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newest Hottest Download Ranking WeChat Enterprise iPad v4.1.10 Enterprise WeChat iPad v4.1.10 WeChat iPad v8.0.43 QQ iPad version v8.9.85 Little Love iPad v8.10.15 Sina blog iPad version v7.5.4 Alibaba Email iPad v3.7.3 Baidu Tieba iPad V7.0.7 Little Love iPad v8.10.15 Alibaba Email iPad v3.7.3 WeChat Enterprise iPad v4.1.10 Momo iPad version V8.5.2 Baidu Tieba iPad V7.0.7 Enterprise WeChat iPad v4.1.10 QQ Space iPad V8.7.5 WeChat iPad v8.0.43

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 WeChat Enterprise iPad

WeChat Enterprise iPad

Usability index: five branch

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Grade: Type: IPad social software Updated: 2023/11/09 18:33 size: 83.4M Version: v4.1.10 Language: Simplified Official website: Author: Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited manufacturer: tencent

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The iPad version of WeChat Enterprise Edition is an enterprise level communication platform created by Tencent for enterprises. The iPad version of WeChat Enterprise Edition can help enterprises improve the efficiency of internal and external instant messaging, establish enterprise information security management processes, and help enterprises improve their external brand image.

As early as 2014, WeChat launched the WeChat enterprise account. The positioning of Enterprise ID is the connector of enterprise Internet, hoping to unify the enterprise entrance with the help of Enterprise ID, and connect the enterprise online and offline ecosystem. In order to unify the enterprise's internal and external access, the enterprise number directly connects with the enterprise system, and adopts a completely open ecology. The enterprise can freely choose ISV manufacturers to customize and develop applications, not only to achieve internal collaborative management, but also to achieve enterprise mobile OA.

What's New

   WeChat enterprise app can manage enterprises on mobile phones without logging into the management background. The WeChat enterprise app selects WeChat friends and colleagues in the mobile phone address book, and adds them to the company address book with one click. You can directly set the clock in and clock out rules. It supports viewing the real-time statistical results of clock in, viewing details by department and clock in status, quickly enabling the required approval template, making it easier to set up, and you can send application messages.  

Approved by:

-Interface optimization and performance upgrade bring a smoother use experience.  

-Reimbursement templates support user-defined options and fields.  

-Approval records such as leave and going out can be filtered by leave and going out time in the management background.   

   The enterprise WeChat 2.0 version is updated, which combines the enterprise WeChat and enterprise account products, optimizes the clocking and background management functions, and improves the transfer rate of pictures and files. At present, in addition to text, information and voice, enterprise WeChat also provides video and other forms of communication.

Internal employees of the enterprise can download the independent WeChat client of the enterprise efficiently to work in an office Communicate effectively with internal colleagues with enterprise specific communication tools that are consistent with WeChat experience. Communicate effectively with customers and colleagues by telephone, video conference and email. Receive enterprise notifications in conversation messages to keep abreast of company developments. Use the office application on the workbench, and the tools needed for office work can be aggregated in one place to work efficiently.

Past developments

   WeChat Enterprise Edition has added three functions: approval, clocking and daily report. The above three functions are used differently based on different scenarios of different companies and enterprises.
1. Approval:

Add conditional approval. Administrators can define different approval processes according to different scenarios. In the management background, the approver is set as the address book label, and multiple people in the label approve a document in parallel. As long as one of them agrees, the document can be transferred. You can set that the approver cannot be modified when an employee submits an application. Add amount, multiple selection and detail fields in the user-defined template, and support drag sorting. New approval classification summary, to be done, submitted and copied at a glance

2. Clock in:

-You can add a custom location for clock in and clock out in the management background. The administrator can correct the location of the outgoing clock in, and the employee positioning judgment is more accurate. Optimize the display of the status of the clock in record, and make the abnormality more clear

3. Daily:

-You can comment on the daily reports you receive. It supports viewing and exporting history records in the management background, and can also set real-time report reminders

4. It supports setting applications such as clocking, daily report, approval, and the visible range of a single approval template, making application management more convenient

5. Group chat can be saved to the address book for easier searching

Basic Introduction

 WeChat Enterprise iPad

Software features

WeChat itself is a social contact If you add an instant messaging tool to the application, the product will become heavier and the entrance will be too deep. After the independent enterprise version of WeChat, on the one hand, it can reduce the burden of WeChat, on the other hand, it can supplement the IM function of WeChat enterprise account and provide users with a real one-stop office platform.

