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Burglestone br3 interphone frequency writing software

  V1.0 official version
  • Software size: 2.8M
  • Updated: 2007/2/11
  • Software language: simplified Chinese character
  • Software category: Mechatronics
  • Software license: freeware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinXP, Win7, WinAll

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    Recommended for you: Mechatronics Interphone frequency writing software

    The BR-3 frequency writing software of the Burglestone interphone can be used to modify the receiving and transmitting frequency, transmitting power and DTMF data of the specified channel in the UV pioneer channel information item, and can modify the channel name.

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    The BR-3 frequency writing software of the Burglestone interphone can be used to modify the receiving and transmitting frequency, transmitting power and DTMF data of the specified channel in the UV pioneer channel information item, and can modify the channel name

    In the function options, you can set the power on display mode, operation prompt voice type, transmission timeout warning, voice control transmission and scanning mode, PTT-DLY/PTT-ID parameters, standby backlight and receive transmission backlight, local ID code and control password, and modify the definition of the Boris Tong side key.

    Boutique recommendation Interphone frequency writing software

    more (101) >> Interphone frequency writing software The interphone frequency writing software is a programming software that modifies the frequency parameters of interphones of various brands. It is one of the necessary software for interphone debugging. I have compiled a complete set of interphone frequency writing software for everyone, including several interphone frequency writing software, such as Baofeng interphone frequency writing software Quansheng interphone frequency writing software Jianwu interphone

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