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newest Hottest Download Ranking Cloud Dancheng app ios v2.4.7 Yunshang Huangchuan ios Edition v2.4.7 Jimu News Apple Mobile Edition v9.2.3 Guangzhou reference iPhone version v4.6.4 Guiyang Toutiao iPhone version v3.1.0 Xinhua News Agency refers to iPhone version v8.7.8 Hands wide view iPhone version (Huacheng+) v4.5.0 Zhangwu Rongmei Apple Edition v1.0.3 Netease Dada app v1.2.4 NetEase likes to play apps v2.3.0 Xinhua News Agency app v10.1.0 Sohu Auto app v7.1.6 Netease game app v1.3.11 Netease Cloud for iPhone v6.2.10 Mobile version of Tencent News v7.3.02 Sohu News v7.1.40

Change Related recommendations Guangzhou reference iPhone version v4.6.4 Zhangwu Rongmei Apple v1.0.3 PetroChina mobile platform ios version v1.0.18 Baidu Encyclopedia iPhone v5.3.11 Netease News Professional v108.0 Yidian Information IOS Version v7.0. v7.0.9 Sohu News v7.1.40 Netease News Client v107.0 Tencent News Mobile v7.3.02 ZAKER News Client v9.0 Xinhua News Agency app v10.1.0 Surging News v9.7.0 People's Daily v7.2.5.2 Netease Cloud for iPhone v6.2.10

 Cloud Dancheng app ios

Cloud Dancheng app ios

Usability index: five branch

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Grade: Type: IPhone news software Updated: 2024/05/25 18:05 size: 143.6M Version: v2.4.7 Language: Simplified Official website: None Author: None Apple Watch: no

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Recommended for you: IPhone news software

Software Introduction

Software tag: Cloud based Dancheng Dancheng Media app

The Apple version of cloud Dancheng client is a new financial media app for users in Dancheng County, Zhoukou, Henan Province. The software has been pushed for netizens Journalism information Information government affairs Comprehensive service functions such as handling affairs. Citizens can check the news and information they are interested in online through their mobile phones, make appointments, etc. Covered life Welcome to experience all kinds of information!

Software Introduction

Cloud Dancheng mobile client is the only official client built by our county, and it is a mobile new media integrated platform of "news+government affairs+services" that transmits government information, pays attention to social hot spots, and listens to people's livelihood demands. Gather the latest news resources, government service resources and livelihood service information of mainstream media in the county!

After successful installation and registration, users can listen and watch at any time and anywhere radio broadcast television program live broadcast , VOD, news information, government services, livelihood services and other latest information, enjoy fast and convenient services, and participate in interaction. It is hoped that the majority of mobile phone users can actively download and use.

Software features

1. Daily broadcast of local news in Dancheng.

2. Everyone is the creator of the news and expresses your opinion

3. Let you stay at home and enjoy life in Dancheng.

Introduction to the functions of Dancheng Apple on Cloud


Read Quwo People's Livelihood from a global perspective.

[Live broadcast]

All TVs and radio station live broadcast.


Bus route, stop, transfer query, real-time query of bus arrival, bus stop navigation, bus reservation remind And other functions.

Software highlights

1. Update the hot news, so that you can pay attention to important events and news at any time.

2. Let your mobile phone take you to the party site to participate in the interactive connection.

3. Local delicious food , video traffic Enquiries on convenient services such as routes.

Cloud Dancheng app ios version related version

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IPhone version

Cloud Dancheng app ios Type: iPhone news software
Size: 143.6M
Version: v2.4.7

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Cloud Dancheng app ios v2.4.7