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Snoopy's Adventure, a big peanut cartoon movie, is an action game produced and released by Activision. In this big adventure, Snoopy's main task is to find Charlie Brown and other young partners.

 Peanut Comic Movie Snoopy's Adventure

Game features

Players will also have the opportunity to find different Snoopy jackets in the Peanut Cartoon Movie Snoopy Adventures, and relive the 65 year glorious history of Snoopy series in the game. Interestingly, each outfit will also give Snoopy a unique ability. Some outfits can even make the puppy fly.

Game video

Installation method:

1. Copy the GOD package to the USB flash drive. Note: copy the entire folder.

2. Insert the copied USB stick into the USB interface of Xbox360, open Xbox360, find XeXMenu in My Game and open it.

Press the "LB" key of the handle until the screen displays the files in the USB stick. Press the "Y" key of the handle to select copy, press the "A" key, press the "X" key, select "Hdd1", and then press the "A" key.

Open "Content 0000000000000000", press "Y" key, select paste, press "A" key

When the progress bar below reaches 100, the installation is completed.

In this way, you can find the game just installed in my game.

Screenshot of the game

 XBOX360 Peanut Cartoon Movie Snoopy's Adventure  XBOX360 Peanut Cartoon Movie Snoopy's Adventure  XBOX360 Peanut Cartoon Movie Snoopy's Adventure  XBOX360 Peanut Cartoon Movie Snoopy's Adventure  XBOX360 Peanut Cartoon Movie Snoopy's Adventure
Introduction Radiation 4Pip Boy open box video
Patch tool
Netizens' comments

 XBOX360 Peanut Cartoon Movie Snoopy's Adventure

XBOX360 Peanut Cartoon Movie Snoopy's Adventure

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Type: host action game Updated: 2015/11/9 size: 1000M Language: English Grade: Platform: Xbox 360

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