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Next page: Xiaoqi txt novel generator

  • Software size: 560M
  • Updated: 2013/5/24
  • Software language: simplified Chinese character
  • Software category: word processing
  • Software license: freeware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinAll

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    Recommended for you: word processing

    The next page of Xiaoqi txt novel generator is a tool that can help users write novels quickly. You don't need to have a high level of writing skills. You need to have a general story line, and you can quickly create your own novels according to the prompted words. It is very cool.

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    Software Introduction

    Txt novel generator is a free software that can automatically generate novels on a computer by integrating the characters of online novels. For example, if I want to describe a person's appearance, there are a lot of words and sentences that can be candidates. Although they do not constitute a chapter, they are also program generated.

    Software Introduction

    There is no stop button. Software never stops. Click Save from time to time. It depends on how many words you need.

    Update content

    The initial version of 0.1 has little experience, few functions and a small vocabulary. Sorry, the future version will become more and more powerful.

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