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newest Hottest Download Ranking Chongqing Toutiao Client Apple Edition v2.1.8 Qingdao News Mobile Edition v6.10.5 See Zhengzhou ios v1.0.8 Entry headline ios version v2.2.0 People's Smart Cloud iPhone v1.6.2 On cloud Zhongmou Apple client v2.4.5 Cloud State Apple Edition v2.5.0 On cloud community flag Apple version v2.4.7 Netease Dada app v1.2.4 NetEase likes to play apps v2.3.0 Xinhua News Agency app v10.1.0 Sohu Auto app v7.1.6 Netease game app v1.3.11 Netease Cloud for iPhone v6.2.10 Mobile version of Tencent News v7.3.02 Sohu News v7.1.40

Change Related recommendations Chongqing Toutiao Client Apple v2.1.8 Cloud Community Flag Apple v2.4.7 Guangzhou reference iPhone version v4.6.4 Zhangwu Rongmei Apple v1.0.3 PetroChina mobile platform ios version v1.0.18 Baidu Encyclopedia iPhone v5.3.11 Netease News Professional v108.0 Yidian Information IOS Version v7.0. v7.0.9 Sohu News v7.1.40 Netease News Client v107.0 Tencent News Mobile v7.3.02 ZAKER News Client v9.0 Xinhua News Agency app v10.1.0 Surging News v9.7.0 People's Daily v7.2.5.2 Netease Cloud for iPhone v6.2.10

 Chongqing Toutiao Client Apple Edition

Chongqing Toutiao Client Apple Edition

Usability index: five branch

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Grade: Type: IPhone news software Updated: 2024/05/26 19:17 size: 118.6M Version: v2.1.8 Language: Simplified Official website: None Author: None Apple Watch: no

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Recommended for you: IPhone news software

Software Introduction

Software label: Chongqing Headlines Chongqing app headline app

Chongqing Toutiao iPhone version is very easy to use Journalism Focusing on the app, users can view the latest and hottest local news in Chongqing, rolling around the clock, learn about major events at home and abroad, and support query transit metro weather , lunar calendar, etc., welcome friends in need to download and use on the green resources website!

Official introduction

Chongqing headlines focus on Chongqing, presenting Chongqing people's own stories in a carpet style. If you want to know Chongqing and play in Chongqing with more Chongqing people, appointment Chongqing, read Chongqing deeply, please join us to present Chongqing Headlines!

Chongqing Toutiao ios Features

1.7 * 24 push a large number of local headlines, domestic hot spots and international events, and know everything about the city at the fingertips.

2. Chongqing Toutiao is currently deeply rooted in Chongqing information client

3. Comprehensive coverage of hot information in 38 districts and counties of Chongqing

4. We present exclusive positioning for each user life Circle, one-stop life service, Intra city One click registration of activities, local make friends Encounter in real time, and more classified communities: mommy and babe, gossip shopping Collation Renting buy a house ? present save money Time saving new fashion in Chongqing.

Update log

V2.1.8 Update:

-Fix the problem that WeChat may not be able to share.

-Fixed some known problems and bugs.

Chongqing Toutiao Client Apple Version Related Version

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IPhone version

Chongqing Toutiao Client Apple Edition Type: iPhone news software
Size: 118.6M
Version: v2.1.8

View details Download Now

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Chongqing Toutiao Client Apple v2.1.8