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Lego Movie Game is an action role-playing game with toy image. In February 2014, Lego Movie Game will log on to XBOX ONE, XBOX 360, PS4, PS3 and WIIU hosts, as well as Nintendo 3DS, PSV and PC platforms.

Game features

Lego Movie: Game Edition will lead players to recognize Emmet, a humorous and meaningful character. He is just an ordinary Lego toy man, but he has become a hero who saves the world from Lego tyrants by accident. During the game, players can build their own Lego World facilities. There are more than 90 super control characters and 15 levels in the game.

Game video

Copy the directory BXXXXXX to the folder "GAMEZ" on the hard disk in FAT32 format, connect the hard disk to the PS3, use MM (Multiman) to enter, and the game name will appear. After selecting, a shortcut will be generated on the system interface. Select this shortcut to start the game. Note that some game list files that exceed 4G size will make errors when copied to the FAT32 mobile hard disk, At this time, you need to use split 4G software to copy directories. It will automatically split files larger than 4G. For such games, you'd better use MM (Multiman) to copy them to the PS3 built-in hard disk. MM (Multiman) will automatically merge and restore those split files.

Screenshot of the game

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 PS3 Lego Movie Game

PS3 Lego Movie Game

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Type: host action game Updated: July 7, 2015 size: 5.14G Language: Japanese Grade: Platform: PS3

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