Compared to Nail Or other collaborative office software. On the one hand, enterprises use WeChat enterprise accounts to improve office efficiency within enterprises, and on the other hand, they can provide external services to benefit enterprises and connect them upstream and downstream. After the launch of WeChat Enterprise Edition, in addition to the fact that enterprises can still choose ISV manufacturers to develop applications according to their own needs, Tencent will also provide support for basic functions, including IM, to enrich and improve this mobile application office product.

 WeChat Enterprise iPad Download

Whether it's nailing, customer sharing, or red circle marketing, these software are basically designed to improve the efficiency of internal business or part of business, mainly for internal enterprises. The WeChat enterprise account and the upcoming WeChat enterprise version, while improving the internal efficiency, should also connect the enterprise's partners and customers, This includes accurate advertising and marketing after getting through to the service account, which are the advantages of WeChat.

With the launch of WeChat Enterprise Edition and its gradual integration with the enterprise account, WeChat Enterprise Edition not only has the determination to connect everything related to work, but also has unique resource support based on WeChat.

Update log

1. Add a new file disk, and you can access enterprise files on your phone at any time

-Edit/browse permissions can be assigned to different members

-Anytime access on iOS, Android, Windows and Mac

-Administrators can manage partitions and capacity in the management background

2. New iPad version for more comfortable experience

3. Approval optimization:

-After being opened by the administrator, approved approval documents can also be applied for cancellation

-Administrators can adjust the order of approval templates in the management background

4. Enterprise payment optimization:

-Approval documents involving reimbursement, purchase and expense can be used to pay employees

-It's easier to issue enterprise red envelopes

5. When forwarding messages on the computer, you can create a new chat Has

6. Administrators can easily invite members to use WeChat on their mobile phones

7. Punch in records of resigned employees can also be retrieved

Update log

v4.1.10 1、 Efficiency tools and basic experience optimization
1. Mail
-You can write an email to a colleague on his/her personal information page without asking for his/her email address.
-In group chat, you can send emails to group members, and their email addresses will be automatically filled in.
-When writing an email, you can select the department node in the address book as the recipient.
-When writing an email @ colleagues, the address list will give priority to the email recipients for easy selection.
-When replying to an email, you can add an attachment to the original email with one click as required after adding a new recipient.
2. Documentation
-Add an automatic process. You can set conditions in the intelligent form to automatically trigger operations such as modifying records and sending reminders. Collaboration efficiency can be improved through processes such as Record Modification Reminder and Scheduled Reminder View.
-The time bar of the Gantt view supports the display of the date calculated by formula or the referenced date. The date calculated by working hours can also be easily displayed in the Gantt chart.
-The grouping basis of Kanban view can be set as multiple selection, association or personnel column type. When tasks are assigned to multiple people, they can also be displayed separately in Kanban.
-Smart form announcements can be set to only modify the current view, so that different announcement contents can be configured for different views.
3. Meetings
-When you return to the main interface or the system main screen during the meeting, you can continue to watch the presentation in the meeting in the picture in picture mode.
4. Basic chat experience optimization
-Support users to increase the number of messages in the group from 1 to 5, and multiple important messages in the group will not be missed.
-Users can use "Back to Reference Location" to quickly return to the previous location after jumping to view the referenced message. It is more convenient to view the context in chat.
5. Management enterprise
-It supports adjusting the order of enterprises displayed in the enterprise list, which makes it easier to manage the enterprise list.
6. Clock in
-Only the specified exception type can be used to submit card replacement applications. Enterprises can configure according to different clock in rules.
-The experience of clocking in rule list is optimized. It supports viewing the effective number of rules, rule creators, and searching rules by creator, department/member, etc.
7. Personnel
-You can import salary tables in double header format, and you can also select to hide salary items that are blank or zero.

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-It supports viewing robot session records to understand robot replies, which can be filtered and viewed according to reception process, satisfaction and session ID.
-The mobile terminal supports intelligent auxiliary reception, and the robot will assist in manual reception, recommend the matched answer to the receptionist, and improve the reception efficiency.
2. Basic experience optimization
-After on-the-job inheritance and allocation, when the customer consults the original member, the system will automatically guide the customer to contact the new replacement member, and the customer service experience will be better.

3、 Enhanced enterprise safety management capability
1. Safety management
-After "Prohibit downloading and exporting files" is enabled in file leakage prevention, support settings that allow members inside or outside the enterprise to apply for download permission from the file owner, making file security control more flexible.
v4.1.9 Fixed some known issues.

