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Easy invoicing list import assistant (electronic invoice version)

  V202111 Official Edition
  • Software size: 66.5M
  • Updated: 2021/12/18
  • Software language: simplified Chinese character
  • Software category: Financial software
  • Software license: shareware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinAll

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    Recommended for you: Financial software Invoicing software

    The Easy Invoicing List Import Assistant is a software that uses the XML file import interface of invoicing software to import lists. It supports custom list formats, which is very convenient and helps you improve your efficiency.

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    The Easy Invoicing List Import Assistant is a Invoicing software Xml file The import interface is a software that implements the list import. It supports custom list format, which is very convenient. If you need it, please download it quickly.

     Easy invoicing list import assistant (electronic invoice version)

    Software features

    Special VAT invoice, ordinary VAT invoice and electronic invoice can be imported

    Support various invoicing software such as Baiwang and Aerospace Information

    Support direct import female housekeeper Etc Purchase, sales and inventory Excel list exported by software

    The custom list format is suitable for any Excel table with name, quantity and unit price

    Invoicing amount exceeding invoice limit can be automatically divided into multiple invoices

    After the list is imported, the software has the editing function to modify the content directly

    usage method

    1. Prepare Excel import list: export invoiced commodity list from purchase, sales and inventory software or fill in commodity information in Excel template.

    2. Open Easy Billing List Assistant

    3. Check tax rate and various settings

    All settings will be saved automatically. Just pay attention before importing.

    4. Click Open List File to import the list file

    5. Check the contents of the list and code assignment. If any problem is found, it can be directly modified by double clicking in the interface table

    6. Set buyer information

    If the buyer has not issued an invoice before, enter the buyer's information directly. After exporting the xml file, the software will automatically save the buyer's information for the next call.

    If the buyer has issued an invoice before, enter part of the buyer's name in the search box of the "customer information" selection card to search. Double click the name of the company found to fill in the corresponding information.

    7. Click Export XML to generate an XML file

    8. Open the invoicing software and copy the XML file generated in the previous step to the "Import File Directory" folder of the invoicing software [Directory Settings] (It is recommended to directly set the "Import File Directory" to the XML file export directory set by the invoicing assistant, so this step can be omitted)

    9. Click Import in the invoice filling interface, and then click Start in the pop-up import box.

    Boutique recommendation Invoicing software

    more (25) >> Invoicing software Invoicing software is an invoicing assistant that is needed in daily life. Using the invoicing software, the administrator can manage the system invoicing information, invoicer information, invoicing point information, invoice warehousing and returning, invoice distribution and return. Reasonable use of the invoicing software can perform operations such as invoice aging, invoice issuance details query, etc

    Download address

    • Easy invoicing list import assistant (electronic invoice version) v202111 official version

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      Easy invoicing list import assistant (electronic invoice version) v202111 official version

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