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Classified recommendation PSP Prince of Persia Forgotten Sand XBOX360 Puss in Boots

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The plot of The Prince of Persia Forgotten Sand is connected with the story of The Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time, which takes place between the two games of The Prince of Persia:, Described that the Persian prince went to look for his brother after completing Azad's adventure, but found that his brother's kingdom was surrounded by fierce troops, the palace was facing the crisis of destruction, and was in a tense situation of life and death confrontation. In order to reverse this bad situation, the Persian prince had to decide to pay a heavy price and use the ancient power "sand" to save the kingdom that was about to be destroyed.

Game features

A new element of the classic game: the prince will face a large-scale multi person fight, use his full body skills for continuous fighting in the vast scene, show his vigorous skills, and cooperate with the ancient power "sand" to break through the crisis.

Surprising experience: Prince of Persia: Sand of Forgetting uses Anvil engine. Advanced technology will create a grand scene for players to experience unprecedented challenges and experience unforgettable epic game journey.

Manipulation of nature: use the power of super power and time control to control the surrounding environment and deal with fierce enemies. The prince began to find that the power of nature and time reversal is infinite, but also has extraordinary destructive power.

Back to the classic chapter: The story is set between Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time and Prince of Persia: The Heart of the Warrior. Prince of Persia: Sand of Forgetting will bring new stories to players, so that players can have a deeper understanding of the Sand of Time series.

Game video

This website provides you with PSP game installation tutorials:

First of all, it depends on the format of your game, which is generally the IS0 format.

We need to decompress the file name with the suffix "iso", and then put the ISO file into the ISO folder

Make sure it is in iso format and put it in the ISO folder

If it is a folder, put it in PSP/GAME/

When you open a file in ISO format, you will generally see two files in it

So first confirm the format of your file

There are also some compressed CSO games, which are also directly placed in the ISO folder

Note: When playing games for free on the PSP, you must first crack the PSP host system, that is, the commonly said machine brushing. You can complete the crack of the PSP system by brushing in the self-made program

Screenshot of the game

 PSP Prince of Persia Forgotten Sand  PSP Prince of Persia Forgotten Sand  PSP Prince of Persia Forgotten Sand  PSP Prince of Persia Forgotten Sand  PSP Prince of Persia Forgotten Sand
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 PSP Prince of Persia Forgotten Sand

PSP Prince of Persia Forgotten Sand

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Type: host action game Updated: 2024/1/9 size: 500M Language: English Grade: Platform: PSP

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