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Classified recommendation XBOX360 Evil Alliance God of the World Ultimate Edition

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In the current world, the political power of all countries is controlled by Superman's iron hand. with Batman The alliance led by Superman tried to save this sick world, and what they had to do was to fight against the just alliance led by Superman. All of these evils originated from the evil plot of the clown five years ago. Five years ago, Superman, the designer of the Joker, killed his pregnant wife Louise by mistake, and blew up Metropolis with a nuclear bomb. Superman was angry and killed the Joker. All this is the beginning. The clown makes the idea of power rooted in Superman's heart. In the next step by step activities to stop criminals, Batman and Superman had a disagreement, which became more and more fierce. Superman became more and more autocratic. He did everything for the sake of "world peace", even directly interfered in national politics by means of power. Since then, the Justice Alliance has also started to split. Wonder Woman, Robin, Captain Wonder, Green Lantern and Flash began to follow Superman's footsteps, while Green Arrow, Captain Atom, Zatana, Canary, Night Wing and others chose Batman as the leader to fight against Superman in the end.

Game features

The Immortal God of Unfair Alliance is based on DC superhero Fighting game , players will control superheroes such as Superman, Batman, Flash Man, Clown and their old enemies in this work to fight in 3V3. Cartoon is the prequel of the game story. The game has gathered a large number of familiar DC cartoon heroes, including Batman, Superman, Catwoman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyberorg, Nightwing, Harley Quinn, Solomon Grundy, etc.

Game video

Installation method:

1. Copy the GOD package to the USB flash drive. Note: copy the entire folder.

2. Insert the copied USB stick into the USB interface of Xbox360, open Xbox360, find XeXMenu in My Game and open it.

Press the "LB" key of the handle until the screen displays the files in the USB stick. Press the "Y" key of the handle to select copy, press the "A" key, press the "X" key, select "Hdd1", and then press the "A" key.

Open "Content 0000000000000000", press "Y" key, select paste, press "A" key

When the progress bar below reaches 100, the installation is completed.

In this way, you can find the game just installed in my game.

Extraction code: aqp5

Screenshot of the game

 XBOX360 Evil Alliance God of the World Ultimate Edition  XBOX360 Evil Alliance God of the World Ultimate Edition  XBOX360 Evil Alliance God of the World Ultimate Edition  XBOX360 Evil Alliance God of the World Ultimate Edition
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Patch tool
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 XBOX360 Evil Alliance God of the World Ultimate Edition

XBOX360 Evil Alliance God of the World Ultimate Edition

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Fun index: five branch

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Type: host combat game Updated: 2023/12/23 size: 7.32G Language: English Grade: Platform: Xbox 360

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