Recent updates:

1、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-The new mind map can be used for task disassembly, brainstorming and other work. Many people record their inspiration and clarify their ideas.
-Add a new flow chart, which allows multiple people to draw flow charts, UML diagrams, swimlane diagrams and other diagrams together, and visualize complex steps with graphs.
-It optimizes the experience of applying for permission. Sending a message to the approver can quickly send documents for the other party to process.
-The presentation and jump logic of the report interface are optimized, and it is more intuitive and convenient to switch views and write reports.
-It optimizes the display mode of online document size. When the document is large, it will show the reason for taking up more capacity. It is more intuitive to understand the document size.
2. Mail
-When the sender and content of the message are at risk, it will prompt the risk and automatically hide the picture in the message to avoid trusting the content of the message.
-Nicknames that are at risk of forgery will be displayed directly as the sending address to reduce misleading.
-Unsafe links, viruses and malware that contain phishing fraud, viruses or malware in the email will be prompted of risks and blocked from opening, making it safer to read the letter.
-The Oauth login mode of exchange service is supported in the newly added mail.
-When writing an email, paste multiple nicknames into the email recipient column, which can automatically match the corresponding email address, making writing faster.
-After searching the mail, you can quickly swipe left to process it.
3. Clock in
-Support to view clock in statistics by week, which is more convenient to check data.
-You can set up a reminder to make up the clock the next day in case of abnormal clock in, so as to check and modify attendance in a more timely manner.
4. Robot
-The robot supports sending voice messages.
5. Management enterprise
-Users can remove/add an enterprise from the enterprise list. It is more convenient to manage the enterprise list.

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-It supports intelligent auxiliary reception. The robot will assist in manual reception, recommend matching answers to reception personnel, and improve reception efficiency. The receptionist can also quickly maintain the knowledge base and optimize the robot during reception.
-The receptionist can set a "timeout no reply reminder" to remind himself to reply to the message in time to improve customer satisfaction.
-You can quickly view the "Consulting" sessions in the session list.
-A single person can receive up to 200 customers at the same time.
-When the receptionist is busy or wants to take a break, the reception status can be set to temporarily suspended.
-The enterprise can set whether to display the manual link when the customer consultation hits the recommendation.
2. Basic experience optimization
-In order to facilitate the refined operation of enterprises, the number of labels has been increased to 10000; It supports search and tag setting; When mass sending messages and publishing circles of friends, it supports filtering customers to send or not to send by tags.
-The mass sending performance is improved, and messages can be sent to customers and customer groups faster; When enterprises need to send brand or activity information in groups, the number of customer groups that can be sent at one time has increased to 2000.
-When serving customers, specific messages can be referenced. You can also see the message referenced by the customer.
v4.1.7 Fixed some known issues.

Recent updates:
1、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-A wealth of templates have been added to the documents, including project management, daily and weekly reports, information collection and other scenarios, to help understand more document functions and facilitate daily work.
2. Smart Forms
-The "Association" column type can be set to display in the associated table. After setting, you can find and jump to the associated record from the associated table. It is more convenient to synchronize data between different sub tables. It is suitable for scenarios such as order and inventory management.
3. Microdisk
-You can select pictures and videos from the chat and upload them to the mini disk album quickly.
4. Mail
-You can preview and save the pictures in the mail.
-You can view the members of the mail group now.
-When writing a letter, you can view the contact details of the recipient.
5. Agenda
-It supports the addition of schedule team pieces, and it is more efficient to view the schedule.
6. Personnel
-A new payslip can be used to distribute salary data with one click, and employees can sign online for confirmation, so that the salary notice is more efficient.
7. Industry Information
-It supports "watching" information, and will show it to colleagues synchronously after watching, so that they can focus on industry hot spots and learn industry knowledge together.

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-FAQs for different scenarios are preset in the scenario knowledge package, and enterprises can add them to the knowledge base with one click.
-When customers click the customer service link on the webpage outside of WeChat, they can jump to WeChat to enter the customer service session faster and improve the consulting experience.
-When replying to the customer, the receptionist can add a description to the customer to facilitate follow-up.
2. Basic experience optimization
-When serving customers, you can select specific messages to reply. You can also see the message referenced by the customer.

