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 Naruto mobile game computer version

Naruto mobile game computer version

Naruto mobile game

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Type: action fighting edition: v1.55.69.16 Updated: 2024/2/9 Size: 416.8M Language: Simplified Grade: Platform: Win7, Win8, Win10, Tencent Games

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The computer version of Naruto ol mobile game is the first time that Tencent announced to jointly develop the genuine Naruto mobile game with Japan. As the only genuine Naruto mobile game in the world, the computer version of Naruto ol mobile game presents the classic story of the original, and has designed many immersive animation plots on this basis, It enables players to experience the plot more closely as important people!

Game features

1、 Deep restoration, horizontal version of the classic

As the world's only authentic fireshadow combat mobile game, the game presents the classic story of the original, and on this basis, many immersive animation plots have been designed, so that players can experience the plot more closely as important people, such as the well-known battle on the bridge of the Kingdom of Poland, which will use "never cut again" to play the game at the end. At the same time, there are authentic Japanese dubbing and CG level animation effects to reproduce the most distinctive ninja battle in the fire shadow.

2、 Elaborate research and development, unique creative and profound skills

The game adopts the innovative Aoyi system, and the reasonable use of Aoyi points can frequently use Aoyi skills with strong lethality and shocking visual effects. In the original work, famous ninjas such as Kakasi, Bai, Zaiban and Big Snake Pill will be stationed in the trial field, waiting for the brave challenger to defeat them. In addition, if you want to exercise yourself like Kakashi and Kai through constant competition, you can also go to the legendary cultivation Holy Land - Miaomu Mountain to practice, and strive to surpass. The more you pass, the more you will gain!

3、 Ninjutsu fighting, gorgeous combo with unlimited passion

In the battle, the ninja skill will cause various rich state effects such as floating, repelling, flat combo, and interrupting skills. There is a reasonable active interruption judgment between skills, which can flexibly link the use of general attack and skills, and skills and skills. In addition, there are different combat settings for the floating air combo, flat ground combo and falling ground combo. A variety of skill connections and a hearty combo experience enable players to truly experience the ninja fighting charm of Huoying and a more enthusiastic fighting experience!

4、 Bound by friendship, luxury lineup helps fight

Three generations of ghosts and corpses have been sealed up, Penn's earth exploding star, Yuzhi Boqi's sky shine, Big Snake Pill's filthy earth reincarnation, etc. Legendary ninjas in the fire shadow world have stood at the peak of the tolerance world with their extraordinary arcane skills, leaving many wonderful legends. In the game, players can also collect ninjas and switch the income of many powerful players at will. They can immediately have the ninjas' super forbidden skills, which are free to change at will. Cool ninjas are more powerful.

Update log

[] New content [-]

>>>New Ninja

Zhicun Tuanzao, I Ailuo [Yiyiti], Ghost Lantern Shuiyue [Eagle], Sami [Summer swimsuit], Xiao Nan [Frog Team], Xi.

>>>New Level

The upper limit of character level is increased to Level 130, and the equipment level is increased accordingly.

>>>New plot

New chapter 14 story level: Earthburst Star [Part 1]; New elite level: Kan Jiulang [Fast Wind] and Vortex Naruto [Fast Wind]; A new chapter 7 of the forbearance drama: The end of the weasel and Sasuke.

>>>New Spiritual Beast

After Toad Cultivation reaches the full level, you can unlock the new psychic animal Dream Tapir. Dreamtapir can absorb the enemy to its mouth and attack continuously. After the appearance of Dreamtapir, the movement speed of the whole team increases by 25%.

>>>New Scene

The main scene will be updated to the damaged Muye Village; The login and load interface is replaced by the theme of guard and pain.

[] New Play [-]

>>>Team copy: Penn Invasion

Payne Invasion is a ten person team copy game, which can be divided into normal mode and Shura mode. The trainees will be divided into five two person teams, and they need to cooperate with each other to successfully pass the copy. In the first stage, 60 villagers need to be rescued within the specified time, and Payne [Shura Road], Payne [Animal Road] and Xiao Nan need to be killed; In the second stage, we will fight against Payne [Hell Road], Payne [Hungry Ghost Road] and Payne [Heaven Road]. Killing Payne [Hell Road] and Payne [Hungry Ghost Road] will weaken Payne [Heaven Road], and kill Payne [Heaven Road] within the specified time to pass the customs and obtain rewards. There is no limit to the number of challenges, but rewards can only be obtained once a week.

