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Legendary World Client

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Legendary World is a fantasy action MMORPG online game developed by Shengqu Technology Co., Ltd. and operated by Shanda Network Service. The whole legendary world has built a complete virtual social system, and every player can experience a different life in the game. Social relations such as apprenticeship, husband and wife, guild, etc
  • Game size: 18.30G
  • Operating system: WinXP, Win7, WinAll
  • Time to market: 2002/7/22
  • Updated: 2022/1/10
  • Game classification: Online game client
  • Game manufacturer:

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Recommended for you: Online game client

Configuration requirements
operating system Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
Operating environment

Visual C++ 2012

net framework 2.0 SP2

DirectX 9.0

Games For Windows Live

CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8G or AMD Athlon64 X2 2.4G
Memory 2 GB
Graphics card NVIDIA 6800 or higher; ATI X1900 or higher: 256 MB
Hard disk Please ensure 15GB free space for download+installation

Introduction to the game

legend World is a fantasy action MMO developed by Shengqu Technology Co., Ltd. and operated by Shanda Network Service rpg network game. The whole legendary world has built a complete virtual social system, and every player can experience a different life in the game. Social relationships such as master and apprentice, husband and wife, guild, etc. enable players to effectively participate in the city invasion, guild battle civilization Development, individual communication and other virtual social activities.

Operation method

A: Physical strength value display (the following figures are specific values)
B: Magic value display (the following numbers are specific values, and soldiers will not display this function before their personal level 28)
C: View small map/panoramic map (TAB key can be switched)
D: Item trading (can only be used when two players are face-to-face)
E: Guild information button
F: Teaming control button (enable teaming function and chat function)
G: Relationship system button (friend, master and apprentice, blacklist list)
H: Challenge button (the challenge must face the challenger)
1: Ranking list (ranking order in the game)
J: Voice chat button (voice chat channel)
K: Restart the game and return to the server role selection interface
50: Exit the game
M: Turn on/off role status information (F10)
N: Open/Close Package Item Window (F9)
O: Open/Close Role Skill Window (F11)
P: Turn on/off the game sound effect selection (turn off the game sound effect automatically when you start chatting)
Q: Call Hero button
R: Hero status information button
S: Hero package button
T: Display the current attack mode of the character
U: Current level of role
5: Experience value required to reach the next level
W: Display of the weight bearing degree of the character
10: Honor value display
Y: Legendary Shop
1: Reject/accept all public chat information
2: Reject/accept all call messages
3: Reject/accept all private chat messages
4: Reject/accept guild chat messages
5: Automatic call switch
6: Recent chat messages around you
- Yellow is the player's message
- Red indicates that the information is from the Game Master
- Pink indicates the information released by players using the thousand mile messenger
7: Chat window, you can talk publicly or privately.
8: Built in IE
9: Answer every question (Rainbow Spirit)

basic operation

1. Mouse control
Left click to control basic actions: walk, attack, pick up items and other things
Right click in the distance to run on the map
Shift+left click to force attack
Ctrl+left key run
Ctrl+right click to query the opponent's information, just like F10
Alt+left click to dig for meat or items dropped after the death of monsters such as Double headed King Kong
Double click to pick up the items on the ground or use the items in your own package
2. Keyboard Hotkeys
F1、F2、F3、F4  F5、F6、F7、F8
Shortcut keys set by players themselves. The setting of shortcut keys of these magic skills can speed up the operability and fluency of the game, such as the setting of fireball, healing and other magic
F9 Open/Close Package Window
F10 Open/Close Character Window
F11 Open/Close Role Skill Window
F12 Turn on/off built-in game aids
Alt+S Add Corner to Blacklist
Alt+W shortcut group
Alt+X Return to the character selection interface (especially useful when the character dies)
Ctrl+B Open Shop
Ctrl+F to change the font of the game. You can select 8 different fonts (currently unavailable)
Ctrl+H Select your favorite attack mode
Peaceful attack mode: no attack on any player
Guild Alliance Attack Mode: Invalid for attacking other players in your guild
Group attack mode: players in the same group cannot attack
All attack mode: attack all players
Good and evil attack mode: PK red name special attack mode
Ctrl+E Switch hero status: follow, rest, fight
Ctrl+Q starts the hero's "guard" status
Ctrl+up and down arrows call up the chat content before the chat box
Pause Break takes a screenshot in the game. The screenshot will be automatically saved in bmp format under the Legend of Mir Images directory
TAB opens the map, switches between big map and small map, and closes the map

Screenshot of the game

manufacturer: PC6

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