3、 Enhanced enterprise safety management capability
1. Safety management
-The file opening speed and file preview size are optimized in the file leak prevention mode.
v4.1.6 1、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-A wealth of templates have been added to the documents, including project management, daily and weekly reports, information collection and other scenarios, to help understand more document functions and facilitate daily work.
2. Smart Forms
-The "Association" column type can be set to display in the associated table. After setting, you can find and jump to the associated record from the associated table. It is more convenient to synchronize data between different sub tables. It is suitable for scenarios such as order and inventory management.
3. Microdisk
-You can select pictures and videos from the chat and upload them to the mini disk album quickly.
4. Mail
-You can preview and save the pictures in the mail.
-You can view the members of the mail group now.
-When writing a letter, you can view the contact details of the recipient.
5. Agenda
-It supports the addition of schedule team pieces, and it is more efficient to view the schedule.
6. Personnel
-A new payslip can be used to distribute salary data with one click, and employees can sign online for confirmation, so that the salary notice is more efficient.
7. Industry Information
-It supports "watching" information, and will show it to colleagues synchronously after watching, so that they can focus on industry hot spots and learn industry knowledge together.

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-FAQs for different scenarios are preset in the scenario knowledge package, and enterprises can add them to the knowledge base with one click.
-When customers click the customer service link on the webpage outside of WeChat, they can jump to WeChat to enter the customer service session faster and improve the consulting experience.
-When replying to the customer, the receptionist can add a description to the customer to facilitate follow-up.
2. Basic experience optimization
-When serving customers, you can select specific messages to reply. You can also see the message referenced by the customer.

3、 Enhanced enterprise safety management capability
1. Safety management
-The file opening speed and file preview size are optimized in the file leak prevention mode.
v4.1.3 Fixed some known issues.

Recent updates:

1、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Meetings
-During chatting, you can also quickly book meetings, which can be used for internal and external meeting scenarios such as enterprise training, supplier exchanges, and external product introductions.
-After the conference is scheduled, you can easily get the conference invitation link and share it with colleagues, customers, upstream and downstream participants through chat, email, etc.
-During the meeting, you can switch to other login devices to continue attending the meeting. Switching between different meeting scenarios is more flexible.
-It supports inserting scheduled meetings into documents to facilitate unified management of project progress.
2. Mail
-Exclusive enterprise has been opened mailbox Users who send messages can be recalled in a timely manner.
-Attachments in favorite emails can be saved permanently after collection.
-Email contacts can be added to the address book to facilitate subsequent communication.
3. Industry information
-New industry information applications are added, hot articles are updated daily, and industry trends are followed.
-Enterprise members can read information together, express ideas quickly and interact easily.
4. Basic experience optimization
-When sending pictures in chat, 99 pictures can be selected at one time.

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-Many questions asked by customers and receptionists will also be added to the popular questions. The questions and receptionists' answers can be quickly added to the knowledge base to improve the efficiency of robot reception.
-The receptionist can more conveniently forward the documents, chat records, video numbers, etc. to the customers who are consulting.
v4.1.2 1、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Meetings
-During chatting, you can also quickly book meetings, which can be used for internal and external meeting scenarios such as enterprise training, supplier exchange, external product introduction, etc.
-After the conference is scheduled, you can easily get the conference invitation link and share it with colleagues, customers, upstream and downstream participants through chat, email, etc.
-During the meeting, you can switch to other login devices to continue attending the meeting. Switching between different meeting scenarios is more flexible.
-It supports inserting scheduled meetings into documents to facilitate unified management of project progress.
2. Mail
-For users who have opened a dedicated email address, the email sent by them can be recalled in a timely manner.
-Attachments in favorite emails can be saved permanently after collection.
-Email contacts can be added to the address book to facilitate subsequent communication.
3. Industry information
-New industry information applications are added, hot articles are updated daily, and industry trends are followed.
-Enterprise members can read information together, express ideas quickly and interact easily.
4. Basic experience optimization
-When sending pictures in chat, 99 pictures can be selected at one time.

