of Pinyin? Where is the TMD set.

    support ( eleven ) Building (reply)

    23rd Floor PC6 netizen of Anhui Chaohu Unicom Published on: 2015/3/7 9:14:20
    Always use this. I'm used to it

    support ( seven ) Building (reply)

    22nd Floor Hubei Telecom PC6 Netizen Published on: 12:52:33, March 5, 2015
    The best five strokes input method is convenient and good for learning.

    support ( nine ) Building (reply)

    21st Floor PC6 netizen of Hunan Yiyang Unicom Published on: 2014/11/30 20:29:58
    Not bad, I like it very much

    support ( eleven ) Building (reply)

    20th floor PC6 netizen of Anhui Chaohu Unicom Published on: 2015/9/24 10:39:33
    Good enough

    support ( ten ) Building (reply)

    19th Floor Zhejiang Hangzhou Tietong PC6 Netizen Published on: 2014/11/12 15:05:20

    support ( fifteen ) Building (reply)

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