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Application treasure computer version

  V5.8.3.5400 Official latest version

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  • Software size: 45.9M
  • Updated: 2021/11/1
  • Software language: simplified Chinese character
  • Software category: Application software
  • Software license: freeware
  • Software official website:
  • Applicable platform: WinAll
  • Software manufacturer: tencent

Android IPhone version

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The App Bao PC version (the original Tencent mobile butler PC version) is an Android application download center launched by Tencent, which can help you easily manage mobile phone resources through the PC. It can also optimize the management of mobile phone system by clicking Root, so that your mobile phone can keep the best state at any time!.

Applied Treasure The PC version is an Android application download center launched by Tencent. The PC version of App Bao allows you to easily and conveniently manage mobile phone resources through your PC. It is easy to download 100000 popular software and games with double security certification, which is more convenient to install and uninstall. Easy to manage mail list , SMS, music, photos, videos and other mobile resources. One click root , so that you can easily obtain the highest permissions of your phone. At the same time, application detection, application upgrade reminder, application relocation Startup acceleration Process management And other functions to keep your phone in the best state.

 Application treasure computer version

Software advantages

Send Q coins to the next game

Download the game in the activity area, and keep sending massive Qcoins

Massive resources

Free download of high-quality applications, games, music, videos, wallpapers, etc

App launch

tencent Boutique Games . Application preemptive experience, one step faster

   Mobile management

Accelerate mobile physical examination, backup data, and easily manage SMS contacts

Wireless connection

Innovative QR code scanning connection mode to get rid of data lines

Zero flow fast transmission

Zero flow mutual transfer of mobile phone resources, intimate sharing without burden

Software features

1. Massive applications and games
New columns such as daily selection, player recommendation and special topics will give you more interesting application

2. Personalized application recommendation
Add programs such as Guess Your Favorite, and Smart Recommend more apps that meet your preferences

3. Community based friend sharing
Add a personal center module, which allows you to collect favorite applications or share them with friends

4. Software performance improvement
Optimize software performance and improve browsing and downloading speed as a whole

usage method

   How does APP Bao upload files to mobile phones? And manage the files in the phone?
Click "My Phone" homepage or "Toolbox"“ file management ”, you can manage files in your phone.
There are two ways to upload files to mobile phones:
1. Select "File Management", click "Upload File" at the top of the window or right-click "Upload File" in the blank space of the folder to upload the computer folder to the phone at one time.

2. Click "Add" in the resource module of each category in "My Phone" and select the file to be added.
  How to download offline maps using App Store, and how to view them on your phone after downloading?
In "Toolbox", select "Offline Map" from third-party tools, and select Installed Map software Download the offline map. If no map software is installed, you can also select a map software you want to install and then download its corresponding offline map package. At present, APP Bao supports offline map download of 5 map software, including SOSO Street View Map, Tuba Map, Tiger Map, Baidu Map and Sogou Map.
Note: You don't need traffic to download offline maps on App Store.
Take the SOSO street view map download method as an example, enter the SOSO street view map offline map download interface, select the map package of "province" or "city" you want to download, and click Download.

When the download is completed, the gray tick and "downloaded" mark will be displayed, and the tick mark will be displayed to indicate the map that can be downloaded after clicking "download". The offline map that has been downloaded can also be deleted after clicking.

After the offline map is downloaded successfully, you can open the corresponding map software in your phone, find the offline map list in the map software tool, and then find the downloaded offline map.

Update log

0. The original Tencent mobile phone butler (PC version) was renamed as APP Bao;

1. New software interface and lightweight icon design make you refreshing;

2. Add a fake application detection module, so that there is no place to hide risk applications in mobile phones;

3. New webpage game module, hundreds of thousands of wonderful games let you play high;

4. Adjust the application market and mobile phone management portal to better fit users' usage habits;

5. Adjust the toolbox entrance, and the screen capture of the mobile phone and the anti-theft function of the mobile phone will gather together.

Boutique recommendation Address book backup software File transfer software between computers and mobile phones Mobile phone management software

more (59) >> Address book backup software The most troublesome thing about changing a new phone is the phone book. It is convenient to save the phone number directly into the phone card. If you save all the phone numbers in the phone without using the phone book backup software, you might cry faint if you add several numbers. Phone book backup software
more (51) >> File transfer software between computers and mobile phones It is often necessary to transfer the files from the mobile phone to the computer or vice versa. It would be a tragedy if there is no data cable. Fortunately, there are many software programs for transferring files between computers and mobile phones. As long as they are in the same LAN, they can transfer files quickly without data cables. Some magic devices do not even need the Internet
more (107) >> Mobile phone management software The main function of the mobile phone management software is to operate the files and systems of the mobile phone through the computer. There are many useless files in our mobile phones. Mobile phones can be deleted more quickly than computers. At this time, our mobile phone management software can be used. Because mobile phone management software can be very helpful

Download address

  • Application treasure computer version v5.8.3.5400 official latest version

    Local high-speed download

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    Tencent APP View details

    Tencent app v8.3.3

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    Application treasure computer version View details

    Application treasure computer version v5.8.3.5400 official latest version

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    Application treasure v8.3.3

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50th floor Jilin Changchun Changchun Normal University lilili Published on: 2017/2/8 20:31:12
Good, although it's not useful

support ( nineteen ) Building (reply)

49th Floor Zhejiang Unicom PC6 Netizen Published on: 14:41:46, July 5, 2015
Easy to use.

support ( nineteen ) Building (reply)

48th Floor Zhejiang Hangzhou Tietong PC6 Netizen Published on: June 15, 2015 14:11:38
Could not find a place to download music

support ( nineteen ) Building (reply)

47th Floor PC6 Netizen of Jiangsu Suqian Unicom Published on: 2015/11/19 20:43:52
Very useful

support ( fifteen ) Building (reply)

46th Floor Shandong Yantai Telecom PC6 Netizen Published on: 2015/10/8 16:28:49
Easy to use.

support ( sixteen ) Building (reply)

45th Floor American PC6.COM PC6 netizens Published on: March 6, 2015 19:37:47
360 mobile assistant is also good

support ( nineteen ) Building (reply)

44th Floor PC6 netizen of Hubei Xiantao Unicom Published on: 2015/2/28 20:13:00
Use it well. App Store is so easy to use.

support ( thirteen ) Building (reply)

43rd Floor Guest of Henan Xinxiang Henan University of Science and Technology Published on: 2015/2/1 14:51:49
Yes, it's very easy to use, support

PC6 netizen of Guangdong Education Network 2014/9/18 20:18:36

Hey, hey, easy to use

Guests of Shaanxi Education Network 2014/11/15 13:25:25

Ah, big

support ( twenty-one ) Building (reply)

42nd Floor PC6 netizen of Guangdong Chaozhou Unicom Published on: 2015/1/19 20:43:11
It's very useful

support ( twenty-one ) Building (reply)

41st Floor Hubei Xiaogan Unicom PC6 Netizen Published on: 19:12:58, January 7, 2015
Very good features.

support ( twenty ) Building (reply)

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