After the [] version is updated, the grayscale test of the team copy will be started in the 1-50 area of Apple; Later, the team copy will be officially opened in the regional server. [-]

>>>Newly added fixture system

Through the Secret Adventure and the team copy, you can obtain the forbearance. The forbearance has a new element attribute, and students can freely match the forbearance. The suit combination and attribute selection of forbearance will bring a new experience of change. After the version is updated to 5:00 on June 7, students above level 90 can obtain runes through the activity treasure box, which can be used to strengthen and improve the endurance ability.

>>>Organize trainees

one After the organizational level reaches 10, 10 organizational trainees will be added. When the official members of an organization are not full, the joined organization automatically becomes an organization member; When the full number of formal members is reached, they will automatically become organization trainees;

2. One week after organizing trainees to join the organization, the leader can adjust trainees to full members or above; The leader can also adjust the formal members to organizational trainees;

3. The trainees shall not participate in the organization prayer, the match between the strong, the local/cross server fortress war and the organization of the battle for hegemony; Can normally participate in other play methods of the organization;

4. The total combat power of the organization will not be included in the combat power of the trainees; The number of organization personnel shown in the ranking list does not include the number of students.

>>>Organize real-time voice

In order to make it easier for students to communicate and collaborate in the organization activities, we have added the real-time voice function of the organization.

1. Only the organization leader and senior management can enable the real-time voice function. If the leader and senior management are not online, the real-time voice will be automatically closed;

2. Real time voice is divided into leader mode and free mode. In leader mode, only leaders and senior leaders can speak; In free mode, all organization members can speak;

3. Leaders and senior management can initiate real-time voice call, and organization members can click "Confirm" to open it.

[c52f11] Function optimization [-]

>>>Secret exploration optimization

1. Cancel the mechanism of weekly random daily secret place map, and adjust it to a random map every time you enter the secret place;

two Entering a secret place requires physical strength and challenge coupons. Students below Level 90 can get 3 challenge tickets for free every day; Students above Level 90 will get 10 challenge tickets for free every day; The challenge coupon is valid for 7 days;

3. When consuming challenge coupons, jewelry will fall from the first three challenges every day. If there is no challenge that day, this number will accumulate for up to 7 days;

4. When the challenge coupon is consumed and the role level is greater than or equal to level 90, the secret place will fall;

5. After dropping ornaments and bearers, students can choose to flip the card and obtain additional ornaments and bearers at random;

6. Cancel the setting of secret level and adjust it to match the difficulty according to the role level;

7. Cancel the Secret Test Mode.

>>>Betrayal and tolerance optimization

one When an organization starts to tolerate rebellion, it can choose simple mode and difficult mode. In the simple mode, even if there are multiple leaders at the same time, the difficulty of the leaders will not increase, but the organization will not be rewarded with the title of repelling four leaders, nor will it participate in cross server ranking. Difficult mode keeps the original rules;

2. When the student's personal score reaches the highest gear and all four leaders appear, the rebellion in the scene will disappear and only the leader will be displayed;

three In the simple mode, when the student chooses automatic combat, when the personal score reaches the highest gear and all four leaders appear, the student will not automatically fight with rebel, but will automatically fight with the leader; In difficult mode, when personal points reach the highest gear and all four leaders appear, automatic fighting will stop;

4. Personal points will no longer be displayed in the battle details, but the damage caused by each organization member to all leaders will be displayed.

>>>Other optimizations

1. Team raid no longer distinguishes between simple and difficult modes. The difficulty of the replica will be determined according to the team situation, and the reward will remain the original difficult mode

Screenshot of the game

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Netizens' comments
1st floor Shandong Telecom PC6 Netizen Published on: 2017/9/8 17:06:51
Nice game

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