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-Many questions asked by customers and receptionists will also be added to the popular questions. The questions and receptionists' answers can be quickly added to the knowledge base to improve the efficiency of robot reception.
-The receptionist can more conveniently forward the documents, chat records, video numbers, etc. to the customers who are consulting.
v4.1.0 1、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-Multi line text question editing ability upgrade. Support the insertion of pictures, tables, documents and microdisk files, and enrich the content of work reports.
-Comments support adding emoticons, and review interaction is more vivid.
-Draft supports multi terminal synchronization, which is convenient for switching and editing on different devices.
-It is more convenient to switch views on the mobile end.
-Deleted reports can be recovered from the recycle bin.
-In documents and tables, you can directly preview the videos in the microdisk to browse information more quickly.
2. Meetings
-In the conference application, you can view the recorded files more conveniently and set permissions quickly.
-When forwarding recorded files to chat, quick authorization is supported, and the setting of view permissions is more efficient.
3. Microdisk
-Open the file link on the micro disk without jumping to the web page, and you can view the file content directly.

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-When a customer sends inappropriate information such as harassment to the receptionist, the receptionist can choose to reject the customer's message.
v4.0.20 1、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-The table supports pivot tables. You can analyze and summarize data according to the specified dimensions simply by dragging.
-Insert a chart into the table, and support switching between scatter chart, area chart Map , composite graphs, etc.
2. Agenda
-The schedule description supports rich text editing to facilitate filling in and editing more abundant content.
3. Microdisk
-There is no need to download files, and videos in MP4, MOV and other formats can be played online.
-Microdisk files are forwarded to chat, which supports quick granting of permissions to chat members, making file sharing more convenient.
4. E-mail
-You can add labels to the mail, and easily classify the mail.
5. Clock in
-The home page shows the daily clocking status and monthly abnormal days, which makes it easier to apply for leave after card replacement.
6. Optimization of basic chat experience
-It supports the translation of web content, making multilingual office more efficient.
-The session list supports sliding left to delete sessions.
-After the iOS lock mode is turned on, you can also preview local files online.
-When you quit group chat, you can also clear the chat record.
-Support batch cleaning of group chat exits in "Settings - General - Storage Space".

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-When members are needed to help answer customer questions, customer chat can be transferred to them, and new customer chat will not be automatically assigned to them.
-WeChat users can quickly send goods or order cards when consulting customer service from the video number store, and reception staff can provide more accurate services after receiving them.
-The receptionist can view more detailed customer sources in the customer details, including the specific video number, store or app from which the customer initiated the inquiry.
v4.0.19 Fixed some known issues.

Recent updates:
1、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-WeChat customer service can be accessed in the video number store. After access, WeChat customers can initiate consultation on the store's commodity details page or order page. You need to log in to the "video number store management background" or enter "WeChat - video number - creator center - delivery center - video number store" to complete the access.
-Support to view the hot questions that customers ask more on the mobile phone and add them to the knowledge base.
-Support adding hot questions in the welcome message.
-The robot's reply can be customized when the knowledge base is missed. The reply content supports adding more questions from customers from the knowledge base or popular questions.
-It can be set that invalid questions or missing knowledge base will not be automatically transferred to manual.

2、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-New report:
-Members can fill in daily reports, weekly reports and sales performance according to the template, and report work progress upwards
-Managers can easily view and count the report content of members and understand their work progress
-Support the creation of more report templates to collect work reports from members
-You can directly initiate sharing on the top of the document, making it easier to share documents.
-The administrator approval authority can be configured for internal and external enterprises, which makes document management more flexible.
2. Meetings
-Support customized repetition rules to schedule periodic meetings.
-Calendar book selection is supported when creating and editing meetings.
-The conference list supports searching, which is more convenient.
-Meeting message and call notification support settings are free of interruption.
3. Agenda
-In the editing scenario, it supports the switching between schedule and meeting.
4. Microdisk
-You can like and comment on the micro disk album and interact with colleagues.
5. E-mail
-When reading a letter on the mobile terminal, the font of the message body can be enlarged.
-When the mobile terminal receives an email with multiple attachments, it can download all the attachments with one click.
-The email forwarded to chat can be replied and forwarded directly after being opened.
6. Workbench
-The workbench supports adding applications to the common bar, making it easier to use applications.
-The mobile end workbench supports search, and it is faster to find applications.
7. Clock in
-You can approve before clocking out.
-Out of office clocking records can be synchronized to the clock in and clock out, which is more convenient for checking attendance data.
v4.0.18 1、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-WeChat customer service can be accessed in the video number store. After access, WeChat customers can initiate consultation on the store's commodity details page or order page. You need to log in to the "video number store management background" or enter "WeChat - video number - creator center - delivery center - video number store" to complete the access.
-Support to view the hot questions that customers ask more on the mobile phone and add them to the knowledge base.
-Support adding hot questions in the welcome message.
-The robot's reply can be customized when the knowledge base is missed. The reply content supports adding more questions from customers from the knowledge base or popular questions.
-It can be set that invalid questions or missing knowledge base will not be automatically transferred to manual.

2、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-New report:
-Members can fill in daily reports, weekly reports and sales performance according to the template, and report work progress upwards
-Managers can easily view and count the report content of members and understand their work progress
-Support the creation of more reporting templates to collect work reports from members
-You can directly initiate sharing on the top of the document, making it easier to share documents.
-The administrator approval authority can be configured for internal and external enterprises, which makes document management more flexible.
2. Meetings
-Support customized repetition rules to schedule periodic meetings.
-Calendar book selection is supported when creating and editing meetings.
-The conference list supports searching, which is more convenient.
-Meeting message and call notification support settings are free of interruption.
3. Agenda
-In the editing scenario, it supports the switching between schedule and meeting.
4. Microdisk
-You can like and comment on the micro disk album and interact with colleagues.
5. E-mail
-When reading a letter on the mobile terminal, the font of the message body can be enlarged.
-When the mobile terminal receives an email with multiple attachments, it can download all the attachments with one click.
-The email forwarded to chat can be replied and forwarded directly after being opened.
6. Workbench
-The workbench supports adding applications to the common bar, making it easier to use applications.
-The mobile end workbench supports search, and it is faster to find applications.
7. Clock in
-You can approve before clocking out.
-Out of office clocking records can be synchronized to the clock in and clock out, which is more convenient for checking attendance data.
v4.0.16 Chat related optimization
-Messages in chat can be translated automatically, and can be translated into multiple languages, making cross language communication more convenient.
v4.0.12 1、 Continuous upgrading of WeChat customer service
1. Access scenario
-Available in video number live broadcast The shop window of Jianhe has been connected to WeChat customer service. After the access, the customer can click "Customer Service" to inquire about products and other related issues.
-The customer service assistant can be opened in multiple customer groups at one time by setting the customer group group template.
2. Robot
-When adding a knowledge base, you can add similarity questions.
-Support to view more questions asked by customers, which can be added to the knowledge base.
-You can view more robot statistics.
-Support to quickly enable robots, edit knowledge base and view data on mobile phones to improve the efficiency of routine maintenance robots.
3. Management and efficiency
-Enterprises can view the conversation records between receptionists and customers to understand the service and improve the service quality.
-You can add more questions asked by customers in the welcome message. After customers click on the question, the robot will automatically reply to the answer and efficiently answer the customer's questions.
-Welcome message for account allocation is supported.
-When the content sent by the receptionist is wrong, you can choose to withdraw it.
-Attachments such as pictures and videos can be added to the quick reply, making it more convenient to serve customers.

2、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-In the body and comments of documents and forms, you can @ everyone to synchronize important information to all document members.
-You can quickly start a group chat or meeting in the member panel of the document, which makes communication more convenient.
2. Meetings
-It supports flexible switching between types when creating a new schedule and making an appointment for a meeting.
-When the meeting is scheduled, the designated participants can be set to ring for more accurate reminders.
-The quick meeting initiated in the single chat session will automatically invite the other party to join, making communication more convenient.
-It supports calling unanswered members on the quick meeting card.
3. Microdisk
-It supports the selection of original images from the micro disk album and sending them to chat. It is more convenient to share images with colleagues and customers.

3、 Connect upstream and downstream for continuous upgrade
1. Upstream and downstream management
-The new function of upstream and downstream contact statistics enables you to view the chat data between upstream and downstream members and improve the efficiency of upstream and downstream organization and management.
2. Upstream and downstream communication
-The upstream and downstream contacts who have not downloaded the enterprise WeChat can also be used directly on the WeChat plug-in.
v4.0.10 Fixed some known issues.

Recent updates:

1、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-Message notification rules can be set to receive document messages more efficiently.
-Multiple administrators can be set for a document, which supports the joint modification of member permissions and security settings, making collaborative management easier.
2. Microdisk
-It supports the creation of shared photo albums and the sharing of pictures and videos with members inside and outside the enterprise, which makes it easier to record activities and group building images.
3. Meetings
-It is more convenient to book meetings in the agenda and email, check the free time of participants with one click, and select the meeting time efficiently.
4. Clock in
-Overtime supports card replacement. Forgot to clock in can also be replaced.

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-Send the QR code to the public account administrator to scan the code for confirmation, and then access WeChat customer service on the public account. After access, the customer can send a message to the public account or click the menu to initiate consultation, and the enterprise can uniformly reply on WeChat.
-The reception time supports the setting of working days, and each customer service account can flexibly adjust the service time according to needs.
2. Mass distribution assistant
-The content created by individuals can be sent to all their customers in one click, which makes customer service more efficient.

3、 Connect upstream and downstream for continuous upgrade
1. Upstream and downstream organization
-Support to quickly add external contacts and dealers or suppliers in WeChat friends as upstream and downstream contacts for unified management.
-You can view the progress of upstream and downstream invitations, invite enterprises and members that have not joined with one click, and create upstream and downstream address books faster.
-A single enterprise supports the creation of 20 upstream and downstream spaces, making it easier to manage business partners with rich roles.
2. Upstream and downstream cooperation
-You can use documents, live broadcasts, and meetings in the chat toolbar, so that upstream and downstream collaboration is closer.
-The live broadcast supports the setting of "only available to members within the enterprise and upstream and downstream members", which ensures the security of upstream and downstream live broadcast information.
v4.0.9 Fixed some known issues.

Recent updates:

1、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-Message notification rules can be set to receive document messages more efficiently.
-Multiple administrators can be set for a document, which supports the joint modification of member permissions and security settings, making collaborative management easier.
2. Microdisk
-It supports the creation of shared photo albums and the sharing of pictures and videos with members inside and outside the enterprise, which makes it easier to record activities and group building images.
3. Meetings
-It is more convenient to book meetings in the agenda and email, check the free time of participants with one click, and select the meeting time efficiently.
4. Clock in
-Overtime supports card replacement. Forgot to clock in can also be replaced.

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-Send the QR code to the public account administrator to scan the code for confirmation, and then access WeChat customer service on the public account. After access, the customer can send a message to the public account or click the menu to initiate consultation, and the enterprise can uniformly reply on WeChat.
-The reception time supports the setting of working days, and each customer service account can flexibly adjust the service time according to needs.
2. Mass distribution assistant
-The content created by individuals can be sent to all their customers in one click, which makes customer service more efficient.

3、 Connect upstream and downstream for continuous upgrade
1. Upstream and downstream organization
-Support to quickly add external contacts and dealers or suppliers in WeChat friends as upstream and downstream contacts for unified management.
-You can view the progress of upstream and downstream invitations, invite enterprises and members that have not joined with one click, and create upstream and downstream address books faster.
-A single enterprise supports the creation of 20 upstream and downstream spaces, making it easier to manage business partners with rich roles.
2. Upstream and downstream cooperation
-You can use documents, live broadcasts, and meetings in the chat toolbar, so that upstream and downstream collaboration is closer.
-The live broadcast supports the setting of "only available to members within the enterprise and upstream and downstream members", which ensures the security of upstream and downstream live broadcast information.
v4.0.8 1、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Documentation
-Message notification rules can be set to receive document messages more efficiently.
-Multiple administrators can be set for a document, which supports the joint modification of member permissions and security settings, making collaborative management easier.
2. Microdisk
-It supports the creation of shared photo albums and the sharing of pictures and videos with members inside and outside the enterprise, which makes it easier to record activities and group building images.
3. Meetings
-It is more convenient to book meetings in the agenda and email, check the free time of participants with one click, and select the meeting time efficiently.
4. Clock in
-Overtime supports card replacement. Forgot to clock in can also be replaced.

2、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-Send the QR code to the public account administrator to scan the code for confirmation, and then access WeChat customer service on the public account. After access, the customer can send a message to the public account or click the menu to initiate consultation, and the enterprise can uniformly reply on WeChat.
-The reception time supports the setting of working days, and each customer service account can flexibly adjust the service time according to needs.
2. Mass distribution assistant
-The content created by individuals can be sent to all their customers in one click, which makes customer service more efficient.

3、 Connect upstream and downstream for continuous upgrade
1. Upstream and downstream organization
-Support to quickly add external contacts and dealers or suppliers in WeChat friends as upstream and downstream contacts for unified management.
-You can view the progress of upstream and downstream invitations, invite enterprises and members that have not joined with one click, and create upstream and downstream address books faster.
-A single enterprise supports the creation of 20 upstream and downstream spaces, making it easier to manage business partners with rich roles.
2. Upstream and downstream cooperation
-You can use documents, live broadcasts, and meetings in the chat toolbar, so that upstream and downstream collaboration is closer.
-The live broadcast supports the setting of "only available to members within the enterprise and upstream and downstream members", which ensures the security of upstream and downstream live broadcast information.
v4.0.6 1、 Connect upstream and downstream for continuous upgrade
1. Upstream and downstream management
-Members can create and join upstream and downstream addresses on their own, helping enterprises build upstream and downstream address books faster.
-It supports inviting upstream and downstream contacts to join the designated group, without frequently sorting the address book.
2. Upstream and downstream groups
-A new "upstream and downstream group" application is added to quickly create, view and manage group chat for cross enterprise communication.
-In the upstream and downstream groups, group members show their enterprise identities, send messages to know that they have read but not read, directly initiate meetings across enterprises, and communicate and collaborate effectively with dealers and suppliers.
-WeChat users can scan the code directly and join the upstream and downstream groups as enterprises. After joining the group, WeChat users can also automatically join the upstream and downstream groups.
-Add upstream and downstream chat toolbars, quickly use application pages in single chat and group chat, and directly connect to the business system.
3. Permission control
-In upstream and downstream groups, external enterprises cannot be added as external contacts, nor can they initiate chat, so it is more reassuring to form large groups.

2、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Meetings
-Invite members to attend the meeting. You can view the attendance status and one click re call on the first screen to facilitate the convening of the members.
2. Documentation
-The folder supports adding members, and the other party can view them in the sharing list, which makes sharing and collaboration more flexible.
-Dynamic optimization of documents makes it easier to view new message reminders, and supports faster opening.
3. Email
-Mail can be sent regularly. On the letter writing page, you can select the sending time of the mail. It is more convenient to deliver the mail at the specified time.

3、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service
-WeChat customer service supports the creation of 5000 customer service accounts, which is convenient for enterprises to use flexibly.
-Members can obtain the access link of customer service, which can be configured to the public account, web page and other scenarios as required, and customers can click to initiate consultation.
v4.0.3 Fixed some known issues.

Recent updates:
1、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service can be accessed in customer group chat/customer single chat
-When members serve customers and need help from customer service to answer questions, they can actively recommend WeChat customer service in chat. Customers can click on their business cards to ask customer service.
-Members can also open the customer service assistant directly behind the customer group. After opening, the customer service assistant will be invited to join the group. Customers in the group @ customer service assistant. The customer service assistant will automatically send a WeChat customer service business card. Customers can directly consult WeChat customer service by clicking the business card.
2. WeChat customer service
-You can view the number of customers brought about by the upgrade service, including the number of customers adding specialists and the number of customers joining the customer base.
3. Video number
-You can recommend video number business cards to customers so that enterprises can better spread their brands or activities.

2、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Agenda
-The free/busy view can display the schedules in the Exchange and gmail calendar accounts added by employees.
2. Documentation
-You can modify the permissions of members in the document member list, making it easier to manage documents.
3. Microdisk
-The space administrator can turn on the file confidentiality mode. By default, files are only visible to space members, making storage more secure.
-You can invite external enterprise members and WeChat contacts to join the space.
4. Others
-Announcements can be sent to upstream and downstream enterprise contacts for more convenient notification.
v4.0.2 1、 Connect to WeChat for continuous upgrade
1. WeChat customer service can be accessed in customer group chat/customer single chat
-When members serve customers and need help from customer service to answer questions, they can actively recommend WeChat customer service in chat. Customers can click on their business cards to ask customer service.
-Members can also open the customer service assistant directly behind the customer group. After opening, the customer service assistant will be invited to join the group. Customers in the group @ customer service assistant. The customer service assistant will automatically send a WeChat customer service business card. Customers can directly consult WeChat customer service by clicking the business card.
2. WeChat customer service
-You can view the number of customers brought about by the upgrade service, including the number of customers adding specialists and the number of customers joining the customer base.
3. Video number
-You can recommend video number business cards to customers so that enterprises can better spread their brands or activities.

2、 Efficiency tools and basic optimization
1. Agenda
-The free/busy view can display the schedules in the Exchange and gmail calendar accounts added by employees.
2. Documentation
-You can modify the permissions of members in the document member list, making it easier to manage documents.
3. Microdisk
-The space administrator can turn on the file confidentiality mode. By default, files are only visible to space members, making storage more secure.
-You can invite external enterprise members and WeChat contacts to join the space.
4. Others
-Announcements can be sent to upstream and downstream enterprise contacts for more convenient notification.

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